Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1264 The Seal of Despair

In this day and age, caged birds cannot be untied!

After reading all the fusion patterns on this super-large scroll over and over again, until the dead of night, Qianye came to such a conclusion again in despair.

Originally, he still wanted to find some clues or breakthrough points from the scroll, even if it was the slightest possibility, but no matter how optimistic he was in the face of the fusion pattern of the bird in the cage, he couldn't help himself. any hope.

This road has reached a dead end.

The road of spell printing has come to an end, but it cannot solve Xue Nai's caged bird, and Xue Nai's life is still in the hands of the Hyuga clan, even if he already has a whole set of plans in mind to avoid Xue Nai's unfair treatment, Even he only needs to take a trip to solve this problem.

However, everything is here, it has entered a dead end, it has come to an end, and everything has fallen into despair because the bird in the cage cannot be released.

The premise of Chiba's plan and other plans he thought of that was worse than the current plan was that Xue Nai wanted to get rid of the control of the caged bird.

This is the root of Xue Nai's problem.

Whether it is to avoid unfair treatment or to treat her eyes, it is necessary to get rid of the caged bird. The key to Xue Nai's affairs is the caged bird.

And now that the bird in the cage is sure that there is no solution, there is no room for turning around the whole incident.

The whole incident has become unresolved!

Unless, he erased the entire Hyuga clan from the Naruto world.

And this kind of thing is impossible without even thinking about it, even if he doesn't have that strength now, even if he has it, even if he becomes Hokage, it is impossible to do it.

The Hyuga Clan has always been loyal to Konoha, and the achievements and sacrifices they have made are obvious to all, and they have a good reputation among the people. Although there are some internal things that others may not be used to, and there are many problems, but this is after all. It is an internal matter of the family. Firstly, it does not affect Konoha Village, and secondly, it does not affect the people. Even the existence of a separate family can better allow the supercilious eyes of the Hyuga clan to serve the village and the people. Even if it is Hokage, there is no reason for it. Existence, and kill the Hyuga clan.

Doing so will definitely change the minds of the people. The people may not be serious. I can barely make up a reason. Time has passed, but the Hyuga family is a benchmark family in the Konoha ninja family, and it is as famous as the Uchiha family. , but compared to the Uchiha clan, his reputation is much better, and his contributions are worthy of the privileges he has obtained. Every family must recognize the Hyuga clan, otherwise, the privilege of the Hyuga clan, I am afraid that other families will definitely I need an opinion.

And for such a Hyuga clan, Hokage just found a reason for it to be extinct, so the other clans are still not in danger, why don't they think about whether it is time to work hard for Konoha. And if everyone in the family is in danger, then the problem will be big. Chiba also has a certain understanding of Konoha's administrative, military, and economic systems during this time. The employment situation in the system is very impressive, and the talents of this family support many departments.

If there is any loyalty issue on the family side, even if Hokage can handle it, I'm afraid there will be nothing left for Konoha.

It can be said that if Hinata does not act against the village, Konoha will never touch it.

Moreover, now Yukina's life is still in the hands of the Hyuga Clan, and with the characteristics of white eyes, if there is any change in Chiba, Yukina will probably die first.

After all, just after the mutiny incident, Hinata's defense must be very strict, even for a long time, it will be very strict.

Chiba couldn't find a chance.

Besides, no matter how Hinata treats Yukina now, for Yukina, the Hyuga clan is the family that gave birth to her after all. If there is no emotion, it is impossible, and the matter of betrayal, no matter how much Hinata Shinsuke's starting point Well, in terms of public opinion, or in general consciousness, it's all Shinsuke Hinata's fault. Although what Hinata's former patriarch did was cruel and heartless, it can't be said to be wrong in principle.

Therefore, if Chiba really wants to destroy the Hyuga clan and make the caged birds disappear, I am afraid that Xue Nai will not agree.

This is the real world, not the YY plot in novels. People are not either good or evil, black or white, they have feelings, and feelings are very unpredictable and unpredictable. Without feelings, people's actions are sometimes surprising and illogical.

Just like Chiba himself, once he gets in touch with feelings and has feelings for these people, he knows that he will do anything to die. The background of the so-called "modern people's thinking" and "the previous life was a peaceful era" are just backgrounds. , the background is just the background, the main body of the story, but still what he did.

In short, there is no option to kill the Hyuga clan at all.

"No... no no no... I should rest. The biological clock must be out of order these days, people are tired and lack of energy, so I can't think of a way, so I can't think of a way, I should go to sleep... "

And thinking of this, in this inextricable and indestructible dead end, Qianye slowly stood up, suddenly grabbed the huge scroll, and began to roll it up round and round, while watching with a little ecstasy. Outside the window, the night sky covered by overcast clouds whispered in his mouth.

"Sleep...it should be better if you sleep! I have overstudied these days, for sure, and I am also a little dizzy now. I must have not slept well, so I didn't expect it. There must be something I missed! "

"Yes! Sleep, it's time for me to sleep!"

With the murmur in his mouth, Chiba rolled the scroll faster and faster.


However, Xu Shi was too anxious, too impatient, and rolled up too fast. The huge scroll was thrown out of his hand, and rolled to the ground with a gurgling sound, and the unfolded scroll was entangled all over the floor.


But at this moment, Qianye's whispering stopped abruptly, she stared blankly at the scrolls on the ground and the unfolded part of the entangled scrolls, her body trembled slightly, and she was silent for a while before she uttered this sentence.

Then, he took a step back, took another step, finally turned around, sat down on the edge of the bed with a tired face, and slowly covered his face with his hands.

Is there no chance of survival?

A ray of hope... There should be a ray of hope!

Sort it out again... Sort it out again, there must be a way, there is still a chance, the bird in the cage is unsolvable, but the matter of Xue Nai should not be unsolvable.

Gently rubbing the brow bone, Qianye took two deep breaths, trying to calm herself down.

think... think again...

There is another way...

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