Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1470 Really, it won't last long

"Really? Xiaochun, she..."

Slowly putting down the scroll in his hand, Sarutobi Biwako looked at Chiyo Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen who was frowning and smoking in front of him, and sighed softly, the seriousness on his face seemed to show a bit of embarrassment .


As for Tan Xiu, his wife, Hiruzaru Sarutobi groaned and did not react.

"So, what are your plans?"

Listening to this murmur, Sarutobi Lake Biwa seemed to sigh again before asking.

"Me? What else can I plan?"

In this regard, Sarutobi Hiruzachi let out a long sigh, and slowly put down the cigarette stick in his hand, but the corner of his mouth was full of wry smiles.

"Actually, I don't quite agree with it either. Letting Chiba be an assistant at the beginning was a good experience, but if you become an assistant, it's a bit inappropriate."

Looking at her husband with a wry smile, Sarutobi Biwako expressed his thoughts, and in his words, he seemed to agree with Koharu, who was going to bed, and opposed Chiba's official transition to Hokage's assistant.

"Now, Watergate is in charge. This matter still depends on Watergate's thoughts. If Watergate insists, then I should also support it."

Listening to his wife's words, Sarutobi Hiruza said helplessly.

In fact, he has some responsibility for this matter. On the day he took office at Namakaze Minato, he proposed the idea of ​​cultivating Hokage candidates early. Now Namikaze Minato is only implementing the policies he left behind. It would be unavoidable for him to oppose it now. It's a bit inappropriate.

Moreover, he also approved the cultivation of Chiba. After all, the future Hokage was selected. His previous Hokage was still there, so the current Hokage naturally wanted to discuss with him.

He also felt very suitable.

It's just that he didn't expect that Xiaochun, who has always been very clear about the relationship between public and private, would do such an extreme thing.

He also didn't expect that Xiaochun would be so decisive and uncharacteristically that he didn't give him any leeway.

But now, faced with the choice between Chiba and Koharu, to be honest, Hiruzaru Sarutobi tends to choose to transfer to Koharu.

It's not that he is the friendship between Gu Nian and Zhuanzhu Xiaochun, but that between the consultant and the assistant, the consultant is undoubtedly more important.

Yes, consultants are worth more than assistants.

Moreover, the consultant is still the link between the village and the country, which requires very strong diplomatic skills and other abilities to deal with various emergencies, and also needs to be recognized by the daimyo, which also requires considerable prestige, which requires quite a lot. comprehensive ability and reputation.

To be honest, it would be difficult for Chiba to take up the position of consultant.

Moreover, under the coordination of Xiaochun and Menyan, the village and the country have maintained a very healthy relationship, and this credit does not belong to Xiaochun or Menyan, but to the two of them. Because of their tacit cooperation.

But now that Xiaochun has withdrawn, Hiruzaru Sarutobi doesn't think that Kamen Yan can handle it so well by himself.

In a sense, the current Xiaochun, as a consultant, is indispensable.

However, in the same sense, Chiba is also indispensable.

Chiba's performance as an assistant during this period has proved that he is qualified for the position of assistant, and can even give Hokage considerable help, and even has a feeling of overwhelming the current Hokage and surpassing the current Hokage.

On the other hand, none of the other assistant candidates in the village with corresponding talents could match him, and they were far behind.

It's not even a question of being able to meet or not, it's that there are no candidates in the village who can be an excellent assistant.

Just a few that barely make up the numbers.

Especially among the younger generation, this war also took away many talented young people.

Of course, apart from Chiba, there is actually one candidate in the village, and that is the current Hokage's own disciple, the super genius who is as famous as Chiba, Kakashi. During the preparation stage of this expansion plan, this super genius also showed excellent talent and is also qualified for this responsibility.

However, it is a pity that Kakashi suffered considerable setbacks and psychological trauma during this war. The current Hokage also asked himself for advice on how to help his disciple many times. It is a pity that the heart disease is the most difficult to cure, and he did not It's a good way to let Kakashi figure it out by himself.

However, it is also because of this psychological trauma that Kakashi cannot be an assistant. This psychological trauma is caused by the death of a close friend in front of him and the killing of a close friend with his own hands. It is easy to stain the child's heart with darkness, even to the extreme. There may be a drastic change in personality, becoming cruel and easy to kill, or just going crazy. This is undoubtedly an unstable factor. If he is placed in a high position as an assistant, it is quite unsafe.

And this excludes Kakashi, then there are no candidates, basically they are relatively mediocre, sorting files and the like can be competent, but if you want to share the worries of Hokage like Chiba, you still have the meaning of being better than Hokage , is unique.

Considering the current situation in the village, Chiba is also indispensable.

After all, among the younger generation, among his two sons, the elder brother is good enough to go to the battlefield, but he is a piece of mud when he is a civil servant, and the younger son is far worse.

Moreover, his youngest son does not have Chiba's ability to make people ignore his age.

Compared with Qianye, the other young people are also of mediocre aptitude.

In the current situation, it's no wonder that the current Hokage asked him for help. He didn't know what to do about this matter.

Although, in terms of importance, the consultant Xiaochun should be chosen, not the assistant Chiba.

However, it is also a great loss for the village to let Qianye resign as an assistant, and there is no one who can replace him.

He tends to stay with Xiaochun, but he really doesn't want to part with Qianye.

This is really a dilemma.

"I can't choose who to choose."

But hearing this, Sarutobi Biwako, as his wife, debunked his words and expressed what he thought in his heart.


In this regard, Hiruzaru Sarutobi coughed lightly in embarrassment, turned around, picked up the cigarette stick and continued to puff.


Seeing her husband's appearance, Sarutobi Biwako stood up somewhat helplessly, and said, "Let me go persuade Xiaochun."


Regarding this, Hiruzaru Sarutobi breathed out a mouthful of smoke, but he still didn't speak.

"Success is not guaranteed, and I am not inclined to let Chiba be an assistant."

Looking at her husband, Sarutobi Biwako shook his head helplessly.

However, this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't respond at all, and began to swallow his clouds and fog.


Really, it won't last long!

But this time, Sarutobi Biwako didn't say much, and after sighing in his heart, he turned and left.

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