Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1225 Visitation


The sound of footsteps echoed in this originally quiet corridor composed of pitch-black pipe walls. Qianye walked forward slowly, without the night vision ability of the door-damaging mode. In this dark night, the corridor was almost dark. In the middle of the road, Qianye walked very slowly, occasionally supporting the wall of the pipe.

But his face was frowning, with a slight bitterness on his face.

The corridor of this confinement room is really too dark, and although he would touch the door of the confinement room on the wall of the pipe from time to time, under such darkness, he would never know that he touched it. The door of the brig was not the door he was looking for.

Moreover, regarding the reference of Hongyan's location specifically pointed out by the guards, the confinement room he was in charge of before, it was all a few years ago, and at that time he was so absorbed in studying and practicing that he didn't take confinement and reflection seriously at all. , How can I remember where my confinement room is.

In other words, the current him doesn't know where he should go, but there is no fork in the road yet, so he can only go forward like this.

As for the shock about the identity of the guard caused by the guard's warning to him "don't cause trouble, he will be imprisoned", it has been completely replaced by a slight anxiety that he doesn't know where to go.

Now Chiba's attention is no longer on the question of who the guard is.

Haven't arrived yet?

It's been ten minutes since I walked out. When I walked out of this confinement room, how long was it?

Xue Nai's shadow has not been seen, is there still a certain distance?

Is it really that far?

And as he walked out step by step, such a slightly urgent thought slowly floated up in Qianye's heart.

Although he doesn't know the way, Chiba is not worried about the direction. Firstly, he has to go straight anyway. Secondly, Xue Nai just went there in a trap. If he walks to a similar location, Xue Nai will definitely say hello. It's time to follow Xue Nai's voice and go there.

Now, Xue Nai has not made a sound, which means he is still far away.

However, eagerness is still eagerness, his pace did not speed up, and he still maintained a safe speed that would not hurt too much even if he bumped into it.

"Chiba, go this way."

After walking for a while, he wiped the air in Qianye's hands, and when he came across a turning, Xue Nai's voice came from not far away.


To this, Qianye responded, and then turned around when Xue Nai's voice came.

Then, next, think about it again, the wording that should be used later, first of all...

And following Xue Nai's voice, Chiba's eager mood did not change because of getting the right direction, and even, because of the approaching situation of Hirohiko, his mood became heavier instead.

The direction to open the breakthrough is the eyes.

If you want to talk to Hirohiko, he refuses to talk. He starts with his eyes, and starts with a very casual "How are your eyes getting used to?" What killed Nao was an almost earth-shattering emotional impact, and he should have been able to use Nao's Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

When it comes to eyes, it is impossible for him to remain indifferent.

Moreover, he still doesn't know that his eyes are Nao's. Here, if he still doesn't reply when he mentions the eyes, then he can say "Your eyes belong to Nao. It was Nao who asked me to transplant them to you when he was dying". To further stimulate his emotions and force him to speak.

After that, he should be more or less inclined to talk because of Nao's eyes.

However, if he still refuses to talk and engages in autistic behavior, then you can use "Do you know why Nao gave you these eyes?" " lie, let him find the goal of survival in Nao's "last wish".

And he should know the strength of his brother, the real murderer who killed Nao. With this goal, hatred will drive him to live well, and continue to become stronger for this goal.

Here, I also need to cleverly add myself to avoid Hirohiko's thinking of dealing with his brother alone. However, here I only need to assist the role from the side. In this way, with me by the side, I will give proper guidance. Keep him from going astray.

And his brother is a traitor of Konoha after all, and he is a person who can make his own brother kill his favorite person and goug his eyes. This traitor is definitely Konoha's enemy. Here, just a little guidance, It's not hard to make Hirohiko's behavior fit Konoha's interests.

In this way, you can kill two birds with one stone.

With the heavy footsteps and heart, Qianye went through the worst-case coping method in his mind again.

As for this coping method, Chiba will naturally not be like Naruto's "even if he breaks his hands and feet, he must be brought back" which sounds cool, but it is actually very naive. As long as you keep pestering like Naruto, you can get the result you want by "moving with emotion, understanding with reason, and hitting him with the last punch".

On the contrary, Qianye is not only not naive, but also quite unscrupulous.

Obviously, what he did was to create an outlet for Hongyan to vent his hatred, grief, guilt, self-blame, etc., so that Hongyan could come out by himself.

And this outlet is Hirohiko's elder brother who is the culprit.

It can be said that Chiba doesn't believe that "love" can melt "hatred" at all. On the contrary, he uses "hate" to achieve the goal of eliminating "hatred". Use darkness to eliminate darkness, not use light to dissolve darkness.

Compared with light dissolving darkness, according to the current situation, it is more realistic and efficient to use darkness to eliminate darkness.

The greatest "love" and the greatest "brightness" in Hirohiko's heart have been transformed into the greatest "hate" under Nao's death at this moment, that is, the greatest "brightness" has been transformed The "darkness" that was enough to distort Hirohiko was created, and Qianye is now going to use this "darkness" that is enough to distort Hirohiko to let Hiroko get out of this "darkness" that is enough to distort him.

As for the brother of Hirohiko who is the culprit, Chiba is also very confident that he can attract this "hate", this "darkness", and he also has the strength to support this hatred and darkness within the required time, so that Avoid Hirohiko's darkness as much as possible, and blacken him like Obito's darkness because he can't vent.

It will work!

In this way, it will definitely work!

And as a series of thoughts turned in his mind, Qianye's heart gradually became firmer.

"Xue Nai, can Hirohiko and I talk alone?"

At the same time, he also stopped in his tracks, his eyes fell on a white shadow in the darkness, squatting on Xue Nai who was leaning against the door of the confinement room.

Then, with a slightly calm voice, he said to Xue Nai with a little request.

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