Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1188 Self-proof

turn out to be……

I see!

Also, in that case, when Chiba first came back to the village, he encountered martial law. With his character, he immediately paid attention to it. Although he didn't know the specific situation, it was normal to think about it immediately.

But in this way, what he did was only seemingly cruel, but the thinking behind it was in line with his temperament at the time.

Indeed, if the hands and feet were broken, even if the two ninjas of the Hyuga clan had backup, they would not save these two "encumbrances" with limited mobility, lest they themselves be buried in Konoha.

Moreover, these two ninjas from the Hyuga clan are indeed too suspicious. It is true that they openly attacked the ninjas of the village almost under the watchful eyes of everyone...

They were completely taken advantage of by Chiba!

I was really worried for nothing. From the very beginning, Chiba was actually standing in an invincible position. From the very beginning, the fault was on those two ninjas from the Hyuga clan. No matter what he did, even if he killed him on the spot Any mistakes, the current sensitive period, coupled with Chiba’s hard work to return to the village for half a year, and martial law when he comes back, the resulting vigilance and his "village first" thinking habits and character, the situation at the time, Chiba stopped the two, In any case, it is correct, no matter how "cruel" the method is, and whether it is kept or not, the lives of two people are left behind.

Well, taking advantage of this time, it's time to accept the current emotions of the Hyuga clan.

Besides, it was my mishandling of this matter that caused the current situation. In the final analysis, it is my fault as Hokage, and I did not take into account the party involved.

It's also time to free up your hands.

In the momentarily quiet Hokage office, Minato Namakaze let out a breath quietly. While he was relieved, he couldn't help feeling dignified and guilty.


Is...we wronged him?

Really, we...

But at this moment, looking at Chiba with sullen face, Mitomonyan's face had already stiffened, and waves of hotness rushed to his cheeks. At this moment, this person who had gone through the war, stood in the high-level position of Konoha, had all eyes on Hokage. A certain restraint, the veteran who is also known as one of the smartest group of people in Konoha, is a little bit embarrassed in front of that teenage boy.

Character becomes cruel?

Infected by killing and become a hidden danger?

Openly attacking the village ninja for no reason?

Blatantly betray the village?

totally not!

The behavior of this young man named Taki Chiba is exactly the same as that of him in the past. The starting point of everything is the village. Under the premise of not knowing all kinds of situations, it can be said that a case of "blatantly betraying the village" was solved perfectly. That seemingly cruel method was just a precautionary measure.

The situation at that time, let alone breaking his hands and feet, even killing the two Hyuga traitors on the spot would not be considered a crime!

Openly betraying the village is a great crime. Even if caught, it is basically inseparable from the word "death".

What's more, the young man's speculation also included such things as "backup", "accomplice", and "collaboration with the enemy".

In this so-called "trial", he had lost his composure like never before. He was misled by intelligence, and even wanted to convict a child who had made great contributions to the village indiscriminately.

This is simply a disqualification as a consultant!

At this moment, Mitomonyan almost wanted to find a hole in the ground to get in, his eyes were slightly shifted, but he dared not look into Qianye's eyes.

Hyuga Clan...

Could it be that this mutiny has caused some deterioration in its interior?

At the same time, the sleeper Xiaochun who was on the side of Mitomonyan turned her mind to the other side. Compared with Mitomenyan, the sleeper Xiaoharu was undoubtedly calmer. Although she also felt guilty towards Chiba in her heart, she paid attention to The point, but it is the words "Hyuga clan" and "traitor" in Chiba's words.

At this moment, he also closed his eyes and pursed his lips, looking cautious.

This kid really called black and white!

From the very beginning... from the very beginning, this kid was invincible...

He is waiting for me to speak!

Wait for me to speak!

And at this moment, even if Danzo's emotions and anger can't be expressed, and he can freeze his expression into a sculpture-like expression called "It's none of your business" and "The old monk is in meditation", his face is trembling at this time, almost unable to hold back .

The current situation, coupled with the series of sarcastic words from the kid before, undoubtedly "slapped" him in the face, as if he had turned himself into a clown, it was like lifting a rock to hit himself feet.

And this stone is destined to be very painful!

The kid's previous sarcasm was all for the Fourth Hokage to hear!

From the very beginning, he set up a trap, waiting for me to jump into it!

If I don't speak, it may be fine!

But as long as there is a trace of targeting, it is to jump directly into the pit!

While his face was trembling uncontrollably, although Danzo still managed to maintain the old monk's samadhi expression on his face, his heart was filled with surprise and uncertainty, and the corner of his eyes was fixed on the Fourth Hokage behind the desk.

There are not many with Zhuanzhu Xiaochun and Mitomonyan. Obviously, Danzo saw more things.

Elder advisors, are you speechless?

Good... so amazing...


This is simply too... too powerful!

At the same time, looking at those high-level executives who he believed deeply in the past and thought it was impossible to make mistakes, Hideo Sato felt like he was dreaming. Seeing Qianye's appearance, he also became unbelievable.

He even has a feeling that what he saw today, he can tell his grandson for a long time...

"Advisor, what do you think, according to the village's regulations, how should I be dealt with?"

And at this moment, after glancing at everyone, Chiba's gaze fell on Mitomon Yan's face, and he spoke.


Sensing Chiba's gaze, Mitomonyan's mouth twitched, his eyes suddenly turned away, but he avoided Chiba's gaze, and he was speechless in embarrassment.

Just now his attitude could be regarded as aggressive, the more aggressive just now, the more embarrassed and guilty he is now, even though Mito Monyan has been in a high position for a long time, he has a castle in his chest, and he can't hold his head up.

"You did the right thing. We blamed you. And, you did a good job in this matter. What you said is also right!"

But at this moment, Xiaochun, who was on the side, spoke bluntly, admitted his mistake, and affirmed Qianye's behavior.

This sentence was spoken frankly, if it was wrong, it was wrong, and if it was right, it was right, as if it was an apology to Chiba.

Turning to bed Xiaochun... Is this kind of person?

When he heard this sentence, Chiba was slightly taken aback, and Koharu's frankness was beyond his expectation, but Mitomonyan's performance was in line with his impression of Mitomonyan in the original work.

"So, what about Danzo-sama? Do you have any questions?"

However, astonished as she was, Chiba didn't stay on Zhuanju Xiaochun for long, and soon turned her attention to Danzo, and in her words, she bit the word "problem" very hard.

Obviously, this sentence is full of deep meaning, blatantly aimed at Danzo, and has a feeling of "Do you still want to tell the truth?"

This kid!

But this time, listening to Qianye's words, Danzang finally couldn't hold back his face, but no matter how angry he was, he could only hold back. Now it's him who is at fault, and even Xiaochun, who turned to bed, has already admitted Wrong, now he can't say anything except the word "no".

However, this sentence, no matter what, he couldn't say it, so he could only close his eyes and remain silent.

As soon as he said this, he always had a feeling that he would be crushed by this kid forever in the future.

"Okay, now that this matter has been clarified, according to the village's regulations, this is your contribution."

But at this time, Minato Namikaze suddenly opened his mouth and smoothed things over.

"Next, I have a job for you."

Then, a sentence that Chiba didn't expect, spit out from Namikaze Minato.

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