Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1476 Sudden Discovery

"Then, I will take my leave first, Lord Chiba."

Looking at the command scroll in the hand of Chiba's slightly hesitant subordinate, Anbu ninja bowed slightly, and after a low sound, he left in an instant.

"oh oh!"

And Qianye's response seemed to be half a beat slow, and it was only when Anbu Ninja left that he suddenly opened his mouth.

This should be the letter of appointment, right?

Next, it should be the assistant appointment letter with the word agent removed.

Sure enough, it was decided directly without even informing, so I really couldn't have any chance to refute.

At this time, he really didn't care about Anbu's fate, and all his thoughts were put on this scroll.

If this assistant really becomes official, then, unless I am already dead, and I have died long ago and been forgotten by people, I will definitely appear in the original book.

At least, it will be mentioned.

But now, there is no possibility of me in the original book, and there is no legend about me, that is to say, according to the general trend, I should die silently like Senior Huojian, and be forgotten by people.

However, what kind of death will make everyone forget?

Not even Kakashi would mention me.

Then, as the attention was concentrated on the scroll, Chiba's thoughts also diverged. According to previous calculations, he might die in the Nine-Tails Rebellion. Facing the timing of his own death, even though Chiba had experienced life and death, he was extremely concerned about it.

Of course, although he is extremely concerned now, he is not panicked at the beginning, and has calmed down.

After all, knowing one's own death date, and not knowing one's own death date to go through life and death are two completely different mentalities.

Even Qianye couldn't let go of it completely, in other words, he was so free and easy that he didn't linger in his mind.

At this moment, he also began to think about how to avoid his own death, since he knew that he was likely to die in the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and he was sure that the cause of death might be some kind of thing that made people forget that he was alive and could not talk about it. The taboo cause of death, in a sense, ruled out many possibilities and reduced the scope of his death.

Now, the official assistant's letter of appointment can be regarded as a confirmation for him, and the matter that the death date is approaching must be taken seriously.

Although this matter sounds a bit nonsense, Qianye who is in it dare not take it lightly.

All kinds of things before have convinced him of the existence of such a thing as "fate", and this fate is the plot of the manga called Naruto that he read in his previous life.

Otherwise, if this fate, history, or general trend does not exist, then what happened to his previous efforts and failures?

Could there really be so many coincidences that caused him to fail?

This is absolutely impossible. A coincidence can happen once or twice, but for the third time, it cannot be called a coincidence, but some kind of necessity.

Besides, such unimaginable things as crossing will happen in this Hokage world, so it doesn't make sense for the plot of the original book to evolve into the history of this world.

Therefore, Chiba firmly believes in fate, and also quite believes that it is reasonable for him, a character who does not exist in history, to exist during the Third World War, which is not described in the original book.

But if it came to Naruto's era, his existence as a character would be somewhat unreasonable.

As for fate, history, or the general situation, there are too many unreasonable methods, but no matter what the method is, it must end with the disappearance or death of this person who should not exist.

"Why, I only realized this now... But, even if I realized it long ago, what's the use?"

Thinking of this, Qianye slowly put the scroll in his hand aside, frowned tightly, and his face became serious.

Now, now that he knows the date of his death, and also from the demise of the Huoma family, Chiba, who knows what a terrifying colossus he is facing, is a little unconfident.

Although the matter that the time of death is approaching must be changed, no matter how you say it, is it worth your life, and the premise of changing your own destiny is that you have to be alive.

However, Qianye, who had failed before and understood the uncertainty of fate, did not dare to have too much confidence. Although it is absolutely impossible for him to give up on changing fate, strictly speaking, he can only say that If you don't give up, you can have a high success rate, but you can't guarantee it.

Therefore, whether he can change the possibility of his own death here, he can only say that he will not give up and dare not have much confidence.

The uncertainty of fate is terrible, he has already experienced it.

Obviously, I have made all the preparations, but all the plans will fall short due to sudden accidents. For example, when changing Obito's death, it is the advance of Kakashi's team being attacked in the Battle of Kannabi Bridge. Just those tens of minutes earlier, his entire plan fell short.

And this kind of accident is impossible to guard against, and there is no way to be fully prepared for it.

Usually, he just tries not to think about these accidents, and concentrates on thinking about the Nine-Tails Rebellion and improving his strength. If he keeps thinking about these accidents, he may have lost before the Nine-Tails Rebellion started.

No matter how the Nine-Tails Rebellion will change due to the uncertainty of fate, what he must do is to improve his strength and make all the plans he can think of.

Otherwise, thinking about these accidents all the time, how can he concentrate on improving himself and finding a way, and if he can't focus on improving himself and finding a way, it is no different from giving up.

But now, it can be said that the imminent death made him have to face the uncertainty of fate immediately.

Undoubtedly, it would be a huge blow to fate to change the plan, and to Chiba herself.

Even, Qianye realized this so late, the problem of the rationality of his existence may be that he was subconsciously avoiding the uncertainty of fate, and the death of Huoma and the demise of the Huoma family made him subconsciously start to feel uncomfortable. Don't think about it.

After all, Chiba hasn't given up yet, nor has she let herself go.

He still actively wants to change, and wants to keep that warmth.

Sometimes, a reasonable escape is also a rational face.

It's just that now he has to face it and can't escape it.


Thinking of this, Qianye couldn't help but let out a long sigh, but slowly stood up, walked outside the house alone, and silently looked at the west-slanting full moon.

The back, it seems, is a bit bleak.

Is there really no way to change fate?

Can this incredible time travel not reverse the future?

If the Nine-Tails Rebellion is about to die, but the rebirth is only 12 years old, then what's the point of coming here through time travel?

I came across time, what is it...

for what?

But at this moment, Qianye's heart was full of confusion.

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