Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1349 It must be him!


There is no way to move this medical equipment. First, the structure is complicated. It is impossible for me to move it to the camp alone. I don’t understand the structure of this extraction machine. Instruments need to be reported when changing places. The village is considered to be strictly controlled, and it will take a certain amount of time to take it away. Maybe I applied for it and sent it there, and the remaining seven days will pass.

The only way is to...

In the underground medical room, Chiba looked at the precision medical extraction machine, silently looked at the ten small test tubes with a diameter of 5mm filled with some kind of medicinal liquid in his hand, and a series of thoughts flashed through his mind.

These 10 bottles are prepared in the same ratio as the previous Bi'an!

Moreover, there is no other way to test the medicinal property!


Forget it, let's go back to camp first!

There are a lot of inconveniences in the camp, but if I am not in the camp, the camping exercises and so on may also be seen as a cover. After all, I have to guard against it no matter whether it is inside or outside the village.

Looking at these small test tubes, Qianye gently clenched her fists, and made up her mind.

It has been four hours since he returned to the cabin. If you add the time he went to the hospital when he returned from the camp, it will be almost six hours, and it is almost time to return to the camp.

And these six hours, the first two hours, except that he went to Muye Hospital, was drawn two tubes of blood by a group of old pedants who seemed to be manic at first glance, and was kicked out of the laboratory. In the dispensing room of Konoha Hospital, after using the medical machines of the same specifications as those in the underground medical laboratory to prepare a dose of Bigan, some drug tests on research data began.

In the end, he found that the numerical measurement of this kind of drug that has not been tested in detail for its drug properties and possible changes is meaningless, because there is no reliable reference data, and what is waiting for him is the lonely data he is currently testing. any value.

And to test the medicinal properties of the other shore he prepared, I am afraid that only multiple clinical trials can confirm the stability of the medicinal properties. And this kind of clinical trial, I am afraid that only he himself can complete it.

Although Qianye also has a considerable research spirit in dispensing medicine, although he has not shown it, he is actually not inferior to those old pedants. He is the type who is eager for knowledge and research, but he has not yet become morbid. It is still impossible to experiment with humans, and even to experiment with such a violent poison.

When it comes to human experiments, he usually experiments on himself.

The previous development of the special military food pills also started with myself, and after confirming that there would be no fatal and permanent side effects, I asked Hong Yan to help him test the actual combat situation. After all, it was Hong Yan who had the most tasks at that time.

And if Xue Nai also has a mission, I'm afraid Chiba will also ask Xue Nai without hesitation.

So, now, he configures 10 doses of Bi'an just to test the properties of the medicine on his own body, and after many experiments, he can roughly confirm the stability of the properties of the Bi'an.

If it is stable enough, it can also be used as a key to enter the sealed space.

At that time, the speed of solving Xue Nai's problem will also be greatly improved, and as long as the bird in the cage is solved, then it only takes one step, one step that Chiba is sure of winning, and he can let Xue Nai regain freedom, even more than freedom.

At that time, everything will be resolved, and the only thing left to worry about is the expansion plan, but at that time, there will be more time, even if Hiroko may not be free at that time, he still has enough time to carry out some strength training. To improve, to complete some ideas that he must improve his strength before the Nine Tails Rebellion comes.

Life will still be so busy, even boring, but everything will be on the right track, and it will not be as stretched as it is now, with things piled up one after another, leaving him no time to think about other things.

Even sometimes, we do whatever comes up, without any overall planning. Moreover, too many things happened at once, which really made him feel a little bit overwhelmed.

"Then, let's go back to the camp first. Since it has been decided to test the properties of the medicine within these seven days, there are still some preparations to be done. Even if it's an experiment on my own body, I can't be too psychologically burdened. At least, You can't let yourself die."

Thinking of this, Qianye took a deep breath, and took the steps to leave the underground medical laboratory.

The current situation is still leaning towards the smooth side, and since he returned to the village, he may be lucky if he survives a catastrophe. Everything is going very smoothly. Basically, as long as he thinks, as long as he does, things will go smoothly It's scary, and basically all wishes come true.

However, after all, Qianye is not the kind of person who is easy to let go of his vigilance when things are going well. He is even vigilant against this kind of smoothness at all times, so that he will not feel slack because of the smoothness, and because of this slack, what should not happen. error occurred.

And this test medicine is a dangerous poison. This should not be a mistake, and the direct result is death in all likelihood.

Although Qianye is no longer so afraid of death, it does not mean that he can give up this life at will.

At least, Kushina's life is still in potential danger, Xue Nai is still being treated unfairly, and Hirohiko has not been freed yet, so he cannot lose this life.

Therefore, the preparations that should be done here still need to be done.

Even more cautious.

"Speaking of which, I have to find an excuse to transfer Dr. Watanabe, but now he is one of the few experienced and skilled attending physicians in Konoha Hospital, and he has a set of methods for almost all intractable diseases. Now the hospital is also short-staffed, what excuse do I have to find to invite this great god over? What reason should I open so that Minato will let go?"

And walking out of this underground medical laboratory, Qianye walked out of the small woods, ignoring those secret whistles that turned his eyes away, frowned tightly, and muttered in his mouth.

Dr. Watanabe couldn't do it without Dr. Watanabe. Only Dr. Watanabe was qualified, and the two of them had cooperated once. Although the process and result were unexpected, it was obvious that The two have a tacit understanding.

This matter must be done by Dr. Watanabe!


It feels like I'm getting farther and farther in making up reasons!

After mumbling, Qianye jumped up, flew out, and headed straight for the camp.

In his heart, he was quite helpless and emotional.

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