Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1408 Complete

In this way, it should be almost the same.

Even if Namikaze Minato makes any excuses, I can use "tacit understanding" and "talent" to block his excuses.

Thanks to Xue Nai, if it weren't for her perfect plan, I'm afraid my plan would not be able to pass.


Xue Nai is too powerful.

After I told my plan, I made this plan immediately. I am not as good as her in this ability.

Looking at Namikaze Minato who had already sensed something in front of him, Chiba felt determined, knowing that his strategy had succeeded.

Before this, after Kakashi said this idea, this strategy emerged in his mind.

That is, use Kakashi's idea this time to keep Kakashi, at least for a period of time, and then help Hirohiko to the point where he can command, or secretly command the engineering team.

At that time, Chiba thought of two possibilities, Kakashi is bound to leave the engineering team, the burden of the engineering team will inevitably fall on his shoulders, and it is impossible for him to participate in any engineering team now Commander, spend time on that every day.

Although, this engineering team was formed by him.

Keeping Kakashi, or finding a replacement for Kakashi, is a must.

However, it is absolutely impossible to keep Kakashi, and as a substitute, there is only one person who can reach Kakashi's level, Hirohiko.

He also led the engineering team with Kakashi. In terms of tacit understanding and popularity, Hirohiko is not inferior to Kakashi. Moreover, Kakashi has an overall view and is the commander of the overall direction. He really goes deep into the students. There is very little time in the team, but Hongyan is the opposite. He leads the students step by step to complete the construction indicators one by one. He really goes deep into the student team and acts as their mentor. Therefore, although Hongyan is guilty The name, but in terms of popularity and tacit understanding, it is even higher than Kakashi's.

As for whether Hirohiko has this ability, whether it will reach Kakashi's level, Chiba has never seen Hirohiko as the person in charge, so he can only say that he doesn't know.

Moreover, I don't think Hirohiko can surpass Kakashi in terms of talent.

Kakashi is really a ninja underestimated by the original book. It is not unreasonable for him to become the sixth Hokage, and there is no such thing as the weakest Hokage. Perhaps in terms of strength, Kakashi is inferior to Hokage in the past dynasties, but Hokage has never been based on strength alone. Political ability, ability to handle affairs, and actual command are also important indicators. Ability-based.

I am afraid that the reason why the third generation is called "the strongest Hokage" is largely not because of his personal strength, but because of this part of his talent.

Otherwise, if anyone with strong personal strength can be Hokage, I am afraid that the next few Hokages will not be candidates.

Hirohiko, in terms of talent, is definitely not as good as Kakashi.

Even if Chiba wanted to favorit again, he couldn't do favoritism here.

However, seeing that Hirohiko can lead a team, and a team can accomplish the construction goals, that is, the daily tasks, and gain enough popularity to change the students' perception of him, it can be seen that Hirohiko is not as talented as Kakashi , but it is still possible to manage this ninja engineering team.

Hirohiko is definitely the only candidate.

But now, Kakashi's idea just gave Chiba an inspiration. Since Kakashi cannot stay for a long time, then let him stay for a while, even if it is only a few days, and let him stabilize the current situation first. The situation, and then secretly let Hirohiko slowly take over what Kakashi did, until Kakashi left, Hirohiko actually managed the engineering team in the dark.

As for Chiba himself, as the superficial person in charge of the engineering team, he formed a pattern of superficial and hidden reality. Moreover, because of the name of a sinner, Hirohiko could not be the superficial commander, which made him a ninja who killed and wounded his own clan. As the conductor, although the students will not have any problems, but people other than the students will definitely not buy it.

It can only be that Chiba is in the light and Hirohiko is in the dark.

And Kakashi's idea can just promote such a pattern, and Chiba also has a lot of ways to complete the arrangement of this pattern within these seven days.

Since it is impossible to keep Kakashi, and it is also difficult to find a replacement, it is better to combine the two.

Keep Kakashi for a short time, and if you can't find a replacement in the open, then cultivate a replacement in the dark.

It's all the same anyway, it would be nice not to let Chiba do the work of the engineering team by herself.

Moreover, with Kakashi's idea, even Hokage's side is very easy to deal with.

So, Chiba left in a hurry at that time, and after leaving, he went back to the cabin first, called Xue Nai who had canceled the patrol because of the defense force and gave himself a fake, and then asked Xue Nai to make a plan An arrangement plan for the defense force in line with Kakashi's ideas.

Immediately, he perfectly transformed Kakashi's idea into an excellent plan.

However, there was actually a small episode here, which also surprised Qianye.

After hearing Chiba's narration, Xue Nai actually immediately formulated the plan for the arrangement, and dictated it for Chiba to record.

This plan for the cooperation and arrangement of the defense force was born before Chiba's plan.

Moreover, this coordinating arrangement plan is still a very meticulous and perfect plan, so that Qianye can't imagine it at all. It was the plan that Xue Naijin made after only ten minutes of thinking. If Qianye hadn't seen it with his own eyes, and It also happened suddenly, Qianye almost thought that Xue Nai knew that he was going to do this a long time ago and thought out a countermeasure in advance.

At that moment, Qianye really admired this eleven-year-old little girl from the bottom of her heart. She could even imagine a future Xue Nai who wanted to be beautiful, talented, and almost make men feel ashamed.

It can really be said that he is both talented and beautiful, and his beauty is incredible.

Even, thinking that such a girl with both talents and looks is her closest friend, Qianye couldn't help being a little proud.

"I see. I will do what you want in this matter. However, I have no objection to Hongyan assisting you. I also believe that your judgment will not be mixed with emotional factors. However, you must know that Hongyan is a villager after all. Sinners who kill and injure fellow clan members, you must treat them with a correct attitude, understand?"

At this time, Minakaze Minato, who was secretly smiling wryly, took a slight breath, and said.

In his words, he already agreed to Qianye's arrangement.

"Yes! I know. I am responsible for the Ninja Engineering Team. If something happens to Hirohiko, it is also my responsibility. I will never do anything to let criminals go unpunished."

For this, Chiba bowed her body and said yes, expressing her understanding.

Understand Namikaze Minato's reminder to him.

However, this reminds him that he has already considered it.

"Well, it's good that you know. Then, go and make arrangements. There are only seven days. After seven days, Kakashi must leave to do his mission."

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato nodded slightly, and after leaving the two proposals, he waved Chiba back.

"Yes! Then..."

And seeing the appearance of Namikaze Minato's eviction order, Chiba didn't talk nonsense, and after responding, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Then, Xue Nai's plan to seal the caged bird...

start up!

However, in his mind, there was such a thought.

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