Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1272 Leave it to me

"You bastard..."

Looking at the scroll in his hand, and looking at Chiba who said "Look at you", Kakashi narrowed his eyes halfway, and after looking at it for a while, he opened his mouth with a little helplessness.

"How? Is it feasible?"

Chiba didn't care much about Kakashi's subtle attitude, she just asked, but there was some earnestness in her words.

After he left the confinement room, he looked for Kakashi all over the village, and finally found Kakashi who had returned from the comfort monument after an hour, and then he handed over his expedient plan to Kaka West, let him see.

After all, Kakashi can only execute it in the end, and he doesn't have that much effort. A mammoth job. Mastery of the memory part of the huge sealing technique.

Although only a small part of it is memorized, the number is still huge, and they are all spell-seal formulas and seal spells, as well as the splicing of spell-seal formulas and spell-seal formulas. Not only is the number, but the difficulty is extremely high.

Not something to worry about.


In response, Kakashi sighed.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem? Or is there a problem with the feasibility of this plan?"

Hearing Kakashi's sigh, Chiba frowned and hurriedly asked.


There shouldn't be any problems with this plan. It also uses some free personnel, and it is also of great benefit to the personnel themselves. Although this plan itself is a bit sensitive, some aspects may also be inappropriate.

However, there shouldn't be any problems.

In his heart, there was a little doubt.

"No, there is no problem, I just sigh, you can figure out this plan."

Hearing Chiba's question, Kakashi shook his head and said.

In the words, it is the affirmation of Chiba.

Indeed, if teachers and students who are idle due to school closures are used, it can indeed make up for the shortage of personnel.

Moreover, this engineering mission will frequently use Earth Dungeon and Wind Dungeon, and some students who show their talents can also get exercise.

Even students who don't have wind escape and earth escape skills can practice physical skills according to what Chiba said, "do what you can do in transporting and felling".

This guy, it's a pity not to be a teacher!

While speaking, Kakashi couldn't help sighing in his heart.

At this moment, the plan given by Chiba in his hands can be said to be the most perfect plan for utilizing resources he has ever seen.

This plan, which Chiba calls a stopgap measure, is probably not even thought of by Konoha's construction department.

Even, he didn't expect to be able to make up for personnel in this way.

Chiba's expedient measure is to use the school suspension to make full use of the school's teachers and students who have not yet graduated to make up for the personnel problem of the ninja task force.

Although these students who have not graduated are young and only master ninjutsu such as Sanshenjutsu, and some of them are still learning ninjutsu such as Sanshenjutsu, but several of them have already used Fengdun and Ninjutsu. The appearance of talented students of Tudun can directly teach some basic ninjutsu of Tudun and Fengdun, and these basic wind and Tudun are actually enough for the engineering team. After all, the engineering team formed by Chiba , No need for advanced ninjutsu, as long as you can chop trees and bulldoze.

Maybe the progress of these talented people is a bit slow at the beginning, and they can't cut down a few trees or push much soil in a day, but as their proficiency increases, their power will naturally become greater and greater, although it is impossible to compare with a ninja There are dozens of trees in Fengdun, but two or three trees in one Fengdun can still be done.

After all, the definition of these gifted people is genius.

As for other things, Chiba also made a series of plans to practice physical skills in the process of manually cutting trees and bulldozing, such as using an ax as a sword, and using the improved Que Shan practice method to teach students to cut trees. The method of transporting soil to exercise the strength of the feet, and even let the students master the method of attaching chakra to the soles of the feet to increase speed...

Every detail of cutting down trees and bulldozing was designed by Chiba as a training session.

In this way, the project can be promoted, and the students can be trained. Anyway, what is taught in the school can be found here in Chiba.

Even, it can allow students to master some things that can only be mastered in practice.

It can be said that Chiba's plan is perfect, making perfect use of the school's suspension of classes.

From the perspective of the budget, these students are half-studying. Although Chiba stated that he would pay for D-level tasks, this amount of remuneration, compared with hiring workers, saved at least 50% of the salary and Forty percent of the time limit.

In terms of budget, it is also very favorable.

At the same time, Chiba's plan is still voluntary. This task is not mandatory. Everything is decided by the students themselves, and the dangers involved are declared. However, students in the ninja school period are still very curious about the task. And the reason why they entered the ninja school is that they basically have a ninja dream in their hearts. This kind of experience of being a ninja and completing a mission in advance, Kakashi feels that no student can refuse.

As for the parents, in front of the huge popularity of their teachers, I am afraid they will fully support them.

After all, although the danger is stated, Chiba has also written a lot of countermeasures, or preventive measures, and these are done by those teachers who are not good at earth or wind. Parents trust these teachers. At this point, the problem has actually been minimized.

The perfection of this plan shows that Chiba has considered all aspects, not only can it be implemented, but this plan will definitely be recorded in the archives in the future as a benchmark plan for construction projects.

Even, it may be a historical plan with the word "first".

"Is there anything wrong with it? After all, students in the school participate in this kind of project that is not absolutely safe."

Hearing Kakashi's words, Chiba's heart was slightly relieved, but he was not completely relieved, and asked again.

"Don't worry, they will become ninjas in the future. They know how dangerous a job ninja is. You are already quite safe."

In response, Kakashi shook his head and said.


And hearing this sentence, Qianye suppressed the worry in his heart, nodded and said: "Then, this plan is..."

"Leave it to me. I'll negotiate. You must be busy recently."

And this sentence was interrupted by Kakashi before he finished speaking, and when Kakashi said the second half of the sentence, he was already looking at him meaningfully.

"Well, then, I'll leave it to you."

Chiba didn't seem too surprised by this, as if she knew what Kakashi saw, she spoke.

Next, then, is the hospital.

And in his mind, there was such a thought.

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