Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1450 Concerns

"Xue Nai?"

Hearing this call, Qianye turned around in surprise, but saw Xue Nai standing against the door, looking at herself with a pair of empty eyes.

Why is Xue Nai back?

And in his heart, there was a burst of doubt.

Earlier today, Xue Nai went to the early warning system building with the main force, and her command room is over there. At this time, she should be dealing with affairs.

Could it be that……


Then, the moment doubts flashed, he felt a chill in his heart. It is impossible for Xue Nai to appear here now. Then, what is in front of him now is most likely a change from a spy, or a disguise, or a transformation technique.


This is Xue Nai!

Really Chennai!

After that, he instantly vetoed the last thought. Faintly, he could feel the breath of the seal on Xue Nai's forehead. Impossible to set up one for yourself.

There is no doubt that the one in front of her is Xue Nai herself.

Not a spy.

"So, is it really okay?"

At this time, Xue Nai's words full of worry also came over.

"So? How?"

Qianye was slightly taken aback by this, obviously not understanding what Xue Nai meant.

"Using this seal in exchange for a commission, this seal, shouldn't let them know, so, is there really no problem?"

But hearing Qianye's words, Xue Nai couldn't help touching her forehead, and said with a little worry on her face.

It turned out to be a problem with the seal...

Sure enough, she couldn't hide it from Xue Nai.

Hearing this, Qianye also understood, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart, Xue Nai was worried about him.

This seal, for the Hyuga clan, is definitely a sealing technique that has a huge impact, and even has a subversive impact.

As a relatively independent group of ninjas, the system that maintains the independent ninja group of the Hyuga Clan is undoubtedly the clan branch system. groups.

And the foundation of this system is undoubtedly the ancient curse seal called Unsolvable, Bird in a Cage, which has been handed down from the Six Paths era by the Hyuga clan.

This curse seal can basically be said to be the foundation of the Hyuga clan.

It is an absolute guarantee to ensure that the branch family is absolutely obedient to the clan family.

And this sealing technique can basically be said to unravel this unsolvable curse seal from a certain angle, and completely destroy the foundation of the Hyuga clan's clan system.

Let me ask, if the subfamily of the Hyuga clan knows the existence of this sealing technique, will the subfamily of the Hyuga clan not seek a chance to get rid of the caged bird because this sealing technique is in the hands of a close friend who is the object of their resentment?

The answer, of course, is to go!

Compared to having their lives in other people's hands, even if they kneel down and beg, they will flock to Qianye to seek relief.

Of course, everything cannot be generalized. There may be a few branches that are particularly loyal to the clan, but they will definitely not be the mainstream.

The Hyuga clan was engraved as a bird in a cage when they were very young, and there is no chance of choice in life. If there is such an opportunity in front of them, most people will choose this opportunity that determines their own life.

And the branch family is no longer restrained by the bird in the cage, so the clan branch system is basically useless, and even if there is a branch family who secretly resents the clan family, it is very likely that an earth-shaking change will happen to the Hyuga clan, and Hyuga Hizuru is very likely Is about to face the danger of life.

At the same time, it is estimated that the entire Hyuga Clan fell apart, declined, or even ceased to exist.

This sealing technique can be said to be a sealing technique capable of destroying the Hyuga clan, let alone showing it to the head of the Hyuga clan openly, even the light cannot be seen. No one in the village can know.

And before, when negotiating with Hyuga Nyaku, why Hyuga Nyaku saw this sealing technique, and Hyuga Nyaku immediately made the decision to let Xue Nai free, because of the existence of this sealing technique.

Afterwards, after the choice, Hyuga Hyuzu asked Chiba to destroy the scroll, but it didn't mean to destroy the scroll of the sealing technique on the surface, but to let Chiba keep it a secret and not use it anymore.

At least, it doesn't mean to use it against the Hyuga clan.

At the same time, this also shows that Hinata Hinata can pretend not to know about it.

This option to appoint a license is a compromise made by Hinata Nichizu.

And it was Hinata Hinata's request for Chiba to destroy the scroll.

Of course, here, Chiba actually had to agree to Hyuga Hyuzu.

After all, the importance of the Hyuga clan to the village is self-evident, and they have also made many and very important contributions to the village. They are also the big clan that suppresses the Uchiha clan. It can be said that the family dominates. With Uchiha's arrogant and extreme family personality, it is completely unpredictable what the village will become.

But what is certain is that the village will definitely become extremely unstable.

This is something that no family, any high-level Konoha wants to see. Therefore, if Hyuga here is enough for Chiba to threaten the existence of the Hyuga clan, if he makes a request to Hokage, the village will choose Chiba or Hyuga A family, the results speak for themselves.

Moreover, if the village chooses the Hyuga clan, what will happen to Chiba, ranging from being imprisoned with strict guards, to being executed directly, so as not to leak the sealing technique and endanger the Hyuga clan.

For the village, even though Chiba holds an important position and is highly valued by Hokage, he has no choice when it comes to such a major matter that endangers the stability and survival of the village.

Even if the Fourth Hokage is reluctant to give up, he will make two decisions: light and heavy.

This is the relationship between human beings as group creatures, individual interests and group interests. In a group, individual interests are ultimately insignificant.

Of course, if this is a novel, if it is a time-travel novel, some people may say betrayal.

Don't be kidding, if Chiba rebelled now, it would not be like Orochimaru and Sasuke who rebelled against the village. These two people rebelled against the village, and the harm is relatively small. The sealing technique of one of the most powerful clans also holds some core secrets of Konoha.

To be honest, as long as he betrays, I am afraid that the three generations of Hokage will come back and hunt him down.

And with Qianye's current strength, facing Konoha's key pursuit, to be honest, Qianye has no confidence in being able to guarantee immortality.

This point, Chiba is still very realistic.

What's more, his goal has been achieved, and it doesn't matter if he agrees to Hyuga Hyuzu. What about changing the Hyuga clan, what about eliminating caged birds, whatever he cares about, if it's not about Xue Nai, he won't bother to care about it, and he doesn't have time to care about it .

What's more, those Hyuga branch families treated Xue Nai like this, even if they came to kneel and beg, he would just kick them away, let them live forever and their descendants together, be controlled by others, life and death are in the hands of others.

Qianye attaches great importance to every relationship, and can give his best efforts, even his life, to everyone who treats him well and gives him warmth.

However, it doesn't mean that he is a good person who will save everyone and rush to see injustice.

And here, Xue Nai is obviously worried that he will be dealt with by the Hyuga clan and the village.

"Don't worry, it's okay, I have reached an agreement with Hyuga Nichio, he is not Hyuga Masao, he is not so cruel."

And thinking of this, Qianye smiled slightly, looked at the worried Xue Nai, and said.

"The Hyuga clan will not do anything to me, the seal technique or something, Hyuga Hizuru will just treat it as if he didn't see it, and I also promise Hyuga Hizuzu that I will never reveal the secret of this seal technique, and I will treat the rest of the Hyuga clan use."

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