Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1495 priority


The sound of the white paper touching the flame resounded softly in the room on the second floor of this quiet Japanese-style log cabin.


Then, under the bright white light, a handful of flames ignited, and gradually climbed onto the scroll with black characters and various patterns written on it. In an instant, a fire that engulfed the scroll was ignited.


Then, after burning the scroll, the flame that was about to swallow the hand holding the scroll was extinguished by the clear water gushing from the fingertips.

Well, the last unstable factor has been ruled out. Next, no matter what, they will not be able to find evidence of me stealing the forbidden art.

Even doubts are irrelevant.

However, I still have to think carefully about this place where I practice forbidden arts.

Shaking off the ashes in his hand, Qianye narrowed his eyes slightly, with a sharp light shining in his eyes.

But at this moment, he has deeply engraved the things on the forbidden scroll in his mind, and he can start practicing tomorrow.

The forbidden scroll had already been reduced to a pile of ashes on the table.

At this time, Qianye has already begun to think about some issues about practicing this forbidden technique. First of all, it is naturally a matter of the venue. Although this forbidden technique does not require day-to-day physical training like Bamen Dunjia, to strengthen oneself Physical fitness, in order to practice Bamen dunjia.

This access control technique can be said to be based on Chakra, and it only needs a quiet place where meditation can be done.

However, because it is a forbidden technique of stealing, this quiet place where you can meditate must be a secret and convenient place.

First of all, he is going on vacation. The village is closed, and there is only a temporary commercial street left in the village to wander around. His vacation is estimated to be in the area of ​​the Japanese-style log cabin, so this place must be in this small near the cabin.

Because there is a secret investigation, it is best to keep this place very secret, preferably a secret room or something.

Third, because you want to practice, you must be away from the cabin for some time. In this world with the magical power of Chakra, the house cannot completely block privacy. If you have been mysteriously missing for a while, there is still a There is a high chance that someone will find it.

Therefore, there must be a reasonable explanation for this mysterious disappearance when going to this secret room to practice.

To meet these three conditions, he can practice with peace of mind.

Besides, this was the first time he had stolen forbidden techniques and practiced forbidden techniques. Although Bamen Dunjia also practiced without permission, Qianye had already put all his eggs in one basket at that time, and no longer considered forbidden techniques.

Moreover, he didn't worry about it at the time, and at worst he would betray the village. At that time, he came across alone and did not establish contact with anyone. What he had was to become stronger and no longer be at the mercy of others. good.

As long as he can become stronger, kill and set fire, he can really do it.

At that time, the incompetent death in the previous life had already made him a little paranoid. After the powerless death, at the beginning of this life, he was crazily longing for power, otherwise he would not know that his upper limit of chakra may be only ordinary ninja At that time, my spirit almost collapsed and I gave up on myself.

But now, he has to think about these things. Now he is no longer the transmigrator who has just crossed over and is full of cold and hostile energy in his heart. He has already integrated into this world, into Konoha, Here, he found friends that he never had in his previous life, and even, there are many, many people who can give him warmth.

He, who didn't care about anything before, has changed his mind. For these people, for these people who care about him, he can treat him as a friend and comrade-in-arms of important people, stay in Konoha, and stand in their position.

For them, he wants to stay in Konoha.

Therefore, he must follow Konoha's rules, which of course is a bit restrictive.

However, for Chiba, it doesn't matter.

Although he can't let go of his hands and feet like the time traveler in those novels, he can do whatever he wants, do whatever he wants, talk about partners, and do things that don't care about anything.

However, for Qianye, this kind of trouble of restraining his hands and feet is the only thing he can do for these friends and important people.

It can be regarded as a response to them.

Besides, for the friendship, affection, and warmth they gave me, these are nothing.

Isn't it just restraining your hands and feet?

What's the deal?

He wasn't so weak that he couldn't do anything with his hands and feet tied up.


If this is the case, it is not that there is no such place.

After thinking for a while, Qianye quickly thought of a suitable place.

This place is the underground medical laboratory he used to study the poison of the other side. It is located under the cabin, and there is enough space.

Moreover, it doesn't matter even if he stays in this underground medical laboratory all the time, it can be said that he is researching medicine.

He even happened to be researching a health product.

When he first applied for medical equipment, although he was approved directly and did not ask him to do anything, he still had to produce some results after all. Before, it could be said that the assistant agent was busy with work and didn't have time to do it, but now, He also had to come up with some results, just in time for cultivation, researching and researching medicine.

After all, it is impossible for Qianye to use the Bian that has been successfully researched as a result. Regardless of whether it is successful or not, and whether the Bian is powerful or not, researching poison without permission is still a very serious violation of the rules of the village. .

It is impossible for the other side to be made public.

"Then, that's the decision. Go clean up tomorrow, and then you can start practicing. Now..."

And thinking of this, Qianye didn't think too much about the forbidden technique, and his eyes naturally fell on the box and the blank paper that were thrown aside.

However, he just hesitated for a moment, and when he touched the box and the white paper, he was only slightly taken aback, and Qianye gave up the idea of ​​deciphering it, and put his mind on the idea of ​​the sealing technique.

Then, he swept the ashes on the table into the trash can beside him, thought for a while, burned the white paper to ashes, and swept it into the trash can together.

After that, he closed the box and placed it on the windowsill, picked up a blank scroll, and started the development work on the six sealing techniques.

And this night, Qianye didn't do anything else, and focused on developing the sealing technique.

until very late.

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