Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1422 Two Hours of Change

Two hours later, the mission was issued by the agency.

"Mr. Onoda, please give me the personnel arrangement for last month. I need to know the personnel arrangement for last month."

Chiba's voice, with respect and politeness, sounded in this office area dedicated to internal personnel belonging to the task issuing agency.


And soon, a relatively young voice sounded in the office where the staff came and went, and there was a rush of busyness.

"Sister Natsume, this is today's assignment sheet for the assignment of D-level missions in the village. You can take it and publish it, and I have asked Xiao Si to go to the lower-level organization to notify the assigned ninja."

Then, before the "yes" could be heard, Chiba's voice sounded again.


And this time Chiba's response was the voice of a very sweet young lady.

"Deputy Minister Noda, here is the list of the newly arrived Hyuga Clan and Uchiha Clan. They are mainly responsible for the tasks of secret sentry and security. They all need to be dismantled and reorganized. I will leave it to you here."

And almost at the same time as the "yes", Qianye's words sounded again.

"I see."

In this regard, a steady middle-aged male voice quickly responded to Chiba's words.

"Also, here and here, there is a problem, the C-level task arrangement group, this can't be used."

"The B-level task arrangement team, this B-level task has already involved wartime tasks, and we have to wait for Hokage's decision."

"A-level tasks, we don't need to think about it, just wait for Hokage!"

Following the echoes, Qianye gave the second and third orders almost as soon as the echo came, and his voice added a busy atmosphere of racing against time in this busy office.


This is really...


But at this time, sitting in the exclusive office of the troop commander, Tanaka Xin looked out, and looked at the young man sitting in the pile of documents, who was in the center of the entire office, his eyes were almost wide open, and his lips were slightly parted. , seemed to want to sigh something, but nothing came out.

At the same time, he also deeply felt a gap, a gap that made him powerless.

In two hours, the youngest Hokage assistant in history, in just two hours, completely resolved the situation that was so chaotic that even running a few steps might collide with other anxious colleagues. changed.

At this moment, although there were people coming and going, and even the crowd was running more and more urgently than before, there was no sense of chaos at all, and everything was in order.

And the credit for all of this is that the assistant came at the same time as he received Hokage's letter of appointment.

But what changed everything was that the young assistant took a look at the layout of the office area, and then gave the first order to tidy up the desks.

Then, there is now, the assistant is in the middle, dividing four main roads, and each desk area is mixed with a pattern of small main roads for two people to pass through.

As an assistant, he also divided the entire office area into six areas. One is his minister's office area. Now he has only one desk, and he is responsible for sharing some assignment orders that this assistant has no time to take care of, or helping to assign an area. It can be said that it feels like doing chores.

And the second area is the area of ​​the deputy minister, which is the area where the task orders of the new ninjas are processed. There are currently three tables, and the new ninjas are all ninjas from the Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan. , With the input of so much fresh blood, he believes that their work will be much easier in the future.

The other four areas are divided into four areas of D-level, C-level, B-level and other tasks. The first three areas are naturally, as the name suggests, responsible for the task orders of the corresponding levels. Other tasks are some comprehensive processing. The area is basically a list, missing task processing and checking and other chores.

This move, Tanaka Shin calculated, this changed the placement of the table, saving about 10% of the time. Because the division of labor is clearly defined for everyone, after spending about an hour getting used to it, the efficiency has increased by another 30%.

What was even more frightening was the young man sitting in the middle. Since he sat down at that desk, there has been no mistake in all the task lists, and the flow of people in the entire office has accelerated by nearly 50%.

In other words, as soon as he sat down, the efficiency of this office area increased by 50%.

And now, in two hours, they have already dealt with things that lasted almost one morning and half an afternoon.

Moreover, after the task orders were issued faster, some unavoidable delays in shift changes and task delays never happened again.

Even at this speed, each task assignment list is the most perfect arrangement, and even the task completion time is much earlier.

After the completion time is advanced, the assigned ninjas are free, and they can receive more tasks. Even the consumption of tasks is much faster. Originally, an assigned ninja or a team of assigned ninjas only had two or three tasks a day. The degree of fit has been greatly improved. There is basically no problem with four tasks a day, and even six or seven tasks can be completed.

After all, the missions are all within the village. Except for the security missions and martial law missions, which require a lot of manpower and time, other missions can be completed without the need to travel. It is not impossible to complete six or seven missions a day.

And if there are too many tasks completed in a day, then the tasks will be consumed quickly, and because the tasks are entrusted, the growth rate will change, and the daily increase can actually be loaded and free, just because during the current war period, there are often Temporary changes have caused a large number of tasks to be backlogged together, resulting in a rather large number. Now, there are more tasks that can be done every day, tasks are consumed quickly, and there are fewer and fewer tasks in the inventory. After the inventory is exhausted , the assignment of tasks will be much easier, and even some personnel can be vacated.

It can be said that as soon as this assistant came, their organization entered a virtuous circle, and there was always a feeling that they were finally on the right track.

Compared with this assistant, I am really nothing, the gap is like a gap!

At this moment, Tanaka Shin's face did not know whether it was bitterness or admiration.

Then, the ten people I need are almost all found.

Next, go hire some workers and take them to camp.

At this time, after processing a task list in his hand, Qianye paused slightly, glanced at the scroll with ten names written on it, and such a thought flashed in his mind.

Then, he picked up an empty scroll, picked up the pen and ink, and started writing.

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