Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1360 New, benefits?

How is this going?

what happened?

Sitting behind the desk, Qianye leaned back slightly on the backrest, her eyes widened a little bit, with shock, disbelief, and doubt intertwined in her eyes, looking at the scrolls on the table that were drawn with complicated sealing techniques, And his hands were raised in the air, as if he was about to put them down, but he couldn't put them down no matter what, his whole body was almost a little stiff.

This feeling……

What is going on with this feeling?

And in his heart, thoughts of horror and doubt that he couldn't figure out could not stop popping up.

This is an unprecedented situation. It can be said that it is the most incredible time for him to travel through time.

Those sealing formulas, those combination methods, and even the sequence of chakra condensed sealing formulas and the way of transformation, all came to mind. I only glanced at it and recalled it, but all the sealing formulas I saw and recalled, no matter No matter how complicated it is, regardless of whether it is a sealing formula that I haven't figured out what it does, it is understood like factorization.

In just five hours, he understood all the sealed spells recorded before, and in a short while, he learned the recorded sealed spells and was able to use them.

Moreover, he had a clear understanding of the functions of these sealing techniques, and even a thorough understanding of the new combinations of many basic sealing techniques derived from the huge and complex sealing techniques.

It can almost be said that from his memories and records after his return, he seemed to have suddenly become enlightened, and instantly raised his level of sealing skills by several levels.

The combinations of sealing techniques that were unimaginable before are almost done by hand at this moment. Even, relying on these unexpected combinations of sealing techniques, Chiba can make new combinations of almost all the sealing techniques he has mastered, or To achieve different effects, or to increase the effectiveness of the sealing technique to a certain extent.

Even Chiba was able to develop some new sealing techniques.

This situation is simply unbelievable!

Yes, incredible!

In terms of the sealing technique, Chiba has always relied on her own efforts step by step from learning to unfamiliarity, from unfamiliarity to proficiency, and countless failures in passing proficiency to reach the current level.

During this process, he thought of countless tricks, but without exception, they all failed.

The sealing technique is not a power that can be tricked.

It is also the reason why there are so few ninjas who have mastered the sealing technique. This is a very demanding science, which not only requires a certain amount of talent, but also requires those who have this kind of talent to train as hard as mastering the Bamen Dunjia, and even , but also surpass the efforts of Bamen Dunjia.

In this world of Naruto, the three basic powers of ninjutsu, body jutsu, and genjutsu are the three kinds of ninja powers with the lowest threshold. Basically, even if there is no talent, hard work will have certain results, even if the special genjutsu, some simple As long as you spend enough time and effort, you can master it, but this enough time is very long. At the beginning, Qianye also gave up the illusion because the cost performance was not high.

However, seal technique, curse seal technique, medical ninjutsu, etc., these powers basically require both talent and hard work. Even the simplest of them are difficult to master without talent and hard work.

Even for Konoha's Sannin, the sealing technique used is actually quite limited. I learned from Kushina that Jiraiya has also worked hard on the sealing technique, but the effect is very little. It's just that their level Ninja, the use and understanding of Chakra has reached a certain level, and he has enough experience to slightly open up the limitations of that talent.

Then, compare Namikaze Minato and Kushina, who are talented in sealing skills, the level of sealing skills of the two is the same as the sky. If we talk about the level of sealing skills, a Namikaze Minato is probably equivalent to Orochimaru and Zirai. There are more than two people. And, it's a lot more.

The sealing techniques of Minakame Minato and Kushina already have the main level of personal strength, that is, they can already use the sealing technique in actual combat and can determine the outcome of the battle, while Jiraiya and Orochi Maruzhiliu, the sealing technique can only be used as a means of assisting from the sidelines. It can increase the chance of winning, but it is impossible to control the outcome of the battle.

As for Chiba's sealing technique, although it can't be said that it can only be assisted from the side to increase the chance of winning, it can't be called the outcome of a battle, it is in between, and it is close to "a victory or defeat".

Here, Chiba also calculated based on the time of the Kyuubi War. Namikaze Minato's sealing technique was already a decisive technique to protect the village and resolve the Kyuubi Rebellion during the Kyuubi Rebellion.

If it wasn't for the contract seal, Kyuubi would not be so easily sealed into Naruto's body under Obito's control.

If it weren't for the sealing barrier before the Hokage Rock Statue and the Nine-Tails Tailed Beast Jade, I am afraid that Konoha Village would no longer exist.

Of course, there is the last gossip seal, which is more stable and safer than the four-element seal and can make use of the Nine-Tails Chakra seal. Without it, I am afraid that there will be no child of prophecy in the future. This seal is a seal that will affect the general trend of the ninja world in the future.

It can be seen that this sealing technique, in the hands of Namikaze Minato, can be said to have decided the fate of the village and the son of prophecy.

It is definitely the key to deciding the outcome of a game.

It can also be seen that there is a gap between Namikaze Minato's sealing technique and Sanninbi's sealing technique.

On the side, it also shows that the sealing technique is difficult to learn.

But now, the sealing technique that is so difficult to learn has been improved by several levels so easily, and he has understood so many sealing techniques that Qianye has never seen before in an instant, which makes him always down-to-earth no matter what he does. , How can Qianye, who has improved his strength through practical efforts, not feel incredible?

How not to have that unprecedented feeling?

"I...it turns out that I'm really a time traveler..."

At this time, thinking of this, Qianye couldn't help grinning a stiff wry smile that couldn't be stiffer anymore.

In this case, Chiba can only think that he is cheating.

It was the awakening of some kind of traveler welfare that he hadn't noticed before.

It was also at this moment that Qianye suddenly recalled that he was still a time traveler, and the time traveler seemed to have cheats.

Then, after thinking about it, Qianye felt nothing but bitterness in her heart.

To what extent does a time traveler have to fail before he forgets that he is a time traveler and thinks that he has to rely on his own efforts to break through the world?

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