Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1215 All the Way


Chiba, who had slept peacefully all night, slowly opened her eyes amidst the patter of heavy rain, sat up slowly, and in her slightly sleepy eyes, the reflection slowly appeared outside the window. The heavy rain was pouring down, and the air was filled with the unique dampness of rainy days.

Before he knew it, the last trace of drowsiness slowly dissipated under the stimulation of the sound of rain and dampness.

A feeling of refreshment slowly surged up.

Sure enough... it's raining!

Looking at the rain scene outside the window, such a thought naturally flashed through Qianye's mind, and then his eyes fell on the clock hanging opposite the bed at some point.


According to the pendulum on the clock, the concept of time slowly emerged in his mind.

So, next...

As the concept of time emerged, Chiba got out of bed, put on the clothes at the side, and went downstairs.

Today, starting from this point, he still has a lot to do.

"Good morning."

When I went downstairs, I saw Kushina who was preparing a bento. Seeing Chiba, Kushina who was sitting behind the low table closed the bento box, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Good morning, Teacher Kushina."

To this, Chiba hurriedly responded.

Did Xue Nai not go downstairs?

Are you still in a coma, or... can't go downstairs, or don't want to see me?

But in his heart, there were doubts and worries about not seeing Xue Nai.

"Don't worry, you go wash up first, Xue Nai woke up last night, she's much better now, and her mood has stabilized, she just fell asleep in the early morning, and she hasn't woken up yet."

At this moment, as if seeing Qianye's doubts and worries, Kushina warmly said.

"Yes, I'm going right now."

After hearing Jiu Xinnai's words, Qianye was slightly taken aback, then went directly to the washing place, seemingly relieved.

I woke up yesterday, and my mood has stabilized... So, did Kushina enlighten Xue Nai yesterday until the early morning?

While walking, there was such a thought in his mind.

However, after hearing that Xue Nai's mood had stabilized and fell asleep and hadn't woken up yet, Chiba was still relieved. After all, he was still quite afraid of facing Xue Nai who knew about Nao's death. He didn't know what kind of mental state Xue Nai would be in, and he didn't know how to comfort Xue Nai, because he didn't know how to comfort him, so he was afraid to face it.

And now, about Xue Nai's grief, Kushina is already solving it. This thing that he is least good at and afraid of facing can already be solved. For him, it also reduces a great burden.

At this time, he only needs to face today's first day as Hokage's assistant.

In this relieved situation, Chiba quickly finished washing, and when he returned to the living room, Kushina had already put away the bento and placed the breakfast on the low table.

"Just put it away after eating. When I come back to clean up, remember to bring the bento. The Hokage office is not responsible for food and beverages. It's raining outside. I'll put the umbrella here for you."

Then, after doing all this, Kushina left Chiba who was standing blankly beside the low table, put the umbrella at the door, and walked into the rain curtain wearing a poncho-like cloak. It disappeared from Chiba's sight.

As for Qianye, he looked outside the door, then at the hot breakfast on the low table, and at the three-tiered lunch box wrapped in a cloth bag, and blinked.

Kushina feels a little rushed today...

A slightly surprised thought flashed through Qianye's mind.

However, after the thought flashed by, Chiba walked to the front of the breakfast and sat down. Although he felt that Kushina was in an uncharacteristically hurried manner, he knew why Kushina was in a hurry, and he was not very surprised.

After all, she is going to solve the problem of learning the spell seal for herself in the third Hokage, and she has to solve it before he gets off work today. Although she doesn't know what Kushina will do, but in terms of time, naturally the sooner she starts to solve it the better.

Then, after eating breakfast and dipping the bowls and chopsticks into the sink in the kitchen, Chiba picked up the three-tiered bento and took the umbrella by the door. With a bang, the umbrella opened, After closing the door, Chiba also walked into the rain curtain.


Amidst the sound of raindrops hitting the umbrella, Chiba walked all the way, and soon passed through the bustling area, walked through the shops that were undergoing renovation, waiting for renovation and demolition, and were still operating normally, and walked to the Hokage Building.

It seems that the enthusiasm of the ninja group is also very high!

And this is what impressed him the most along the way.

Along the way, due to the time being a bit early and the rainy weather, there were basically no pedestrians on the street, but Chiba could still see that the young ninja who should be on the post was still on the post, some secret sentries he knew Although it is a heavy rainy day, the ninja who should be on duty is still on duty, and the secret sentry who should perform the security mission is still performing the security mission. Moreover, from the eyes of the ninja on duty in the roadside rain, Chiba has nothing but In addition to seeing the unavoidable surprise and "really alive" eyes because of seeing himself, he can also see eyes full of responsibility and enthusiasm. Obviously, under the leadership of the Fourth Hokage, the ninja group He is full of energy and enthusiasm, which cannot be extinguished even in such a heavy rainy day.

For this, Qianye naturally applauded secretly, but at the same time, she was also a little helpless.

It seems that after I take the post of Hokage's assistant, I can't take time off!

Yes, this helplessness was aimed at what he was going to do next, Assistant Hokage.

The enthusiasm of the ninja group is high, which means that the ninjas are very active, and the whole ninja group is in a positive atmosphere, and after he becomes Naruto's assistant, he will also integrate into this ninja group. It doesn't fit in with this positive vibe.

That is to say, after taking office, he has to work hard.

Even if he is not willing to work hard, it is estimated that due to the positive work of the ninjas, he will have to be busy with the various tasks that the assistants should do, and he seems to be working very hard.

I don't know if I did it right or wrong!

Accept the job...

And when he stepped into the Hokage building and put down his umbrella, he thought helplessly in his heart.

After entering the Hokage building, Chiba went to the Hokage office with ease.


And soon, the door of Hokage's office was slowly pushed open by Chiba.

"Oh, Chiba, you're here!"

Then, just after the door of Hokage's office was pushed open to a certain extent, the gentle voice of Namakaze Minato rang out.

This is?

At this moment, Chiba, who could see the inside of Hokage's office through the opened door, slowly opened his eyes wide amidst the gentle greeting.

At this moment, Qianye's face was filled with astonishment!

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