Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1336 Leakage in the house happens to rain all night


The trousers and clothes with muddy water, mud stains and even some mud fell heavily on the wooden floor that was listed as the office, medical room, and Hokage Assistant's living room. Amidst the muffled sound, a small amount of muddy water splashed, Slowly seeping into the cracks in the wooden floor.


Really, the house leak happened to rain all night!

Qianye touched the rain on his face, looked back at the heavy rain outside the house, and sighed silently.

Last night, listening to the sound of the pattering rain, Qianye slept soundly. However, when he woke up in the morning, he was startled. Last night, he originally thought that the rain should stop during the day. It shouldn't hinder today's activities, even if there is a little rain, it doesn't matter.

After all, they are ninjas with the magical power of Chakra. In some cases, ordinary people have to stop working. In their view, it is not a situation that requires stopping work.

At first he thought nothing of it.

However, when I woke up this morning, I heard the sound of rain, but it was a heavy rainstorm. At a glance, the visibility was less than one meter. This was no longer a rain curtain, but a rain wall.

And when he woke up, because of the terrain of the primeval forest, which is low in the west and high in the east, there were already two small rivers flowing around the camp, and the water level almost reached the lowest level of the log wall, which is a thick and thin river surrounded by three people. The diameter of the log is high for the water table.

Fortunately, the camp was shaped like an irregular triangle, facing the high-lying primeval forest to the east just at a sharp corner, separating the water level, otherwise, the log wall would have been washed away.

Since the discovery of this situation in the morning, up to now, Chiba has mobilized everyone for the first time, and dug ditches to divide the small river that the rainwater from this high place gathered.

Although there was no danger, the digging took nearly a whole morning, and it was already lunch time.

"However, fortunately, the defense forces did not appear chaotic, thanks to Chakra. Although the rain on the ground is strong, as long as you stand on the tree, you don't have to worry too much. No matter how strong the rain is, it can't wash away this primitive Giant tree."

Then, after this sigh, Chiba also sighed. Just now, Xue Nai specially asked a female ninja named Akiyama Ryo to send a letter, which stated that Chiba did not need to worry about the impact of this heavy rain on the patrol of the defense force. , can be regarded as a report to Chiba's safety, so that he can rest assured.

Of course, it is a blessing that the defense force is not affected. If the patrol is disrupted by the heavy rain, then their camp really has no mechanism to protect or prevent the enemy, and it is completely exposed to the infiltrators of the other side. up.

This is definitely not what Chiba wants to see.

"This rain, I don't have to do anything today..."

At this time, Kakashi was covered in mud and walked into the house looking very embarrassed. He looked at the streams of rain under the eaves and the sound of the rumbling rain hitting the roof, and said with some complaints.


After him, Hirohiko also walked in in a mess, with a rare expression of irritability and a slightly complaining expression like Kakashi on his expressionless face, slowly removed the clothes on his body, and twisted hard After a few handfuls, the muddy water was screwed out.

This Hong Yan, after arranging everything this morning, Chiba braved the rain to bring it over. After bringing it here, he and Chiba went to dig a water diversion ditch.

As for the water diversion ditch, because of the heavy rain, Chiba did not choose to use earth escape ninjutsu. He was afraid that if the ditch was not dug accidentally, it would directly cause floods. After all, the terrain here is complicated, although it looks low in the west and high in the east. However, on the ground under the forest, there are quite a lot of pits and complex terrain. If Tudun Ninjutsu is used to communicate with some waterlogged land, it will be bad, and the rainwater that may gather will directly drain the land. Downstream the camp was washed away.

At that time, although the village has a mature drainage system, the water will not be able to reach the village, but more than 300 people will definitely struggle in the flood. At that time, it is unknown how many casualties there will be.

At the same time, it is precisely because of the complex and uneven terrain of this large area of ​​virgin forest that ninjas who are good at earth escape are needed to join the ninja engineering team.

"Ah, this is really useless."

And hearing these two sentences, Chiba also complained.

Then, after the three of them managed to find a pair of dry trousers and put them on, they sat bare-chested around the burning brazier, drying their clothes and themselves.

"Oh, now that the children have all returned to camp, you don't have to worry."

After sitting down, Kakashi spoke first, but answered the question Chiba wanted to ask.

"Well, then, the next question about food, can it be done in the camp? With such a heavy rain, the students should need hot food."

In response, Chiba nodded, and then thought of a very important question.

"Don't worry, Mr. Yamada has already taken care of this. When we diverted the water, he had already set up a special kitchen. At the same time, including the toilet and bathroom for the female students mentioned yesterday, they have also been prepared. Yes. The water diversion ditches in the camp have also been dug thoroughly, and the rainwater will not accumulate in the camp. It can be said that even this kind of heavy rain will not have much impact in the camp, but it is raining and travel is inconvenient. "

Upon hearing this sentence, Kakashi said.

"Okay! Teacher, is there anything else I need to know?"

Hearing Kakashi's words, Chiba nodded and asked again.

How do I feel, I am here, it seems to be dispensable, Kakashi has done everything for me.

Why do I have the idea that I just need to work in the fields?

At this moment, there was such a feeling in his heart that "I seem to be useless".

"The female teacher has arrived, and now officially accepts half of the total number of female students. I will report to you later, after everyone has a rest, and get to know each other. As for the others, it depends on whether you have any new ones. instructed."

To this, Kakashi said.

"In this rainy day, what else can I instruct..."

Hearing this, Chiba first denied Kakashi's last words, and then, while he glanced casually, he unconsciously saw Hirohiko's face like a poker face, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart, Immediately changed his words: "In the afternoon, I want to build a simple cell here to detain Hongyan. After all, I can't always go back and forth between the confinement room and the camp. Within these ten days, let Hongyan be detained on the spot At camp."


Hearing this, Kakashi glanced at Hirohiko, then looked at the rain wall outside, and nodded immediately.

This matter, when he saw Qianye leaving in the rain this morning, he had already made plans. There is no sensitive situation in Chiba's request. In the current situation, it is more appropriate for Hirohiko to stay directly in the camp.

Moreover, there is also a 24-hour defense force watching here, so there is no such thing as Chiba's favoritism and wanting to give Hirohiko a chance to escape.

Objectively speaking, Chiba's idea is very pertinent and there is no problem.


But when he heard this, Hongyan on the side was slightly startled.

Sure enough, did it still hold him back?

"Then, next, let's just start the fire and cook."

And at this time, hearing Kakashi's agreement, Chiba took a breath and gave the last order this morning.

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