Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1500 Half Moon

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Under the bright sunshine of late autumn and the morning breeze, the coolness of autumn has gone, and the chill of winter has increased.

And the sound of skin and flesh hitting the wooden stakes, just like the previous fifteen days, sounded behind the Japanese-style log cabin.

"Nine hundred and ninety-nine...one thousand!"

In the loudest "bang" impact, Qianye took a slight breath and stopped today's physical training.


How do you feel, less time is spent?

Withdrawing the hand that hit the wooden post, leaving a faint fist mark, Chiba frowned suspiciously.

In the past 15 days, Qianye has resumed the previous physical training, but the base can't be more than 5000, it's only 1000 level, at least he started to exercise, although the effect is not high every day, but if things go on like this, It can also achieve the effect of exercise.

After all, this 1000 base is already an exercise beyond ordinary people.

No matter how much it doesn't have the effect of exercising on his body, but if it accumulates for a long time, it will always improve.

Moreover, the basic training with a base of 1000 does not take much time, that is, almost a few hours, less than a morning, which is completely acceptable.

After all, now Chiba is mainly engaged in research and development, all of which use the brain. When it is time to rest, it must be rested, and it is impossible to occupy all the time.

It also happens that this part of the time is spared, and Chiba's physical training can be regarded as a "combination of work and rest".

As for the results of these fifteen days, strictly speaking, they are quite substantial.

First of all, it is the development of the sealing formula. All six sealing formulas have been developed, and Chiba has discovered the possibility of a new combination in it, and is currently testing and researching the new possibility.

However, because the original purpose has been achieved, Chiba has purposely reduced the time ratio in this aspect of the sealing technique.

Now, although there is progress in the new idea of ​​the sealing technique, it is not too fast, but it is considered to be very smooth and is being developed steadily.

Moreover, the six sealing techniques previously conceived, plus the seven sealing techniques that seal the bird in Xue Nai's cage, are already powerful enough, and they are all sealing techniques that can work on spell seals, and they also have certain effects on the human body. The influence is only very weak, but it is better than nothing.

Of course, Qianye is still very satisfied. The sealing technique that has an effect on the curse seal, he only planned to deal with the bird in the cage at the beginning. Even if he could seal the bird in the cage, even if the goal was achieved, to be honest, Qianye didn't think about the seal at all. What else can I do in the future? As for the completion of the six ideas, I also want to help Namikaze Minato during the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

But now, because he is satisfied with the results of the tests that these sealing techniques have a weak effect on the human body, Chiba has already become quite interested in the sealing technique system developed by himself, so he will continue to study it.

However, if you are interested, you are interested. From a long-term perspective, or from the perspective of the efficiency of power improvement during the period from now to the Nine-Tails Rebellion, it is obviously inappropriate to bury your head in the sealing technique, or in other words, it is cost-effective. very low.

After the development of the seven sealing techniques was completed, Chiba focused on the practice of the forbidden technique and the changes in the nature of Chakra.

And because against Kyuubi, the newly obtained forbidden technique may be more effective than the change in nature, so, almost in the afternoon, and even one to two hours after dinner and rest, Chiba focused on the forbidden technique. in the practice of art.

If it weren't for the fact that the cultivation of forbidden techniques consumes a lot of physical strength and energy, I'm afraid he would spend his nights on practicing forbidden techniques.

And this forbidden technique is really difficult to practice, if Qianye hadn't recognized the terrifying power of this forbidden technique, I'm afraid Qianye really wouldn't be able to persist.

During these fifteen days, most of the time spent every day, Qianye is just getting started now, and just figured out how to convert non-attribute chakra into chakra used in forbidden techniques.

And it will take at least half a year before success.

In the past six months, it can only be used in actual combat.

It may take a year to become truly proficient, or to display the due power, and it can be said that it can barely be completed before the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

However, as long as it can be used in actual combat, Chiba believes that he doesn't have to worry about the distance of the battlefield. The earlier timing of the incident was due to the distance between the two battlefields. In the final analysis, it was because he did not have the means to shuttle between the battlefields.

It is also impossible for him to open the eight-door Dunjia to achieve ultra-high-speed movement. If he reaches the place like this, he will probably be half dead.

As for Flying Thunder God, although Chiba didn't have a systematic understanding of it, after seeing Namikaze Minato using Flying Thunder God, he vaguely felt that he was not a space-time ninjutsu material. Write it down in detail, and attach the cultivation experience, I am afraid I will not be able to learn it.

Just as he has no talent for illusion and cannot learn illusion, he has no talent for time and space ninjutsu, so it is impossible for him to learn to fly Thunder God.

However, the current forbidden technique, even if its owner is not as good as Flying Thunder God, is not inferior to super speed, and it also has the ability to cross the battlefield.

As long as it can be used in actual combat, Chiba is not afraid of changes in time or place.

In this way, the success rate of fate change is greatly guaranteed.

This access control technique is definitely one of the keys to change the destiny of the Nine Tails Rebellion.

This is also one of the reasons why Chiba chose this forbidden technique.

As for the changes in the nature of the five attributes of chakra, after all, this is a goal that may not be achieved in a lifetime. Chiba has achieved little in this regard in the past ten days.

However, fortunately, with Hirohiko's experience, Chiba basically has a direction in his heart, so he won't be blind.

Basically, steadily work your way up to the trick level.

As for when it will be mastered, Chiba is not sure about the change in the nature of the secondary rest goal, and can only say, take your time.

And in these fifteen days, Qianye also made new discoveries about her body.

That is resilience, not only the resilience of physical injuries, but also the resilience of physical strength and energy. Chiba almost feels that his body has undergone a terrifying improvement, no matter how tired he was the day before, how exhausted his physical strength and energy were. Energy, as long as she sleeps, Chiba will be full of energy, and even the slight injury suffered the day before will repair itself to a perfect level.

It seems that his physical changes have entered a new stage. Although the speed of strength, permanent activation of cells, and upper limit of chakra amount have not changed at all, the recovery power has changed a lot.

Even Chiba has a feeling of "Muji self-healing". Although it is only the kind of skin and flesh injuries to the extent that a finger is accidentally cut by a kitchen knife, it can heal itself, but the speed is obviously much faster.

It can be said that the final form of his body transformation may be even more incredible than he imagined!

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