"Well, shall we go home?"

Looking at the empty barbecue plates for several people, Chiba touched her slightly puffed stomach and said to Xue Nai in front of her.

"Well, then I will start to write down the plan. You go back and tell me your schedule, location, etc., and when will you start work?"

To this, Xue Nai nodded, and said that she was about to get up.

"Start work tomorrow."

Seeing Xue Nai getting up, Qianye also hurriedly got up, passed her hand over, and said a word in a hurry.

However, the posture looks like a western gentleman.

"Then I will list it for you today, and then I will send it to Troop Commander Watanabe today. Tomorrow, I should be able to make arrangements in the morning. Troop Commander Watanabe is a very efficient commander, and I always want to chat with you."

And it seemed that she felt Qianye's hand, perhaps because she had something on her mind, this time Xue Nai didn't feel any shyness, and directly took it.

"Okay, but I don't promise to talk to him."

In this regard, Chiba took a step forward and said.

To Watanabe Kenshin, although Chiba occasionally heard some things about him, his hard work, and the blooming of talents from Namikaze Minato, Chiba always had some grudges against him. , although Kenshin Watanabe cannot be blamed, after all, everyone will make mistakes, even Orochimaru, there were several command mistakes, which led to the death of many ninjas, but Chiba still couldn't let it go in his heart, so he wouldn't go to him Trouble, but I don't want to have anything to do with him.

"I know, I know, it's not for you to chat with him..."

Regarding this, Xue Nai obviously knew something, and said immediately.

Then, after these words, the two walked out the door arm in arm, and walked towards their Japanese-style cabin in a rather high-profile manner.

Of course, the passers-by next to him looked sideways.

Although it is already night, there are still many pedestrians on the road, and the scene is quite spectacular.

It's just that both of them now have calculations in their hearts, and they don't have the leisure to pay attention to these surprised and ambiguous gazes.


This is gone?

Is this really a date?

How do I get the feeling that they talked about something business, then started to eat without saying a word, and finally, just left?

Before you left, it seemed that you were still discussing business matters?

At this time, the customers who were still queuing or dining at the barbecue restaurant looked suspiciously at the friends or relatives who were dining or queuing together, blinking their eyes twice, in astonishment.

Although it is said that they are far away, the two of Chiba do not speak loudly, and are basically submerged in the surrounding voices, but after all, the place is ventilated from all sides, and the store is not big, so there are still some indications. Only broken words floated out, for those with sharp ears to hear.

Of course, Qianye and Xue Nai's words were very cryptic, and people who don't know why, even if they heard it, they probably wouldn't be able to guess what happened.

And even if there are enemy spies, Chiba and Xue Nai are only talking about defense issues, and they don't have any specific information, so it doesn't matter.


After leaving the barbecue shop, Chiba and Xue Nai returned to the Japanese-style cabin. Kushina hadn't come back yet, the two turned on the light, one returned to the low table, and the other ran up in a hurry.

"Qianye, you...you haven't told me yet?"

Hearing that Chiba ran upstairs, Xue Nai hurriedly turned around and called out.

Obviously, the two of them didn't speak on the way. Before leaving, Xue Nai didn't know the time and place of Chiba's start of work. If she didn't know these things, how could she make a plan and arrange for the defense force personnel? time.

"I'm coming."

And soon; there was the sound of running upstairs again, and it was getting closer, not long after, footsteps on the stairs came towards Xue Nai.

And following the sound of footsteps, the figure of Chiba holding the big scroll and the small scroll also appeared in the living room.

"Wait a minute, you said I will write."

And after sitting down at the low table, opposite to Xue Nai, Chiba began to grind the paper and said in his mouth.

"Then, the scope of our location is almost..."

In the end, I started to tell Xue Nai about the location and time of the construction.

"Okay, I get it, but, you go about your business, I can do it alone here!"

After listening to Qianye's narration, Xue Nai smiled slightly, but she opened her mouth to reject Qianye's proposal in the first half of the sentence. Instead, she took out a small bamboo slip the size of a palm, and with a shake of her right hand, a The cone-shaped kunai about the size of the middle finger slid out from the cuff, and while speaking, Xue Nai had already started to use the cone-shaped kunai to carve words on the bamboo slips.


Regarding this, Qianye was slightly taken aback, but seeing that Xue Nai was already engraving letters, and her expression gradually became more focused, she didn't say anything more.


Xue Nai's character is still strong.

Although Xue Nai has always been relatively quiet and demure after the big change, she is not a weak woman.

That strength and wanting to be strong is still in her bones!

I say that to belittle her.

Then, he smiled lightly, and after he stopped talking, he also picked up the pen and ink, and began to write.

Although it is said that there are defense forces watching, there will inevitably be loopholes. After all, it is such a large project. Most of the virgin forest behind the village will be merged, and then extended from the original Hokage side of the Hokage rock wall to build a new one. In the residential area, there are many things to do in terms of size, and there are more than 300 people, which are prone to chaos, and so many people are mostly students in their childhood.


There is also an anti-spy training to be added here!

If the defense force alone is not enough, the more than 300 people can only guard against spies themselves.


This workload is not small!

Tomorrow, I really have to go there.

But in his heart, it was solemn.

At the same time, the thoughts in his mind also spread out. A series of possible intrusion methods, intrusion methods, and possible reactions after the intrusion were sketched in his mind.

Then, they were integrated together, and slowly one by one specialized countermeasures were gradually classified and integrated.

After that, among these countermeasures, select a few of the most widely used countermeasures, improve them and combine them, and finally turn them into three widely applicable ones, which can basically deal with various situations. Of the policy.

In the end, these three countermeasures were slowly integrated into training by Chiba.

After thinking about all this, about two hours later, Chiba began to write, line by line and column by column.

Almost there!

At this moment, Xue Nai slowly put down the small bamboo slips, and slid them one by one while touching them with her fingers.


That'll be fine!

After confirming, she silently nodded.

On the side of the defense force, there is no problem!

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