"Ah, yes, I wrote it yesterday when I was looking for something to do."

Leaning against the door frame, he turned his head to see if there was any smaller Qianye in the rain wall. Hearing this sound, he said nonchalantly.

Due to the torrential rain yesterday, the originally full plan could not be carried out, so Chiba was inexplicably idle.

Yes, take a break.

In this heavy rain, nothing can be done. Even if Chiba is thinking about the sealing technique, it cannot be implemented because of the change in the properties of the "higan" medicine he configured. The thing he can do is to talk to Kakashi Two people are warming up in the house.

Like those students and teachers, warming up in the house.

And students and teachers can at least discuss knowledge about safety, ninjutsu, etc. Basically, they are going to school in a different place. Moreover, the students are quite excited about the feeling of living together, and their learning efficiency is much higher. .

As for him and Kakashi, they can only stare at each other. Let's talk about it. Although they have different paths, they are actually similar in cultivation.

In terms of chakra's nature change and form, one of the two developed Chidori, which can be said to be the ultimate in nature change, and the other developed two S-level ninjutsu, which have reached the extreme in form change. Although it seems that there is a place for communication, whether it is the extreme change of nature or the extreme change of form, to achieve this level, it is not just that one of the two aspects throws the other far away, but they complement each other. If the nature change is to be extreme, then the form change must have a very high foundation, and if the form change is to be extreme, then the level of nature change cannot be low.

In other words, Kakashi, who has reached the extreme in nature changes, actually has no weaker understanding of form changes than Chiba, but is not as good at actual combat as the extreme in nature changes. As for Chiba, the form change has reached the extreme, and his theoretical knowledge in nature change is not weaker than Kakashi's extreme change in nature, but he cannot achieve the extreme change in nature in actual combat.

Moreover, in this regard, the two of them are actually from the same line of masters, and they are both the inheritance of Namikaze Minato. If they want to talk, they can't talk about why.

The nature and form changes of Chakra are actually similar between the two.

It's just that each has a specialization, and it seems that each is good at one aspect. In fact, the two can't learn anything from each other.

Except for this aspect, there is no need for ninjutsu. The basis of this ninjutsu is the nature and form change of chakra, or the essence is these two aspects. In fact, they belong to one category, ninjutsu , and nothing to talk about.

As for gymnastics...

Well, Kakashi's physical strength is not bad. Chiba may be better than him in this aspect, but there is a limit to what Kakashi knows more than. It's not that Chiba has done so much hard work. Useless work, this is actually a problem with the knowledge of physical arts itself. There is no need to discuss this knowledge. Muye Village is very open to physical arts. Except for forbidden physical arts and some secret arts of physical arts families, basically All the gymnastics on the Internet are open to the public. If you want to learn, you can apply from your teacher, or go to Zangshuge. As long as you meet the requirements for practice, you can practice casually. There are so many, there is no need to discuss it at all, the only difference is to see your talent and the degree of hard work, and this power, hard work is better than talent, and it is the easiest to get rewarded through hard work.

In this regard, they wanted to talk but couldn't talk about anything.

As for illusion, it is a pity that both of them are illusion idiots. Although Kakashi learned the sharingan illusion because he got Obito's sharingan, in fact, the current Kakashi is really blind to illusion. The current illusion ability is really scumbag, and it is not at the level of illusion 8 in the ninja numerical value.

As for Chiba, that is a complete illusion idiot. Apart from training a part of the ability to dispel illusions, the illusion is worse than the current Kakashi. They can chat, and they are also laymen. It is easy to bring misunderstandings to each other, which is not good for future development.

Moreover, we can't let Hirohiko out of the cage when there is nothing to do, the two of them can only stare at each other, and even the three of them can't do it at each other.

So, in the end, Chiba, who felt a little restless, had nothing to do, and then wrote a lot of scrolls that Hirohiko and Kakashi were reading madly now.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Thinking of this, Qianye frowned, as if she had saved herself from that casual state, and added another sentence at the end, asking if there was something wrong with the two of them.

"No... no problem."

But hearing this sound, Kakashi and Hirohiko had the urge to swallow their saliva, and even paused for a while.

It's more than... more than that it's okay!

This brain circuit is too weird!

What is this guy's head made of?

Was it done comprehensively and logically?

During the words, what Kakashi and Hirohiko thought in their hearts, and the shocking complaints were surprisingly consistent.

At this moment, they were once again shocked by Chiba's brain.

The content on the scroll on the table is not only ok, it seems that there is something wrong with it.

Yes, no problem to look problematic.

Of course, there is a problem with this, not the content on this scroll, but Chiba who wrote these contents, and his brain that Chiba used to write these contents.

The contents of these scrolls are all about construction arrangements.

At first glance, it is nothing. The construction arrangement is also the work that Chiba has to do, and every project leader will do it.

However, the key point is that the time points of these plans are all calculated in hours.

Basically, the arrangement of each job and work goal is calculated according to the hour, that is to say, Chiba has already listed the work arrangement and work goal of each hour. Moreover, all possible accidents here are marked with entries such as "emergency measures" and "routine measures", "extra-routine solutions" and so on, basically covering all possible accidents, accidents, and various solution in this case.

These arrangements have been detailed to the point that even an idiot holding it can do the work he wants to do well.

This is no longer a detailed question.

This is... an encyclopedia of...indescribable step-by-step instructions on how to prepare for your expansion plans!

This is definitely not something that one person can write!

Absolutely not!

At this moment, in the heads of Kakashi and Hirohiko, there are only two words left.


There are three more words.

not human!

"Uh...no problem, so why are you asking me? Now, can you think of a way to cure the rain?"

And upon hearing this sentence, Qianye had already turned her head, but seeing their frantic reading, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she couldn't help complaining, basically unable to restrain herself.

What's the use of seeing these now?

No matter how detailed and useful!



Controlling the rain is the key!

Following the words, such a super irritating thought of complaining flashed through his mind.

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