Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1355 Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao Arrives


The door of the analysis laboratory slowly closed behind with a "snap". Qianye looked at the group of people on the left, blinked his eyes, and showed a bit of surprise on his face.

what happened?

How could this group of old pedants give up the research room?

And in his heart, such a thought flashed naturally amidst the surprise.

"Exactly, you are here, here, this is for you."

At this time, the old scholars were all sluggish, with dark circles under their eyes like pandas. Apart from the surprise at Chiba's sudden appearance here, everyone seemed to have no interest in anything. There were three people holding the scrolls in their hands, and they added up to a big pile. At this time, they seemed to have reacted to something when they heard Qianye's slightly surprised words. The papers piled up in Chiba's hands.

"This...is this?"

Facing the pile of papers, Qianye almost subconsciously spread his hands to continue. At this moment, his brain thinking is still stuck in the surprise of meeting these guys suddenly, and the words in his mouth also have a somewhat dumbfounded appearance.

"A study report on your body!"

At this time, one of the group of old scholars said impatiently.


Is this research done?

Hearing this sentence, Qianye's first reaction was not the joy of thinking about what to play with, but doubts.

"Research? Done?"

And subconsciously, there was such a sentence in his mouth.

However, this sentence did not receive a response. After stacking the documents on Qianye's chin, the old scholars rolled their eyes and left crookedly one by one. Hurrying back to sleep, I didn't bother to talk nonsense with Chiba.

Really... done?

After watching them leave, Qianye looked at the scroll paper piled almost up to his chin, feeling a little dazed that he hadn't reacted.

However, soon, he was convinced that he had really completed the research on his body,

This burnt-out feeling of these old pedants, this lack of interest in anything and their indifference to answers, was familiar to him.

Yes, Qianye is very familiar with the reaction of these old pedants just now.

This is the reaction that this group of old scholars should have after completing a project they are extremely passionate about. This kind of almost unlovable appearance is the huge sense of loss after they have gained a great sense of accomplishment.

It is estimated that in the laboratory just now, they also had a tearful celebration in the atmosphere of heated discussions, lamenting "may not have such an exciting success".

Of course, in this lost state, they will recover after a short sleep, and after waking up after sleeping for three to five days, they will tirelessly seek the next difficult research.

In short, Chiba already knew two things about their status.

One, the takeover of the body study is in this pile of file scrolls.

Two, don't worry about these guys.

After being convinced of these two things, Qianye didn't talk nonsense, and directly returned to the analysis room, put the document on a relatively empty table, and began to read it.

Although this body research is also a secret, Qianye at this time is not afraid that others will see it.

First, this is the staff area, and it is the research territory of the group of old scholars who are exempt from ordinary staff. Generally speaking, even Yuriko and Dr. Watanabe are not willing to come here. After all, coming here may He would be dragged by those old scholars to discuss academics. Even with Dr. Watanabe's eagerness and diligence, he couldn't stand the possibility of talking about academic research for three days and three nights.

Moreover, academic research is nothing more than that, the most fearful thing is that this group of old researchers will come to verify on-site, and that will not be a matter of three days and three nights.

Therefore, this place is basically a forbidden area of ​​Konoha Hospital.

Second, he went out holding this pile of document scrolls like this, he might as well just stay here. He didn't want to make people suspicious about this matter. This pile of document scrolls is also not conducive to his concealment. He has come all the way, but he always chooses places where others can't see, except of course, secret whistle.

After all, there are quite a few caring people staring at him now, and if something happens, it will be difficult to deal with it.

In the political arena, there are some things that Qianye can't see right now, so he has to be careful. Who knows if those caring people will be so intentional as to connect seemingly irrelevant things, and then add some manipulations to turn them against Chiba. Extremely unfavorable things are coming.

Just like when I just returned to the village, if I hadn't caught the painful feet of those two bastards from the Hyuga clan who attacked Xue Nai first, and with the support of Captain Sato of the defense force, this matter might have been a big deal.

So, here, he has to be more careful.

If you can do nothing, you can do nothing.

So, to sum up, Qianye just watched it in the analysis room.

And it's fine if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, Qianye's brows are almost wrinkled, and the whole person is drilled into the research data.

And the longer he watched, Qianye's face became more and more serious.

As if, saw something extremely important.


"Really? That's how it is, those old guys still have some tricks!"

At this time, on the other side, in an extremely hidden underground laboratory in Konoha Village, the evil man stopped the scalpel in his hand, looked at the dissected man wearing a Konoha forehead, his eyes flashed After a tinge of disappointment.

And on his left hand side, there is a small snow-white snake with black eyeshadow, which is hissing and spitting out a letter. It looks like it is saying something, and the expression in its eyes seems to be somewhat similar to this strange man.

From the looks of it, it seemed that this strange man was abnormally strange.

"I didn't expect that when the last data was released, these old guys actually wrote it all down at once, and that kid appeared at the right time, so he didn't give me any chance to steal information."

And when the little white snake stopped voicing the letter and tilted his head to look at the evil man, the evil man's brows slowly wrinkled, and a murderous look almost flashed on his face, while in his mouth, there was a lingering expression. Can't help saying in a low voice.

"However, forget it. Now that the experiment has been successful, let him go with the final data. There is no place to stay with that kid now. If this place is exposed, the loss outweighs the gain."

Following this sound, the evil man took a slight breath, and in his hoarse and somewhat evil voice, he had already made a plan.

And his eyes fell on the transparent jar in front of the test object.

At this time, a hand was floating in the unknown liquid in the transparent jar. When the evil man looked at him, the dozen or so eyes in that hand suddenly opened, and the bright red eyes rolled around. All eyes fell on the evil man.

full of...

Goosebumps creepy!

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