Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1449 Difficulties

"Duh! Duh! Duh!"

The sun shone down, and in this autumn, the camp surrounded by logs was shining brightly.

At the back of the office room, there was a burst of knocking sound in the already empty camp, which would be thought to be empty, but it gave the camp a bit of life.

"about there!"

At this moment, looking at the clear blue sky, Qianye put down the thick wooden stick in his hand, and looked at the three wooden stakes that had just been placed in front of him.

Now that Xue Nai's matter has been resolved, Hirohiko basically doesn't have to go back to prison, and the crime has been offset a lot. Next, there is Chiba's own problem.

And his own problem, needless to say, is naturally his physical condition.

Because of the changes in his body, he can no longer use the eight-door mode. Strictly speaking, he cannot use the eight-door dunjia, and he may need to start practicing the eight-door dunjia again.

Although the changes in his body have also brought him many good changes, such as permanent activation of cells, anti-toxicity, etc., but compared to the eight-door model of his power core, it is far from enough. make up for this gap.

Qianye must also consider the worst factors, the possibility of needing to re-train Bamen Dunjia, so now he plans to start re-training, which is always no problem.

Moreover, Kakashi and Yukina are now fully responsible for the ninja engineering team, and everything is in order. According to the documents Kakashi and Yukina gave to themselves yesterday, the early warning system building over there has been established. Because of Hirohiko's joining, this The building is also equipped with a lot of well-conceived mechanism traps, which can even be connected to each transfer station and linked with the trap organs of the transfer station. If there is enough time for further transformation, the early warning system can even remotely control each transfer station. The agency of the station.

Of course, this remote control is a big project, and it needs to add huge organs and underground facilities to be able to do it.

Basically, there is no two or three months that can't be done, and the construction plan needs to be shut down, so it is basically impossible to do this.

After the construction of the early warning system was completed, the workers also began to excavate the tunnels. It is estimated that in half a month, an underground transportation network will be completed, so there is no need to worry about supplies.

At present, nearly one-third of the manpower is still used in the delivery of supplies, and many defense force personnel are also restrained, so that the construction team is currently very tight.

However, fortunately, for supplies or something, it’s good to deliver once every three days, and once every three days if you’re nervous, and you can’t get nervous a few times, just make it through.

Generally speaking, there is no problem.

As for the construction situation, the efficiency has dropped by 50% compared to the original one. Because there was no construction for two days, some progress has been lost. However, these are still acceptable. After all, the underground network, early warning network, and support troops are all It's a one-and-done measure and totally worth it.

When everything is on the right track, these lost progress can be made up without a single day.

The enthusiasm of the students is still very high.

According to Kakashi, this group of students are very excited to be able to discover their own progress every day. They work very hard every day and do not appear lazy.

Even, there have been some examples of graduates who were supposed to graduate next year, but in terms of strength, can graduate this year, not to mention those geniuses who have shown their talents, they can become ninjas now.

It's just that among this group of students, there is no particularly outstanding genius, such as Kakashi and his like, not a single one.

However, the quantity and quality of geniuses in this group of students are similar to those of previous years, which can be regarded as meeting the standard.

And Hirohiko's adaptation is also quite good. It is estimated that after seven days, when everything stabilizes and Kakashi leaves, he will be able to take over.

It can be said that the key things of the new plan have been basically settled in these two days, and the enemy spies have not changed anything.

This was also within Chiba's expectations. Two spies were captured just now, and one was killed. The leak of information is a certainty. It depends on what secrets these spies know about their village.

This kind of carefully selected elite spy, who was ordered in the face of danger, is definitely a veteran who has experienced countless storms and spy missions, and must know a lot of secrets.

Chiba knows this without even thinking about it.

For the time being, there is no need to worry about the spies in the enemy village causing trouble, and the anti-spies of the engineering team are also quite strict. In addition, among the ten newly added elites, there are also quite powerful perception ninjas. If the other party can really sneak in, then Qianye is also at the end of Qianlu's skills, so it can only be said that the opponent is too powerful.

What happens, it is human beings who are not as good as heaven, and there is no such spy. I can only bear it, and I can't blame anyone.

"Well, since my body has undergone a series of changes, in addition to the detected increases, the strength of the body has also improved to a certain extent, especially in terms of physical strength, because the activation of cells has also been improved. Great progress, if physical training is to be effective..."

And thinking of this, Qianye is not thinking about the engineering team, but thinking about his own training plan. Compared with before the third World War, his physique has undergone earth-shaking changes. The previous training plan, I am afraid There is no promotion.


Can only the basic training of more than 3,000 be effective?

However, after thinking for a while, Qianye sighed.

After thinking about it, he had to do more than 3,000 basic training. However, the basic training with a base of 3,000 would probably consume more than half a day of his time, which is a bit low cost performance.

The training method has to be changed!

Although it is empty to say the following, it is impossible for me to devote all my energy to this physical training. In terms of ninjutsu, I have practiced Earth Dungeon and Water Dungeon to the extreme. The chakra properties of the earth attribute and water attribute change And the change of shape has reached the extreme, and it is impossible to have any obvious improvement after practicing.

Ninjutsu is one of the three major powers of ninjas, and it can even be said to be the signature of ninjas. I must not stick to water escape and earth escape, and the synthesis of blood succession limits is extremely difficult, even if it is the practice of changing nature and form. To the extreme, it is unimaginable.

After all, who the hell knows how to synthesize a bloodstain limit!

This thing, apart from genetics, which ninja who synthesized bloodstains is not secretive, even if it is the shadow of his own village, it is not passed on to the outside world, and it is not even passed on to the next generation, it only depends on inheritance.

Now to improve ninjutsu, one can only start with the other three attributes, and the difficulty of mastering the third non-innate attribute is geometrically increased. Otherwise, how could it be possible for so few ninjas to master five attributes.

Moreover, there is also the sealing technique, the remaining six ideas, I always want to complete them!

In terms of illusion, even if I don't have this talent, I still have to try, at least until I can quickly get rid of illusion.

There is still much to do.

Physical training, even if it is to restore the eight-door mode, does not take too much time.

But thinking about it, Chiba gradually frowned, deeply feeling that the training method must be changed.


Just then, a familiar voice interrupted his thoughts.

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