Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1329 Registration

"Remember, your registration number is this seal, this seal can only be known by you, and must not be told to anyone, understand?"

In the open space, the students lined up coiled snakes round and round, while Chiba sat at the front, with a giant wooden table and wooden veneer as a stool, writing and drawing a series of tadpoles on a blank scroll The characters formed a vertical shape, and it seemed that there were only a few unknown characters to form the sealing formula, and the student was asked to press on the sealing formula, and under the sealing formula, he also wrote the in front of him. The boy's name, and then let the student move his hand away, and after doing all this, he also secretly demonstrated several seals to the boy, connecting them into a sealing technique to unseal.

"Yes, I understand."

Then, under his signal, the boy demonstrated it and got it right, bowed slightly and said yes, then frowned slightly, with some doubts, stepped aside, and completed the series of registrations with the other dozen or so The teenagers and girls stood together, and Kakashi and nine teachers formed groups.

And then they will teach the knowledge about the code and how to use it.

After all, there are more than 300 people here, and it is impossible for Qianye to do everything.

Use the sealing technique to register?

Everyone's identity is a sealing technique.

This... This registration turned out to be a secret code to guard against spies. If the sealing technique and unseal were not compatible, then this person must be a spy.

As expected, at the age of eleven, he was able to become a genius of Hokage's assistant. Only he could think of this method.

Moreover, I am afraid that there are only two people in this village who can use this method.

So many sealing formulas with different structures but the same external expression can only be drawn by people with extremely high attainments in sealing skills, and there are more than 300 people, that is, more than 300 sealing formulas.

The strength of this Assistant Hokage is really unbelievable!

At this time, behind Chiba, Mr. Yamada, who helped Chiba manage the children of the snake team in front of him and let them line up, couldn't help bursting out rounds of admiration and admiration in his eyes, and sighed in his heart.

A sealing technique corresponds to an unseal...

Chiba, are you planning something?

Such a simple thing is not a defensive method that you will use.

At the same time, Hirohiko, who was on the other side behind Chiba, had slight doubts in his eyes. He knew that Chiba's plan was not that simple, but he couldn't figure out what Chiba was going to do.

However, Qianye was busy right now, so he wouldn't ask.

He just stood silently behind Qianye, with a bright red light occasionally flashing in his eyes, constantly checking the surroundings, the whole person seemed to be careless, but he was very vigilant.

After all, it is now outside the village, and the village is under martial law, and there are a lot of defense force personnel, and there is a serious shortage of personnel. Here, I am afraid that it cannot be taken care of. Moreover, when Chiba came over, he also had a little trouble with him. Mentioned it. Now it is very likely that foreign enemies are around, and he can't relax too much.

This place is full of students and teachers, formidable ones such as Chiba and Kakashi are busy, so it is natural for him to come to guard the matter.

This pressure is not small.

In case there is an enemy attack now, the three of them alone may not be able to protect the safety of the more than 300 people.

After all, if the enemy dared to attack while being so close to the village, it was likely that the elite troops came. The number might not be many, but they were definitely more than the three of them.

They are now in a certain sense of danger.

This warning cannot be neglected in the slightest.


As time passed by, one by one, the students who participated in the ninja engineering team registered from Chiba, and then went to Kakashi and the nine teachers to form teams according to their aptitude, every four people in a team, and, After the people assigned to the team learned to communicate in code, they were sent to cut wood and prepare to build a camp.

After this morning, there was no one in front of Chiba, only Hirohiko and Kakashi behind him.

Ten other teachers have followed the children's team and are responsible for their safety.

And like the defense force, Chiba's construction plan divides this primeval forest into ten areas, which happens to be the same as the ten defense areas of the defense force. At this time, each teacher is responsible for one area, mainly dealing with the problems of the students, as well as coordinating the delivery of wood, some safety work, etc., which is also very busy.

The main tasks are relatively trivial, and other important security tasks are actually in the hands of the defense forces.

I'm afraid these teachers are too busy to have time.

After all, in this regard, Qianye really doesn't have the time and energy to make arrangements in the plan one by one. This Qianye is indeed a capable person, but his time and energy are limited after all, and it is impossible to do everything. Arranged, these things, he still has to leave them to do.

Moreover, if this matter is handed over to Kakashi, it will be a bit overkill, so here can only be given to these ten teachers.

Of course, these teachers, Chiba is still very confident.

Among them are several teachers who are specialized in Fengdun or Tudun, who can relieve the pressure on students when necessary.

As for the method of training students and combining construction, the plan has long been given to the teachers, and Chiba doesn't need to worry about these things.

These teachers are probably already familiar with it by heart.

It is estimated that there are thousands of simulation exercises in the brain, and Chiba definitely doesn't need to worry about these.

"So, what should I do?"

Seeing the last group of students throwing themselves into the dense forest, Hirohiko turned around, looked at Chiba beside him, and asked.

"Did you see anything just now?"

To this, Qianye did not answer directly, but asked.

"There is no movement around."

Hearing this, Hirohiko didn't ask any further questions, but replied directly.

"What about the students, is there anyone who is abnormal, in terms of Chakra?"

Hearing this, Qianye frowned slightly, and said so.

"No, I haven't seen anything yet."

Regarding this, Hirohiko pursed his lips, but said so.

"Well, now I really hope there is something unusual."

Hearing this, Qianye sighed, and a trace of worry flashed across his face.

"It can't be helped, it's an unpredictable thing."

Hearing this, Hirohiko comforted him.

"Ok, I know."

To this, Chiba nodded.

"What are you talking about?"

At this time, Kakashi also walked up to the two of them and asked.


Looking at Kakashi in front of him, Chiba shook his head, but the worry on his face was hard to dispel, and then he said: "Kakashi, here I want to put a "shackle" on Hirohiko, after all he is waiting With a body of sin, I can't just do nothing, so you can bear me a witness."

"Ah, I know."

Hearing this, Kakashi was slightly startled at first, and then nodded simply.

"Hirohiko, I'm sorry, I'm going to give you a seal here. Once this seal is activated, it will seal your chakra. If you don't come back on time, I will activate it. Moreover, this seal will still Provide your location within a certain range."

Hearing Kakashi's words, Chiba turned around, made a few seals in her hands, and pressed them on Hirohiko's forehead.

When he moved his hand away, there was already a three-horizontal curse mark on Hongyan's forehead, which slowly disappeared.

"I see."

To this, Hirohiko nodded, nothing unusual.

He understood that Qianye said this to avoid suspicion.

This is what Chiba must do now.

Even if Chiba is unwilling, it must be done.

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