Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1201 Directly

As expected of the third generation of Hokage, it was just a deep breath, and they were all noticed.

Hearing this sound, Qianye looked up, and then answered "Yes".


Then, the feeling of stepping on wooden stairs sounded.

How do you feel, this staircase has a very old feeling?

As the steps went up step by step, Qianye couldn't help but have such a thought in his mind.

"Squeak... squeak..."

And just after his thought flashed, some other sounds slowly mixed into the sound of his feet stepping on the stairs.


This staircase is very old.

At this moment, the corner of Chiba's mouth twitched slightly, confirming that the feeling of being very old is not a feeling, but a reality.

Speaking of which, compared with Hyuga and Uchiha, the Sarutobi clan is not only very low-key in the village, but also very low-key in their clan.

Following this confirmation, Qianye couldn't help thinking about the way he came here just now. Compared with Hinata and Uchiha, the buildings of the Sarutobi clan he saw, at best, have a sense of age, at worst To put it bluntly, it is old, very old, basically no new buildings can be seen, and the paint on the doorposts of each building is mottled, as if, from the date of completion of these buildings to the present, there is basically no No refurbishment or anything like that.

This is actually beyond Chiba's expectation, the Sarutobi clan is also one of the most powerful clans in the village, so it's fine to keep a low profile outside, it may be the Sarutobi clan's principle of doing things, concentrate on doing things, and don't think about other things.

However, the place where I live, the old appearance, it is true to say that it is the clan land of the big clan, and it looks like the building complex is relatively large, and it is also the size of Hyuga and Uchiha in the village, but although it is not dilapidated, but The old appearance is really sorry for the name of a big family.

It still has a legendary ninja like Sasuke Sarutobi, and a generation of Hokage who has influenced Konoha deeply.

Originally, Chiba thought, this Sarutobi clan is low-key and low-key, but after all, it is a big clan, and it may even be the largest clan under Konoha Hyuga and Uchiha now, and this clan may not be worse than Hyuga and Uchiha However, after this observation, the Sarutobi clan is really different from what he imagined.

And as Qianye went upstairs step by step, bursts of murmurs continued to come from the front. It sounded as if the third Hokage upstairs had encountered some trouble and was hesitating, or thinking.

Could it be that it's really the dual Hokage mode?

Hearing this and the sound of groaning, Chiba couldn't help but have such a thought in his mind. Before that, he was thinking about the dual Hokage mode of the third and fourth generations, and this mode can be said to be beneficial and harmless. First of all, Hokage is not a king. , there is no need for a single family to dominate, and there is no need for the third generation and the fourth generation to fight for power. He is willing to retire, and the fourth generation came to power at this time. , and in the prime of life, the strength is also strong. At this time when the external aggression is still unresolved and the internal worries are still there, a young and powerful Hokage is much more beneficial than a Hokage that is going downhill. With confidence, ninjas also have a deterrent effect on the outside world. It’s just that the new Hokage is young after all, and it’s such a critical period. A small mistake may cause a huge adverse reaction, and may even affect the current situation of Konoha. Here, the old Hokage provides some experience. Can effectively avoid some unnecessary mistakes.

And this kind of help from the old Hokage in the dark can easily help the new Hokage establish a more wise image in front of the public. After all, when he came to power, he handled all government affairs perfectly without any mistakes, just like he has handled countless government affairs. This "miraculous" performance can also convince the subordinates, and some unstable factors in the village will also disappear because of this miraculous performance.

It can also give the villagers and ninjas greater confidence. With greater confidence in the villagers and ninjas, it will not be easy for the enemy to attack people's hearts. In the current situation, if they can't attack people's hearts, then what the enemy can do is basically No more, it is also an effective way to prevent the enemy from making small moves.

After all, no matter how popular expectations are, when you make a mistake, what you should do or what will happen, Hokage's mistakes will still make the people feel disappointed, and when the disappointment reaches a certain level, it will be bad.

Although Qianye's Hokage mode was a bit whimsical before, it is not impossible.

But now the deep groaning of the third Hokage made Qianye feel a little bit sure.

After all, the third Hokage is recuperating now, if it wasn't for the dual Hokage mode, then why should the third Hokage be so distressed.


And following his thoughts, Qianye finally stepped up the corridor and entered the rather large recuperation room of the third Hokage.

This chair must have appeared in the original work!

Then, the moment the footsteps were stepped down, Chiba's eyes fell on the chair.

This chair that blocks the figure of the third Hokage is exactly the same as the seat where the third Hokage sat when he appeared in the original Nine Tails Rebellion.

"Hmm... is this good, or is that good?"

At this time, the meditation of the three generations of Hokage can already be distinguished, and the three generations of Hokage seem to be in a dilemma about what to choose.

"Three generations of Hokage-sama."

Hearing this embarrassing murmur, Chiba's face didn't change much, and he didn't have any thoughts about the "Double Hokage Mode" in his mind. At this moment, he had already started to think about how to bring the topic to the Seal of Curse.

"Oh, Chiba, you're here, don't stand there, come here."

Hearing this sound, Sandai Hokage, who was bathed in the sun, seemed to put down something, slowly stood up from his seat, turned around, and waved to him after seeing Chiba's appearance.


To this, Qianye responded without hesitation, and walked over directly.

"Come to see me today, what's the matter?"

After Chiba walked in front of him and stood behind the table in front of him, facing him, Sandai Hokage motioned for Chiba to sit down, and at the same time he also sat down on the soft chair, and asked like this .

From the looks of it, he didn't have any missing arms or legs, nor did he appear to have suffered any injuries, and his complexion was good. Even in terms of body shape, this child may have grown a lot!

Surviving a near death this time made him stronger!

And in his mind, such a relieved and gratified thought flashed through his mind.

"Well, yes, this time, I have two things."

Chiba pursed his lips for the question of the third Hokage, but he spoke straightforwardly. Since the third Hokage asked this question, he didn't need to beat around the bush, and now he doesn't have the intention to beat around the bush.

"Oh? Tell me."

Hearing Chiba's straightforward words, Sandai Hokage smiled slightly, showing a kind smile, and said.

Compared with the third Hokage before leaving office, the third Hokage at this time has seven points less majesty, but eight points more kindness, as if, what is in front of Chiba at this moment is not the third Hokage, but a An ordinary and kind old ninja from Konoha.

"The first thing is to see how the situation of the third Hokage is going, but now it seems that I don't have to worry about it."

What the third Hokage said in the final draft, Chiba spoke truthfully.

His complexion is very good, and he seems to be in good spirits. The disease is probably cured. Fortunately, there is no irreversible situation after overwork.

Originally, his original intention of coming this time was to see the situation of the Three Hokages. At this time, he observed the words and deeds, but he was relieved.

"So, what about the second thing?"

Regarding Chiba's words, the third Hokage smiled even more, and then asked.

"Second thing, I want to ask about the spell seal."

Taking a breath slightly, Qianye opened her mouth without hesitation.

Without beating around the bush, be straightforward and frank!

Facing the Three Generations of Hokage, all excuses are false, so it is better to speak out openly and ask for advice with a magnanimous heart, and cover up, but it will have the opposite effect.

Let's talk about what's wrong next!

At this moment, all the thoughts in Qianye's mind converged into this sentence.

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