I see……

It is summarized once a month.

That way, it won't take that much time.

With the beginning of the assistant's work, Qianye also gradually let go of the doubts in his heart. After all, his own guesses can't get any good explanation or response for the time being. Instead of being distracted by doubts, it is better to enter the assistant's office During work, enter the working state as soon as possible, which can also save more time.

And after starting to work, Chiba was still a little dazed at first, but most of the assistants were doing summary and sorting work. Although he had no experience, it was not difficult to summarize and sort out, and all the materials were ready-made, so there was no Too much difficulty.

Moreover, he also found that it is a bit exaggerated to carry the General Affairs Office on his back. Those financial statements and the like are actually sorted out. He only needs to summarize and make a record and record. It's not a big deal .

The main time is spent on the intelligence of the intelligence department. For a ninja village, intelligence is the most important thing. However, compared with financial statements and the like, intelligence and the like are not much complicated and complicated. It's complicated, as long as you know more, you have a general idea of ​​the work of the village's intelligence department in your heart, and it's not difficult to sort it out. It is not difficult to put forward comprehensive information.

It can be said that Chiba's previous guess about this assistant position was wrong. At the beginning, this position would be a little difficult because she didn't understand the situation and didn't have a general idea in her mind. In terms of new information, it can actually be regarded as a half-job.

However, the job is very random. After all, information cannot always come at a fixed point and time. In an emergency, even if you are off work, you have to go to work.

However, as a ninja profession, there are basically emergencies. No matter what the situation, unless the task cannot be carried out, no matter what you are doing, rest or entertainment, you have to go to work. In fact, there is no big difference.

This also reassures Chiba, this job is not as short of time as he imagined.

Of course, it is definitely not as good as before when it was protected by the Three Generations of Hokage policy, only performing tasks randomly, and most of the days at home are idle, but it is not true that there is no personal time at all.

Before, Namikaze Minato also said that assistants have vacations. Although the number of vacations is not many, it is considered a rare privilege among ninja groups.

In addition to these, Chiba also has considerable authority.

Basically, he can call all the documents and materials in the village, unless it is a top-secret document that only Hokage knows, he has the right to read all the top-secret documents and some of the top-secret documents.

Furthermore, Namikaze Minato has given him the right to handle some matters by himself.

It can be said that Qianye has really entered the political department of the village, and unlike other assistants, he has a certain right to speak. Since returning to the village, he has changed from a son of a traitor despised by everyone to a Hokage's most trusted confidant.

Isn't it a bit rash for Namikaze Minato to do this?

And at this time, when he started to do part of the work and gradually began to feel comfortable, Qianye also had the time to think about some things he had put down because of work just now.

If he was only assigned the position of an assistant agent, or if he intends to train him to become an assistant, Qianye would not be so suspicious. Everything he has done so far and the situation he has shown are also qualified to be an assistant. .

However, some things can be handled by themselves, which is definitely a bit out of line. This kind of feeling is almost the situation of cultivating the heir of Hokage. Chiba thinks that Namikaze Minato is rash.

As for the implied meaning of Hokage's successor, Chiba has already denied it. Anyway, it is impossible to start training Hokage as an assistant not long after the Fourth Hokage succeeded to the throne. It's not Konoha's tradition, and he bears the title of "son of a traitor", so it's impossible for a son of a traitor to be Hokage.

For Hokage, popularity is also very important.

Even, the reason why Namikaze Minato was able to win against Orochimaru was because of his popularity despite his inferior qualifications.

And even if he is really appointed as Hokage, Zhuanju Koharu and Mito Menyan will definitely not agree, and their restrictive force as Hokage is a bridge between the village and the daimyo, and Hokage still needs the appointment of a daimyo, As long as these two elders do not agree, I am afraid that Namikaze Minato will not be able to perform the appointed action.

Before, when I appointed myself as Hokage's assistant, although Koharu and Mitomonyan were in a state of having nothing to say, they didn't have any feelings of resistance, which can be said to be acquiescence.

This is obvious, although this move seems to have the tendency to cultivate him as the successor of Hokage, but it only seems that this may be a reform of Namikaze Minato. The first, second, and third generations all experienced overwork. Hokage even died because of this. It is an indisputable fact that Hokage shortened his political life due to overwork, and it also has great disadvantages. It may be that Namikaze Minato's reform for this item. During this period of time, the village is also undergoing a big change. , and is also doing some expansion plans, and we can also see Namikaze Minato's intentions. It is normal for there to be some reforms for the future governance of the village.

It's just that this will hand over the power of self-handling to the assistant, and let a person who can already control all aspects of the village take over some real power. This reform is really ill-considered. This sharing of affairs, even if it is a trusted confidant, cannot be done like this do it.

It is easy to plant the seeds of disaster.

Take some time, shouldn't you talk to Namikaze Minato about this right of self-disposition?

And thinking of this, Qianye couldn't help but have such a thought in his heart, and after this thought appeared, he couldn't help but feel that he really had to choose a time to talk about this matter.

Reform is good, and it is indeed to prolong Hokage's political life and even natural life, but this kind of reform that can easily bury the root of disaster cannot be used. If ambitious people in the village take advantage of this reform, the consequences will be really disastrous.

For Qianye, this kind of separation of powers and then leading to disasters is not uncommon in the history books of previous lives.


The information is almost finished, and the report from the general affairs side is almost finished... Next, it's almost time for dinner.

And with the decision in his heart, Qianye took a look at the work in hand. It may be because of the first day, his workload was not much, or in other words, under his adaptation speed and processing speed, these tasks Quantity, not much.

This morning, he has already dealt with it in sevens and eighties.

It seems that it is not as bad as I imagined!

At this moment, Qianye felt slightly relieved.

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