Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1331 Can't help asking

"So, shall we just stay here and wait?"

Watching Chiba leave, Hirohiko looked at Kakashi and couldn't help asking.

"Hmm... pretty boring."

Regarding this, Kakashi nodded, said truthfully, and sighed with emotion.

At this moment, the two were sitting side by side on the log table that was originally used as a table, looking at the empty log wall and the open space inside the wall, looking particularly idle, with a feeling of staring.

"Chiba, the registration you made doesn't seem to make much sense, does it?"

Then, after saying this sentence, Kakashi frowned and added another sentence.

"Well, if someone has already sneaked in, then this registration is indeed meaningless. However, when he came just now, he told me to use the Sharingan to look at the situation of these 300 people. If there is really anything If someone sneaks in, then I should be able to see a little bit, but my Sharingan is not Xue Nai's white eyes after all, so what I can see is limited."

In this regard, Hongyan did not hide anything, but told the truth.

Kakashi's words obviously took into account the situation that the spies had already mixed in before the registration, so he said this, and Hirohiko also understood what Kakashi meant.

And if there is a layer inside, then, no matter whether it is mixed in in advance or not, this action is actually meaningless.

Because if there are spies who sneaked in in advance, then when Chiba registered, he told the spies the secret code and the like, and there was still no way to find out who the spies were and whether there were spies intruding.

And even if there are no spies who mixed in in advance, because from their standpoint, after all, the purpose of this registration measure is to detect whether there are spies in the team, and it uses a detection method similar to a secret code. If the secret code is known by the spy possibility, then this detection method is useless.

What Chiba did was indeed meaningless.

"However, if the camouflage is exquisite enough, Sharingan may not be able to see anything, and these children are still unfamiliar to us, so it is even more difficult to see the clues."

Hearing Hirohiko's words, Kakashi sighed slightly, obviously, he didn't have any confidence in Chiba's registration in his heart.

"It's just, has Qianye done any useless work?"

Then, hearing this sound, Hirohiko didn't have any dislike for Kakashi's lack of confidence in his best friend's plan, but just threw out a rhetorical question.


Hearing this, Kakashi was startled, and grinned unnaturally.

He couldn't refute this sentence.

He really couldn't say anything, to be honest, he really hadn't seen Qianye doing useless work.

Although they usually contact each other in leisure time, they seldom go on missions together, but from what he heard about Chiba's deeds and some details he learned from these deeds, what Chiba did, Nothing is useless, and they are all directed at the goal in the end. Although there may be a detour, the end of this detour must be the goal.

And, maybe this detour is still a very important step.

"So, do you know what he's doing?"

Then, after grinning unnaturally, Kakashi asked.


Hirohiko was also taken aback by this, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly unnaturally.

He couldn't answer this question.

He really didn't know the deep meaning of Qianye's actions. Sometimes, he really didn't understand Qianye's brain circuit.

However, Chiba's incomprehensible actions may in the end be a winning move, producing completely unexpected effects.

He also couldn't figure out what Chiba meant.

But combined with the fact that Qianye never does useless work, coupled with his meticulous thinking, there must be a deep meaning in it.

"let me see."

Then, thinking of this, Hirohiko frowned and thought hard.

"I think about it too."

Hearing this, Kakashi also frowned and began to think.

After that, the two of them thought about it until the evening, until the students doubled the size of the open space and built a simple wooden house in it to accommodate all the students and teachers for rest. Figure out why.

"You guys, what are you doing?"

At this time, Chiba has also returned. After inspecting for a week and confirming that the simple wooden house is strong enough, looking at the two guys sitting on the log table that is already in the middle of the camp, the corners of their mouths Twist a bit.

"No, nothing!"

In this regard, the two of them almost woke up like a dream, even a little frightened, almost stood up.

Of course, it was impossible for them to answer Chiba's question.

He also couldn't bear to ask Chiba's intentions.

After all, it doesn't really matter whether they know the intention or not. If they need to know, Qianye will naturally tell.

What are these two guys thinking?

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Qianye was almost taken aback, and murmured in his heart.

"What's the matter?"

However, even though he was muttering in his heart, he didn't ask any more questions, but asked about the current situation.

After he returned to the Japanese-style cabin just now, he found Itachi was doing seal training, while Xue Nai was arranging patrol shifts for the defense forces.

For this, he could only sigh.

And Xue Nai had already told him last night that it might not be possible to take Itachi with him. This morning, in addition to the physical training given by Chiba, Itachi quietly practiced the seal next to Xue Nai in the afternoon.

Not fussy at all, very patient.

But Qianye's tone was sighed for Itachi.

Originally, he thought that there was no talent in the seal seal, and it would be accomplished after hard work, but seeing Itachi's fluttering fingers, he knew that the seal seal also had talent.

It's only the second day, and it's even caught up with his three years of hard training.

Then, sighing, he ordered Itachi not to slack off, and then discussed some security matters with Xue Nai, because Xue Nai had to deal with the issue of patrol shifts, the two chatted intermittently until now.

In the end, there was no 100% perfect prevention plan.

Can only follow the present.

But now, he is routinely asking.

The answer, of course, is that nothing happened, everything went well.

Alas, if everything goes well, if it can be confirmed that everything goes well, that's fine.

After hearing this answer, Chiba didn't say any more, and got to the side of Hirohiko, and three people came to sit in a row.

But in his heart, he was even more worried.

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