Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1482 Go in? still……

This is……

Slowly poking out of the concealed thick vegetation, Qianye, who was holding the forehead of Kirigakure, turned her eyes, and the surprised look on her face gradually changed to doubt and solemnity.

Neither moved.

Then, after turning his eyes around, Qianye's brows frowned even tighter.

So, that is to say, all the secret sentries and guards around here are already...

Frowning tightly, Chiba also shrank into the bushes, her eyes involuntarily fell on her right side, those two half-squatting ninjas who maintained their concentration but looked dazed and relaxed .

Obviously, these two are Anshao and Anshao who is about to change shifts.

And looking at their expressions, it was obvious that they were all under the illusion.

And according to the fact that Chiba took a look just now but no one had any reaction to the head with the Kirigakure forehead protection, the guards and secret sentries near the forbidden surgery room are probably all under the illusion, and the two It's like a dark whistle.

That is to say, before him, maybe not long ago, someone had already sneaked into the forbidden surgery room.

Moreover, the visitor came silently, and their illusion skills were terrifying. Judging from the expressions of these two dark whistle ninjas, they should be at the shift transition, or what happened during the shift change, so the two of them are on duty together for the time being. The expression is exactly the expression when observing the surroundings attentively and being alert.

Apparently, these two secret whistles were hit by the illusion before they could react.

This level of illusion is probably rare in the ninja world, even Hirohiko who has a kaleidoscope Sharingan, I am afraid it is inferior.

Didn't cause any commotion...

That is to say, the intruder almost cast illusions on all the dark whistles and whistles within the forbidden room within a very short period of time.

Can this kind of thing be done?

And looking at the two secret whistles who were still focused in front of them, but their eyes were already dazed and slack, a layer of sweat appeared on Chiba's forehead.

To let such a large area of ​​dark sentries fall under the illusion without commotion, and the dark sentries outside this range cannot be detected, and they sneaked into the forbidden surgery room silently, Qianye is somewhat unimaginable, what kind of illusion is it? What kind of user can do this.

Although all the secret sentries in the vicinity have been enchanted by the illusion, this place is completely a large visual blind spot, and it doesn't matter how he enters and exits the forbidden surgery room now.

However, since this person has sneaked into Konoha's Forbidden Art Room, he must be an enemy and not a friend. Moreover, this master of illusion can control a dark whistle without causing any disturbance. Qianye thought that he did not have that ability, and This master of illusion is unmatched.

After all, what he is good at is physical jutsu and ninjutsu, and illusion is really so-so, not even an entry-level one.

In terms of combat advantages, Chiba also occupies an absolute disadvantage.

Going in like this rashly, if you encounter one, it will be a battle, and the chance of Qianye's death is still very high.

Moreover, now that there is that "doom", Qianye needs to be more careful.

Maybe, the master of illusion inside is his "kalpa", the one who brought him death.

Even, based on this illusion method, Qianye already has a candidate for the identity of this illusion master in his heart at this time.

That is, Hirohiko's brother, Nobuhiko Uchiha.

If it is the eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and it is the eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan formed by the fusion of two pairs of Kaleidoscope Sharingan who are good at illusion, it is possible to make such a "feat".

As for the existence of the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan that he now knows, there is only Nobuhiko Uchiha, and it is impossible for Madara to appear here.

And from Nao's words before his death, Chiba can infer that Nobuhiko Uchiha's kaleidoscope Sharingan is biased towards illusion, and the illusion ability is very strong.

And Hirohiko's three-god jade writing sharing eye, in fact, already has a good illusion ability, even from some of the battles about Hirohiko in the defense map mission, and the battles of Hirohiko known to Chiba, it can be inferred that Hiroko's three-god jade Sharingan has a good illusion ability.

Even a glance can make people fall into illusion.

Although Hirohiko himself has never learned illusion, it does not mean that he has no talent for illusion and is not good at illusion. This Hirohiko's Kaleidoscope Sharingan is very likely to be a Kaleidoscope Sharingan with strong illusion ability.

And Nobuhiko Uchiha combined his kaleidoscope, which is good at illusion, and Hirohiko's kaleidoscope sharingan with strong illusion ability. His eternal kaleidoscope sharingan is extremely terrifying in terms of illusion, and it is not abnormal.

And if she had such eyes, it would be even more impossible for Chiba to have a chance of winning.

Moreover, although Chiba has never seen this Nobuhiko Uchiha, but from the performance of this Nobuhiko Uchiha that he knows, this person is by no means a fuel-efficient lamp, and even more unusually ruthless.

He even asked his younger brother to kill the person he loves the most to open the kaleidoscope and complete his eternal kaleidoscope purpose.

It is self-evident that his heart is cruel.

Moreover, he also knows the secret of the eternal kaleidoscope, which is probably closely related to Uchiha Madara. After all, Itachi's knowledge of the eternal kaleidoscope was also learned from the "Madara" at that time, that is, Obito at that time. Soil, of course, is learned from the real Uchiha Madara.

It is very possible that this Uchiha Nobuhiko had contact with Madara long before Obito blackened.

Even, it is very likely that the successor selected by Madara, or the pretender, is just for a certain purpose, and Obito eventually became the successor.

However, no matter what, the person Madara likes is an ordinary person.

So, now is waiting for him to leave?


Venture in once?

And thinking of this, Qianye also looked away and began to think.

Regardless of whether this master of illusion is Nobuhiko Uchiha, it is impossible for him to give up on entering the forbidden room.

And there is still a difference between entering now and waiting for the illusion master to leave.

Entering now is naturally unimpeded, and the only thing to guard against is the master of illusion.

And when the illusion master leaves, it is very likely that the illusion will be released just right. After all, the secret whistles are all in the illusion state, so they must be easy to be discovered.

If Konoha finds out that the Forbidden Art Room has been invaded, coupled with the current environment, although this illusion master is powerful, he may even have the eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, if he is really surrounded by Konoha, unless he has the strength of Madara Otherwise, it would be very difficult to get out.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have to sneak in like this.

The duration of this illusion is bound to not last long.

And the illusion is gone, Qianye wants to sneak in, but it may not be so easy, after all, I don't know if these secret whistles will be aware of the illusion after the illusion is lifted.

Without realizing it, Chiba could actually act according to the original plan.

But if he notices it, then Qianye won't have a chance.

Right now, Qianye is actually in a dilemma. If you go in now, you may die, but if you go in later, you may lose the opportunity to infiltrate.

As for protecting Konoha Forbidden Technique from being stolen, after seeing this battle, Chiba would think about it if she could use the eight-door mode now.

But now...

That is impossible to even think about.

Or... let's go in!

And soon, Qianye only thought about it for a while, and decided to go in now.

In any case, he cannot lose this opportunity!

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