Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1493 Barrier Technique

This enchantment technique is different from the seal technique, and the difference from the seal technique is not so obvious. Although the composition of the technique is completely different, there are still quite similarities in comparison.

There is no need to start over like the curse seal.

You can also use the idea of ​​sealing technique to understand this enchantment technique.

However, compared to the sealing technique, this enchantment technique is exactly the opposite.

If the essence of the sealing technique is to create a space and "include" foreign objects into it, then this enchantment technique is to exclude foreign objects from the formed space.

In other words, if the sealing technique is to repel objects in the space, then the enchantment technique is to repel objects outside the formed space.

It happens to be the opposite effect.

In terms of structure, although it can't be said to be completely opposite, if you know this point, and if you know the composition rules of the enchantment seal of enchantment, it is not difficult to learn or unravel.

His eyes fell on the last word of this enchantment experience, Qianye exhaled slowly.

The difficulty of practicing enchantment is simpler than he imagined.

It's not as troublesome as spell printing.

It can be said that this enchantment technique should be the simplest one among the three types of techniques that use sealing techniques, curse seal techniques, and enchantment techniques.

However, although it is the simplest one, it is also the most difficult to exert its power, or in other words, the one with the most stringent restrictions on power.

Sealing and Curse Sealing, these two types are difficult to learn, but once learned, they can basically exert their greatest power. After all, if a Sealing or Curse Sealing is successful, as long as the formula is successfully constructed , then it will basically exert 100% effectiveness, regardless of other things.

And this enchantment, even if you form the enchantment seal, if you don't have enough chakra to support it, then the power of the enchantment will plummet, or even fail.

Compared with sealing and spell sealing, enchantment is simpler, but in terms of chakra requirements, it is several times greater than these two techniques, and the more powerful the enchantment is, the more powerful it is. Chakra is needed more.

It can be said that the difficulty of sealing and cursing spells lies in the structure. The demand for chakra is not so great, and as long as it succeeds, it can exert 100% of its power. Otherwise, it will have no power at all, or 100 power, or 0 utility. Regardless of whether it is 0 utility or 100 power, the demand for these two techniques for chakra is always so much, no more, no less, and those chakras that are almost structured.

But enchantment is different, its structural formula is very simple, or in other words, it is very simple compared to sealing and spell sealing, but its structural formula is only a foundation, or in other words, it is only a foundation for carrying chakra. How much power can be exerted depends entirely on the amount of chakra.

For example, the Four Purple Flame Formation and the Four Red Sun Formation, although both were initiated by four people, and have the same effect, but their magnitudes are completely different. The former is used to block two shadows. The ninjutsu fight of the super ninja, and the latter can block the ten-tailed beast jade. The gap between them is still very obvious.

The difference between the two is only the different ninjas used. The former is just the four early-stage small boss-level characters under Orochimaru, who are far inferior to Orochimaru. The total amount of chakra may only have one shadow Level, plus the curse seal, can barely be regarded as the Chakra level of the Chaokage level, and the latter has been famous for a long time, with the four Hokages of the Kage level, even the Chaokage level, and even the Tailed Beast level. The amount is probably already at the level of polytailed beasts.

Undoubtedly, the latter four can provide far more chakra than the former, and the latter also has much more power of enchantment than the former.

And the four scarlet yang formations must be activated by four shadow-levels. It can be seen that this enchantment technique depends on and requires Chakra.

This is why it is said that enchantment is the simplest of the three techniques, and it is also the most difficult to exert its effectiveness and power.

While simple, it is also one of the most difficult.

Sealing technique, spell sealing technique, if you study it with all your heart and soul, you will always get something, no matter how bad it is, even if you have mastered a sealing technique or spell sealing technique, then, no matter what, you can actually use this kind of seal technique The technique or spell seal technique can be used to its maximum effect, mastering is mastering, and you can use it if you want to use it.

However, if you don’t have enough chakra for enchantment, even if you learn this technique and can use this technique, you will probably be unable to exert the power of this technique because of the problem of chakra in your whole life, even, yes, but It just doesn't work.

After all, knowledge and skills can be learned through hard work, but the amount of chakra, sometimes, is really predestined, and the amount of chakra can be increased without hard work.

Even Chiba, in fact, if it weren't for the physical changes that he didn't understand after several escapes, he could only use the eight-door mode to temporarily increase his chakra, and his original chakra The upper limit has not changed in any way.

The enchantment technique is very simple in structure, but in addition to the rigid performance conditions, it is very strict.

In a sense, the strictness of the hard conditions is the difficulty of withdrawal.

Of course, for the current Chiba, it was just a small enchantment, and it was hard to say whether the hard conditions were strict or not.

And two hours after reading the scroll, Chiba has already mastered all the enchantment structures in this enchantment experience, and has been able to construct the enchantment seal, and also understands the words on the iron box Formation of enchantment.

And after ten minutes, he found the seal that could open this enchantment.

Shinsuke Hinata, what kind of message will you leave me?

Then, after confirming that he could unlock the enchantment technique and get the last words inside, the curiosity in Qianye's heart rose again.

What should I do if I want to improve my relationship with Hyuga Snow Eagle?

However, thinking of this, he hesitated for a moment.

To be honest, for Hyuga Snow Eagle, there are some things that he still can't let go of after all. It's not considered a grudge, but it's also impossible to get along peacefully as friends.

However, Qianye also hesitated for a moment, and then directly formed a seal, removing the enchantment on the box.


With the sound of an iron lock, a gap was opened in the box, and it could already be opened.

Just let me see what it is!

As for Qianye, there was no nonsense, and she opened the box directly, and took out the note with the last words.


This is?

However, when his eyes turned to the white paper, his expression changed slightly.


Wrinkled instantly!

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