Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1416 We set off

"Haw... Haw..."

Accompanied by the sporadic chirping of birds, the bright autumn sunlight poured down from the window, falling on Chiba who was lying on the bed, maintaining the posture of falling on the bed before going to bed, illuminating the messy seals on the floor The scrolls of the sealing technique also illuminated the entire room that was somewhat messy because of these messy scrolls of the sealing technique.

Another bright and peaceful morning.

"Qianye! Enough is enough for me! Xue Nai has been waiting for you for half an hour, and you still don't get up!"

Then, amidst this tranquility, Jiu Xinnai's evil voice instantly broke the tranquility.

Of course, there is also Chiba's sleepiness.


This sound pierced into his ears, Qianye almost jumped up from the bed, and after landing, he looked around in a panic.

After not seeing Kushina's figure, he let out a long breath.

"Get up quickly!"

However, just as he let out a long breath, Kushina's almost roaring voice shook from below.

"Yes... yes! Teacher Kushina!"

This roaring sound made Qianye almost jump in fright, and even blurted it out of his mouth.

The voice trembled a little.

Scared me!

What time is it...

Then, after replying this sound, Qianye gently covered his chest, took a deep breath, stabilized the heartbeat that suddenly accelerated due to fear, and glanced at the clock.

Eight thirty.

The clock shows the time as such.

It's already this point!

Seeing this time point, Qianye's face flashed with shock, and hurriedly began to change clothes. Although he slept in the clothes he wore yesterday, but today's situation is special, he has to dress a little more decently, I chased with Kakashi yesterday, the clothes didn't have any obvious stains, but they weren't clean enough.

It is agreed that Xue Nai will be sent to the camp today!

We're going to be late for this set time soon!

While undressing in a panic with one hand and putting on clothes in a hurry with the other, Qianye's face became more and more stiff.

Today is the first day of the implementation of the plan, so there must be no troubles, and there are still a lot of things to do today.


It was too late to study yesterday, and it was past midnight before I knew it!

At this time, out of the corner of his eye, he inadvertently glanced at the seal scroll on the ground, and couldn't help but think about the development of the seal technique yesterday, and he couldn't help complaining to himself.

Last night, the progress can be said to be quite smooth, and because it was quite smooth, he was a little anxious, thinking that he would develop the first sealing technique suitable for caged birds early, so it was extremely timed out, and even today was so important. Things were left behind.

And the end is the end of the rush now, and the end of Kushina's rage.

However, despite his complaints, Chiba did not feel that yesterday's timeout was not worth it. At least, yesterday's timeout allowed him to finally integrate the core sealing formula of "making the sealing technique act on the spell sealing technique" and the spell seal The operation of combining the patterns has been practiced proficiently, and finally mastered the method of combining the spell seal and seal.

Although Chiba can be said to have learned this method according to the time travel benefits of instant memory, but to actually operate it, a certain connection is still required. Moreover, this combination method requires very high precision chakra operations. Even though Chiba's chakra ultra-fine control ability is close to the limit of chakra control, there is still no carelessness, and considerable practice is still needed.

After all, such types of techniques as sealing and spell sealing are fundamentally different from ninjutsu and are more complex.

This time, understanding the principle is one thing, and actually operating it is another.

And if you can't meet the hard conditions of chakra control, no matter how much you understand, how much you understand in your mind, what should fail will still fail.

Otherwise, if Chiba's instant memory can really be used just by looking at it once, and even the combination of sealing technique and spell sealing technique, which surpasses the level of ninja sealing technique or spell sealing technique, can be used just by looking at it, then Chiba doesn't need to think so much.

Different from ninjutsu, this sealing technique and curse sealing technique, learning is learning, actual operation is another matter.

Ninjutsu understands the function of knot seal, the use of chakra's shape and property change, basically the rest of the operation is very simple, just those few steps, so you can use it immediately after reading it once.

However, seal spells and seal spells and the like, if you understand the truth and know the operation of each step, you can say you have learned it, but the real operation is still difficult. Chakra is converted into a seal spell or a spell seal pattern. , but not as simple as ninjutsu operation, it needs the control of Chakra as support, and because of the complexity of spell sealing and sealing technique, it adds a lot of difficulty to this operation, the real operation is much more difficult than ninjutsu up.

Even if you can see it, it takes a lot of practice.

And yesterday, Chiba achieved remarkable results.

After mastering this core content, Chiba estimates that it will take another two nights to complete the first sealing technique idea among the seven ideas, and can directly conduct experiments.

The speed can be said to be quite fast.

"Thump, thump, thump!"

And after this glance, a series of thoughts flashed through Qianye's mind, and the clothes on her hands were almost put on and off, and she ran downstairs while arranging the skirts.

"Good morning, Xue Nai."

When he went downstairs, he saw that Xue Nai was already sitting at the low table waiting for him, and the breakfast in front of him had already been finished.

"Good morning."

Hearing Chiba's greeting, Xue Nai turned her head and smiled slightly.

"What's good in the morning, go wash up for me!"

However, Kushina, who poked her head out of the kitchen, was not very friendly.


Seeing Jiu Xinnai's flying red hair, Qianye not only didn't stop, but rushed to the door even faster.

And under the deterrence of Jiu Xinnai, Qianye reappeared in the living room after tidying herself meticulously and extremely quickly.

"I'll wait for you for breakfast."

Regarding this, Xue Nai smiled again and said.

"What breakfast, I overslept, what are you waiting for him to eat, go fast!"

To this, Chiba was about to answer, but was immediately interrupted by Kushina who poked his head out again.

"Well, indeed, there is no time for breakfast."

Hearing Kushina's words, Chiba smiled embarrassingly.

"Then... let's go."

And Xue Nai also knew the importance of the matter, so she didn't insist on it at the moment, so she stood up and was ready to go.

"I'll carry you on my back, time is running out now."

To this, Chiba said.

It's going to be late now, Xue Nai's eyesight is not convenient, and it's too slow to walk, so it's better to walk with her on your back.


And hearing this, Xue Nai obviously paused, her face flushed.

"I see."

However, she soon became serious, knowing that Qianye had no other intentions, so there was really no need to hesitate, this was business.

Then, Qianye went out with Xue Nai on her back.

"Wait a minute! Hold it!"

Then, when they went out, a piece of bread flew out from the door of the Japanese-style cabin, and it flew right to Qianye's mouth, and was subconsciously grabbed by Qianye. .

At the same time, Kushina's voice came at the same time.

Regarding this, Chiba with the bread in his mouth, and Yuki Nai who hugged Chiba's neck, smiled warmly at the same time.

"We're off, Teacher Kushina!"


Then, amidst the two voices, Chiba and Xue Nai threw themselves into the grove in front of the Japanese-style cabin.

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