I don't know how Kushina is doing now...

Chiba, who was carrying Xue Nai on her back, avoided the offices of various old scholars, and slowly stepped out of the hospital. After looking up at the sky, a beautiful red-haired woman flashed in her mind.

From Namikaze Minato's narration, he could sense that during this time, his teacher might not be doing very well, maybe even very badly.

Although she has a special status and is a Kyuubi's Jinchuriki, according to the leniency policy of Konoha Village Fire's Will, not only will she not be treated differently like other village Renchurikis, she will even be treated differently in material life. Get well guaranteed.

However, the feelings that Kushina poured into the three of them are far stronger than the feelings between ordinary teachers and disciples.

It can be said that throughout the entire original work, Chiba has not seen a team of masters and apprentices who treats disciples like Kushina.

As for Kushina, Chiba's feelings are also special. Although it doesn't involve the relationship between a man and a woman, every time he thinks back to the appearance of the seemingly weak woman who opened her hands and stood in front of her, giving her a fatal blow at the moment, He is always very fortunate that his teacher is the second generation of Konoha Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

It is because of this feeling like a relative that can give up his life for him that he completely opened the door of his heart, letting him know that when he comes to this world, he will get more than just chakra. A kind of magical power, and something that he pretended not to care about, but deep down in his heart he longed for it.

It can be said that everything he has now, the fetters with Hirohiko and Yukina, and the friendship with Kakashi and others are all because of Kushina.

Otherwise, if there is no Kushina, with his previous temperament, maybe he will be very close to Hirohiko and Xue Nai, and will establish a certain relationship of trust, but Kakashi and others, I am afraid he will not accept it.

Without Kushina, he would not have so many friends who can trust his back, and even, it would be impossible to win the trust of the third Hokage and the fourth Hokage, and be "loved" by many people.

It is precisely because of Kushina's emotional devotion that he walked out of the "self-world", thinking of "paying" for "friendship and trust", purely helping others, and winning the trust and friendship of others.

Otherwise, he would never take the initiative to intervene in the affairs of the village. When Kakashi and others came to play and communicate, he would coldly refuse, thinking that he didn't need anyone's help, and he would not accept anyone's help. Goodwill, in this life, he may always save a corner of his village in order to protect himself until the end of this life.

Don't go out of your own world, and don't go into other people's world.

It can be said that everything he has now, whether it is friends, Hokage's trust, or the obvious bias towards him in the ninja group, is all given by Kushina.

And now Kushina, I am afraid that he will suffer a lot because of the feelings he poured into the three of him.

After all, his three disciples.

One, "died on the battlefield", couldn't even find the bones.

One, suddenly went crazy, killed and wounded his own people, and was imprisoned by the village.

One, blind in both eyes, was hated by a big family like Hinata and was treated unfairly.

Of the three disciples, only one remained by his side, and he was still being bullied in front of him, and he was still unable to stop such a thing.

Chiba could hardly imagine what kind of torture this would cause a teacher who could sacrifice his life for his disciples.

The three disciples can be said to be three levels of torture.

Chiba doesn't think that Kushina will only risk her life for herself. Whether it is Hirohiko or Yukina, if they encounter the situation at that time, Chiba believes that Kushina will stand in front of them.

Now, among the three disciples, the one who died, the one who was crazy, the one who was bullied and the one who was bullied, Qianye knew her powerlessness and the pain it caused her without even thinking about it.

It was definitely more painful than when he saw Xue Nai being bullied!

And this pain is still three times!

Although according to Chiba's age, Kushina's age is actually not a few years older than him, and only a few years older than himself.

However, there are some things that have nothing to do with age.

In Chiba's eyes, Kushina is the best teacher. What she taught herself is something more important than ninjutsu.

At the same time, she is also like her relatives, like her sister.

At this moment, thinking of Kushina, Chiba was also full of worries, and even, he was a little scared, afraid of seeing Kushina.

He was afraid that he would lose control of himself when he saw Jiu Xinnai's appearance, and he was afraid that the reason he maintained now would not be able to maintain it when he saw Jiu Xinnai. As a result, he did something irreplaceable, which harmed himself, Xue Nai, Hirohiko, and even Kushina.

"Qianye, it's going to rain soon, hurry... hurry back."

And at this time, Xue Nai, who had been lying on her shoulders, suddenly raised her head slightly, and said.


Hearing this, Qianye was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously looked up. But I don’t know when, the sky that was still sunny just now, has been covered with a layer of gray at this moment, and the dark clouds that don’t know where come from have already covered the sky. It won’t be long before a heavy rain may come down .

"Have you brought an umbrella?"

After seeing this scene, Chiba glanced at the crowded commercial street behind him, then at the entrance of the village a little further away, and the road leading to the Japanese-style wooden house, and asked.


Xue Nai shook her head.

"Then let's hurry up."

Hearing this, Qianye's originally slow pace suddenly accelerated a lot.

Xue Nai's body always feels a little hot. I don't know if it's because of some illness that I'm hiding from me, or other side effects of the bird in the cage. I can't let her get wet in the rain.

At this moment, such a thought flashed through his mind.

Although there are clothes separating him, he can still feel the hot body temperature of Xue Nai along the way, and along the way, Xue Nai's heartbeat seems to be abnormally fast, and she seems to be a little listless. Qianye was really afraid that something might go wrong with Xue Nai.

Therefore, with this acceleration, he almost ran. To him, Xue Nai's weight was not as good as his previous weight-bearing props, and he didn't feel much weight when carrying her on his back.

After accelerating, he passed the last few houses in the village, and turned into the fork in the village, the fork leading to his home.

At this moment, the moment he turned the corner, his whole body suddenly froze, and he froze on the spot.

Now, it's over...it's over!

And at this moment, two long trails of dust and smoke slowly rose up around and behind the feet, elongated like snakes, and Qianye's face suddenly became stiff, as if a little terrified!

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