Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1478 What should be done is still to be done


Now is not the time to think about these things.

As all kinds of bad premonitions emerged in his heart, Qianye quickly put these unbelievable and unreasonable things behind him.

What else is there now? Why there is such an abnormal order is irrelevant. The most important thing now is, if he is no longer an assistant, will he become a character in the Naruto era who doesn't care whether he mentions it or not.

If he can become a character who is not mentioned, or is not unreasonable, then his existence is reasonable. What is the date of death, he died before the Nine-Tails Rebellion, because he thought too much, his Existence is not a trend that hinders the general trend, so there will be no such situation as a mortal situation.

But if it must be mentioned, then his existence is in jeopardy. Those who died before the Nine Tails Rebellion are very likely to happen, even, the probability exceeds 90%.

After all, now that he doesn't need to be an assistant, the degree of attention will naturally decrease, and if the degree of attention decreases, he may be forgotten, or he will be integrated into the ordinary people of the village and become ordinary passers-by.

And as long as he becomes a passer-by, it is normal for his existence not to be mentioned.

This is the most important thing for Chiba now.

"Good night."

At this time, Kakashi, who had gone to the bathroom, came back and saw Chiba staring at the scroll in his hand in a daze. After saying a weary voice, he got under the table, and then there was a slight snoring sound .


And hearing this sound, Chiba raised his head, watched Kakashi get under the table, and only sighed and closed his eyes when there was a slight snoring sound.


It's impossible to turn an ordinary passer-by into a passer-by!

Not to mention the name of the hero of the war, the various fears of other villages, just say that it is around, with a super genius like Kakashi by his side, as a ninja who also has the name of a super genius, how could he not be bound? .

Let alone what was not mentioned, it is estimated that as long as someone mentions Kakashi in the future, it is estimated that I will be mentioned.

In the original book, Kakashi's name of super genius is mentioned, but there are still some, it is impossible not to be mentioned!

My existence itself is an unreasonable place for the fate or the plot later.

If fate is going to the original plot, then it is absolutely impossible for me to live to the Naruto era, and my death may be covered up by the death of the Fourth Hokage, so that I will be mixed into the unnamed dead in the Nine Tails Rebellion.

Can't escape!

It is now impossible for me to rationalize my existence, whether as an assistant or not.

While sighing, Qianye was sure that she couldn't escape the unreasonable situation.

What should come, will still come.

Are these... all destined?

But after confirming it, Qianye's face did not have an inescapable solemnity, but a helpless bitterness, a sense of powerlessness, suddenly surged up.

At this moment, Qianye found that if he lived according to his original ideas and original intentions, let alone live to the Naruto era, even after the end of the Fourth World War, he could live in obscurity.

There is no such thing as reasonable or unreasonable.

There will be no unreasonableness at all.

In his original plan of just saving his life, he just wanted to survive without showing any signs of dew, or he just needed to show the strength that would prevent the village from using him as cannon fodder.

In the life-saving plan, what stands out, the halo of a genius, actually depends on the situation.

Almost, just have his performance in the Chunin exam.

In the original registration plan, after he showed his brilliance in the Zhongnin Exam, he would definitely be valued by Hokage, and it was almost the third Ninja World War. Relying on this value, he got Enough protection is enough, and you don’t need to gain any prestige, you just need to mix experience with other geniuses. At critical moments, if you encounter any dangerous missions, you can sell your teammates when you are no match, as long as you can run Just drop it.

Generally speaking, if he wants to escape, it is really not easy to catch him.

In this way, he can get through the three wars with security and usher in a period of peace, and if he doesn't achieve much in the three wars, he will gradually be considered as a short-lived Chunin exam, or his talents are exhausted. Become a pedestrian ninja.

Then, without attracting any attention, he practiced the eight-door dunjia, developed the eight-door model, and made every effort to improve his strength so that he could protect himself when Payne attacked.

After that, just wait for the two saviors to shoulder all the responsibilities in the four ninja world wars.

And in the registration plan, he is an unknown passer-by ninja throughout the whole process. It doesn't matter if he mentions it or not, as long as he doesn't get involved in the main story, then he can definitely live in peace and contentment, and even live a little chicly until the end of his life. .

This life, just like this.

However, he changed his plans and arrangements midway, he wanted to save Kushina, he wanted to change the plot, he wanted to change the fate.

For this reason, he calculated a point of divergence in fate, that is, a turning point, that is, the survival of Obito. As long as Obito God Wubi Bridge does not have an accident, there will be no subsequent Nine-Tails Rebellion.

In order to gain enough freedom in the mission of Kannabi Bridge, he must obtain the qualifications for solo missions, that is, let Hokage know that his strength is enough to perform solo missions.

Then, there will be a series of brilliant performances, the current fame, and the current irrationalization of existence.

It can be said that the current existence is unreasonable, and it is completely self-inflicted by Chiba. If he just lives in this Naruto world silently, then nothing will really happen, and with his wisdom and hard work, An It's really not that big of a deal to live a safe life.

There will be no current crisis at all.

Even, in a certain sense, because he wanted to change his fate, he now has to face the unreasonable existence and may be doomed to die.

Almost all of them can be regarded as karma.

"Could it be...won't we survive the Nine-Tails Rebellion?"

Thinking about it, the bitterness at the corner of Chiba's mouth became even more bitter.

Although the method of death has reduced the scope, allowing Chiba to foresee some possible "accidents" that lead to his death, but just as he was about to prevent it, considering the uncertainty of fate, Chiba really has no confidence.

Can only, take a step to see a step?

Thinking of this, such a thought flashed through Qianye bitterly.

Since he can't prevent it, there will still be all kinds of uncertainties, all kinds of accidents that he will inevitably ignore, then, at this time, it seems that all he can do is to respond to all changes with the same, take one step at a time up.


Then, after turning this thought, although his face was so bitter that it couldn't be more bitter, his eyes did not waver in the slightest.

No matter what, those that should be done, still have to be done!

First of all, how to reply to this permission order.

After that, his eyes fell on the scroll.

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