Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1118 Departure


The clods that burst out fell down in front of my eyes, and hit the ground with a clatter, like a rain of soil particles.


Seeing the footprints sunk deep into the ground in front of them, and the circle of cracks and cracks extending from the footprints, everyone swallowed.

"Difficult... Could it be..."

Zong Mi turned his face around with difficulty, and looked at Yuze who was beside him, his lips quivered slightly, but he didn't know what to say.

"This... this is... people... people can..."

On the other side of Yuze, Heyin also stared slightly, her lips trembled, but the difficulty was that she couldn't finish her sentence.

"Could it be that... Chiba is actually a very, very powerful ninja?"

At the same time, like Heyin and Zongya, Yuze, who stared blankly, murmured.

"Good... so amazing..."

But at this time, in front of them, the six children had changed from their tearful eyes just now. At this moment, their small mouths were wide open, and their small eyes were staring like small copper bells, but besides these three words, I couldn't say anything.


At this time, on the other side.


In the dark night, Qianye shuttled through the vast forest, with the sound of the wind whistling in his ears, and he could already see the stars, moon and shadows in the distance, and he would be able to walk out of the forest in a short time.

Sure enough, relying on muscle strength alone, it only needs a relatively small amount of chakra to reach the first speed below the fastest speed.

Although I didn't count as crossing this forest, but in such a short period of time, I went through the forest, and the speed of the journey was a bit beyond imagination.

Even, in terms of chakra, the consumption is less than before.

The increase in physical strength is even greater than I imagined!

At this moment, some considerations flashed through his mind.

After all, the extent of his physical changes in this near-death resurrection is the largest increase in his body after he survived the near-death. The extent of this increase can already affect the extent of his regular combat.

That is to say, there will be a phenomenon that "the speed gap between now and before is too large, so that the situation is misjudged, resulting in various deviations in the attack", resulting in various situations that were originally impossible. Of course, in this situation, Basically, it is a bad situation, and it is even possible to lose your life because of a momentary misjudgment.

And this journey, after all, is to go through the battlefield, and he doesn't know when he will encounter enemy attacks and dangers. Therefore, he must grasp his own changes in the shortest possible time and adapt to the changes in his body. Otherwise, when encountering enemy attacks and dangers, his combat effectiveness will not increase but decrease compared to before.

These considerations now are indispensable.


And soon, he stepped on a branch at the edge of the forest, crouched down, but hid himself in the branch.

Although the moonlight was just right, the stars were shining, and the silver light was shining down, the outside world could not see that there was a person hiding here at all.

It can be seen that Chiba has entered the state very quickly. Although it feels like it has been a while since he has encountered a combat situation, Chiba has done everything related to combat perfectly.

At the same time, it can be seen that Chiba's current state is very good.


The night wind whizzed away, rolled up the grass waves in front of me, and stretched away, the silver waves wave after wave, but there was an endless feeling, as if you were in a sea of ​​grass.

This grassland... That's right, there are not many grasslands of this size.


Starting from this grassland, I only need to go all the way south to reach the range of the Konoha Army. At the latest at night tomorrow, I will be able to return to the range of the Konoha Army, and if I go all out, then it will take about two days... …No, in a day and a half, you may be able to return to the village. The current physical strength and my fastest speed will definitely be raised to a higher level. In terms of time, it will be shortened a lot.



This period of time flashed through his mind, apart from the scenes of the route back to the village that had been considered the most among the issues of legs, chakra and survival, Chiba quickly confirmed the route and worked hard to calculate the approximate time.

After about two or three days, he will be able to stand in the village.

Fortunately, after waking up, everything went well!

But thinking of this, Qianye couldn't help but glanced back, the scenes of the past ten days surged in his heart, although the faint sadness of parting had been suppressed by Qianye, he still felt a little sad in his heart .

Needless to say, the hard work of these children!

In terms of food, there is also a guarantee. In terms of time, there is no need to worry. As long as they work hard, no matter how poor their talents are, they will only be able to create chakra later and learn ninjutsu later.


Thinking about it, Qianye couldn't help frowning, and then sighed.

It would be great if Hirohiko was here, he could teach the children the ability to set traps, and the ability to set traps to prevent the enemy.

In this way, before they master chakra and the usage of chakra, they can also have greater protection.

However, he just sighed, and after flashing the thought that if Hirohiko was around, it would be more perfect, Qianye didn't worry too much about the future of these children.

On those papers with chakra usage, he also left a way of "playing pigs" for the children, and even left some psychological knowledge, plus the children obviously don't have chakra, if it is true If a ninja breaks in, you just need to try your best to meet the ninja's needs and hide the papers that use these chakras.

Generally speaking, except for Wuyin Village, the ninjas in the other four ninja villages basically have a certain conscience. Such a group of orphans must be civilians, who are not very threatening and live alone in the mountains. It has nothing to do with war. Generally speaking, as long as they are not abnormal, they will not do anything to them.

At most, they took away some food and survival supplies.

Otherwise, without this kind of thinking policy that ignores civilians, I am afraid that the total population of Naruto World will drop to an unproductive level.

This point, in fact, can be seen from "Nagato's Memories". Although Nagato's parents were killed by Konoha's ninja, the reaction of Konoha's ninja who killed Nagato is obviously the reaction of not wanting to hurt civilians. .

Otherwise, if ninjas attack civilians at will, I am afraid that the top leaders of major countries will be unable to do so. The foundation of the country is still civilians. Even the major ninja villages will be unable to sit still. Without civilians, there will be no productivity. Only relying on the ninja people, I am afraid that they will not be hungry if they all go to the fields. What kind of ninjutsu are you still playing, what kind of wars are you engaged in?

As for the various solutions to the situation encountered in this regard, Chiba also listed them for them, and these methods are placed on the first page. Before the children learn how to use chakra, the first thing they learn must be chakra. What to do after encountering a ninja in these various ways.

"Then, let's check it next. After all, you don't know if you will encounter a battle before, and you always need to know something."

Thinking of this, Chiba also put away her sense of loss, took out the imitation ninja bag she had given to herself with the chord plug, and began to check while there were still hidden objects.

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