Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1486 Which one to choose

It seems that everything is really going well.

In the bushes at the dark sentinel, Qianye slowly closed the scroll with freshly dried ink, carefully as if it was in the inner lining, and turned to look at the half squatting next to him, with a concentrated look, But the eyes are dazed and dull Anbu ninja.

However, this infiltrator was really too daring, even after leaving, he didn't unlock the illusion.

It was clear that he was not afraid of Konoha finding out.

Really, too arrogant.

Then, there was some emotion in his heart.

And if this infiltrator is really Nobuhiko Uchiha, then since he has dared to be so blatant, he has even reached the level of arrogance that almost provokes Konoha Village.

I am afraid that his strength, after the successful integration of the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, has improved by leaps and bounds or even explosively.

Judging from his series of layouts, especially the matter of making Hongyan open his eyes, it is needless to say that he is cruel. After rebelling against the village, almost no one can determine his whereabouts. Killing his own clansmen, I am afraid to search for his traces , I am afraid that the Uchiha clan did not spend less effort.

This kind of search involving an elite group like the Uchiha clan is basically considered a very high-level search, representing a lot of searches above the Konoha average.

In such a search, he was still able to dodge calmly, and no one has even caught traces of his business so far.

It is conceivable that this person is definitely a guy who knows how to endure and has a good strategy ability.

Now, such a perfect person who knows how to forbear, and is able to forbear, shows such an arrogant gesture.

I'm afraid, he really has the capital of arrogance.

The eternal kaleidoscope he fused probably gave him a power that he never dared to imagine before. Only this kind of power increase that he didn't even dare to imagine would allow a person who knows how to forbear to make such an arrogant move.

So, that is to say, his eyes, which were already terrifying in Nao's evaluation, have now received a terrifying upgrade.

Hirohiko and I...

Can you really deal with such a guy?

I'm afraid, if we work together, we won't be able to beat it.

And in this glance, a series of analyzes emerged in Qianye's heart, and he quickly realized that if this person is Nobuhiko Uchiha, then his strength must have been terribly improved. Such a conclusion cannot be beaten.


It's better not to tell Hirohiko about this matter.

Now, let him take over the engineering team in a safe and secure manner. Now, facing such an enemy, we are tantamount to dying.

Then, after reaching a conclusion, Qianye planned to bury this matter in his heart forever.

Putting Nobuhiko Uchiha aside for the time being, the most important thing now is the Kyuubi Rebellion, and with Hirohiko's hatred for Uchiha Nobuhiko, Chiba is also not sure what Hirohiko will do after telling Hirohiko about this matter. what's coming.

The best way now is to keep this matter a secret.

Moreover, even if Hiroko reveals the fact that he has stolen the forbidden technique to Hirohiko, Hiroko will not reveal it, but it is the safest way for one less person to know or one less person to know about the fact that he has stolen the forbidden technique .

Now this matter is only known to me, and that is the best situation. In this way, it can also be done without anyone noticing, as long as I practice this forbidden technique in the future, and when I master this forbidden technique, I will not be out of my way. .

As for the Nine-Tails Rebellion where this technique must be used, the concept will be different. Even if Konoha's high-level officials know that they have stolen the forbidden technique, there will be no punishment for such a great feat as saving Hokage during the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

At that time, some people will defend him, saying that the matter of stealing the forbidden technique is fundamentally wrong, but because he secretly learned the forbidden technique and saved Konoha, it is considered a good result.

Chiba is not worried about any problems with using this forbidden technique during the Nine-Tails Rebellion.


So, next, what to do?

It is to use the current situation to unravel the illusion of these dark whistles, and then shout and catch the thief, from a thief who stole the forbidden magic to a prophet who discovered that the forbidden magic room was invaded, thereby eliminating all of his own. Suspicion, turn the village's attention to the infiltrator?

Or just leave here, resign from the position of assistant and the position of the general manager of the engineering team, and completely come up with a reason like "I came from the camp to the village, but I came to resign, and there is an order from Hokage", completely Leaving aside the suspicion of having been here, then, what about the matter that has nothing to do with you?

Then, after these thoughts flashed by, Qianye had this thought again.

Originally, his stealing plan was just to sneak into the forbidden surgery room, and then go directly to the Hokage office to resign. Putting aside his own suspicions, the previous secret sentries who saw him would also testify for him. After all, he went directly to the Hokage building just now. He left, and because the secret sentries respected his assistant agent, after seeing it, they subconsciously avoided their eyes and didn't pay attention, so no one saw him flashing into the dark just now.

At that time, I said that I entered the Hokage Building directly, and no one could say anything.

As for whether the guards of the Hokage building saw him enter, it didn't matter. At that time, they couldn't find any evidence to prove that they hadn't entered the Hokage building. After all, they had already resigned to Hokage in person.

It's even a big deal to make a hometown where the innocence is still alive. When you go in later, just play tricks on the two guards.

These two guards are also familiar with themselves, if this teasing, if they didn't see it before, it will become just a joke with them by the assistant agent, to tease them, and they have been hiding somewhere without being noticed by them.

Although there are quite a few flaws in this way, after checking the forbidden surgery room and finding that nothing was lost inside, this matter will not cause too much trouble, so it will pass.

After all, nothing important was lost.

This plan was also the best way he could think of in a haste.

There is a perfect plan, but there is not so much time to prepare.

Chiba didn't expect that, suddenly, after Huoma's death, Namikaze Minato would allow him to resign.

He even gave him a very short deadline. Of course, this deadline was not clearly stated, but it said that the selection of suitable candidates had already begun. Become an assistant, whoever becomes an assistant.

And according to the current situation, it is absolutely impossible for the new assistant to take over the position for more than three days.

In other words, he only has one or two days, and he can still act as an assistant agent. The layout of the secret sentry guards in the forbidden surgery room will change at any time. If he is an assistant, he can get in touch with these changes after a little research, so naturally he doesn't need to worry about it.

However, if he is not, then all he can do is try his luck, and the layout has not changed.

With his character, of course he wouldn't try his luck on such an important matter, so he had to do it while the layout hadn't changed and he could check the layout of the forbidden surgery room.

At the beginning, Qianye had to use his status as an assistant to solve the problem of forbidden techniques, and this was also the reason.

It can be said that in the original plan, Chiba was to use his status as an assistant agent to familiarize himself with the layout of the forbidden surgery room, know the defensive circle of the forbidden surgery room, and then have some established plans, such as creating visual blind spots, and then add some Adapt to the situation, for example, after being discovered, directly break in or escape as Kirigakure.

Then after escaping or succeeding, go directly to Hokage to make an alibi, or an incomplete alibi, to remove the suspicion.

Moreover, as long as he is not caught on the spot, the disguise is removed, and it is really seen that it is him, otherwise, no one will doubt Chiba's identity as an assistant agent, and an incomplete alibi is enough. .

This is a rough plan that I didn't have time to think about.

However, workable plans.

Doable, somewhat risky plans.

But now, something unexpected happened to Qianye. Someone had already entered this forbidden room beforehand, and dragged all the dark whistle eyeliner into the illusion, making Qianye almost swagger in, swaggering. come out.

No one knew how the forbidden surgery room was broken into.

Well, although Qianye is also an infiltrator, but because of his identity, he can completely go in, and after he achieves his goal, he can wake up these guards who have been tricked by the illusion, and then declare that he has found something wrong, and he has noticed a certain secret whistle After falling into the illusion, and then discovering that many people have fallen into the illusion, and unraveling everyone's illusion one by one, as a discoverer, to get rid of the suspicion.

Moreover, Chiba does not know illusions.

At that time, everyone will focus their search on the powerful illusion user, and will not suspect him at all.

Even, if he followed the original plan, Qianye would completely rule out the suspicion because he doesn't know illusion.

In other words, under the current situation, Chiba can directly go to Hokage to resign, and wake up the secret whistle next to him to expose the fact that the forbidden surgery room has been infiltrated.

It depends on how Chiba chooses now.

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