Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1506 Unconvinced

"Oh, Hirohiko, you're already back. It just so happens that I have something to do for you...Huh? Who is this?"

After the front door was pushed open, one person came in first, as if he had glanced at Hongyan, and said immediately, in his words, he was full of ambition, as if he was about to do something big, and soon he seemed to sweep to Chiba again, this smug His words changed the topic and turned into interrogative sentences.

In the end, he was already asking Chiba's identity.

Although Qianye is very famous in Konoha and even outside the village, and has been hated by the whole village, it doesn't mean that everyone knows him.

There are even a considerable number of people who have only heard of it and have not really seen him, and Konoha Village is very big.

It seems that this Chise Hibiki, just like what Yukina and Hirohiko said, is full of drive, and if it is not some aggressive plan, it is quite suitable here if he loses his talent.

Seeing this handsome young man, Qianye nodded slightly.

Obviously, Chiba's first impression of Chise Hibiki was very good.

Here, in fact, this is also the first time for Chiba to see Chise Hibiki. Before coming here to take samples for Xue Nai's physical examination, Chiba tried to avoid the new person in charge as much as possible. This is actually his first real Meet Chise Hibiki.

As for Chise Hibiki's evaluation, Chiba probably got it from Hirohiko and Yukina's series of ways of handling things that he learned about.

And in the past half a month, the newly appointed general manager is also quite serious and responsible. Basically, he understands the situation in the early warning system in front, adapts to the rhythm of the engineering team here, and rarely returns to the office. The situation, his own dormitory is placed in the early warning system building in front, and he is often away, so Chiba comes here every now and then, but in fact, he can't meet Chise Hibiki.

Yes, that's how it is now.

"This is Chiba."

At this time, hearing his boss's inquiry, Hirohiko raised his head from the text of the prescription, looked at his boss, and said.


Hearing his assistant's words, Chise Hibiki was taken aback for a moment.

"Are you... Taki Chiba? The hero Taki Chiba?"

After that, he turned his head in surprise, looked at Qianye with a look of surprise, and blurted out.

"I'm Taki Chiba."

To this, Chiba also responded honestly.

"Qianye? Is Qianye here?"

But at this time, there was a rather overjoyed voice from outside the door, followed by the sound of bamboo poles being tapped to the ground.

Soon, a beautiful girl dressed in white stepped through the door with a slight smile on her face.

"Well, here I come."

In response, Chiba smiled slightly, and looked past Chise Hibiki to Xue Nai.

Xue Nai's complexion is very good, it seems that there should be no physical problems.

It's just that, between the expressions, it seems that he has encountered some problem, so ask her later.

And looking at the past stall, Qianye already checked Xue Nai's body and psychology in her heart to determine whether she was doing well in the past few days.

"Do you still want to take samples today? Wait a minute, I'll finish what I'm doing right now."

Hearing this sound, Xue Nai was obviously happier, the joy on her face had already squeezed out the helplessness between her brows.


But hearing this sound, Chise Hibiki was slightly taken aback, looked away from Xue Nai, and spoke in doubt.

"Mr. Chise, I'm sorry, I haven't explained this matter to you. Recently, I have been undergoing treatment for Xue Nai's eyes. Now it is in the early stage of treatment. I want to conduct a physical examination on Xue Nai's body. It does not interfere with the work of the engineering team, so now I come to take samples every three to five days, and send some supplements and medicines to Xue Nai, please forgive me."

Regarding this, Chiba said very politely.


Chiba, didn't you say it was confirmed? Why are you still sampling now?

Could it be that he has any other ideas?

As soon as Chiba finished speaking, Hirohiko at the side was slightly taken aback, looking at the medicine and prescription in his hand, a series of thoughts flashed through his mind.

However, he almost subconsciously swallowed the sentence "Isn't the sampling complete?" and subconsciously cooperated with Qianye.

"No! No no! Chiba, you are too polite."

At the same time, hearing Chiba's words, Chise Hibiki waved his hands and blurted out.

For Chise Hibiki, although he has never met Chiba, his daimyo is still impressive. As a young generation who has emerged and gained the trust of Hokage, he is actually very curious about Chiba.

He also really wanted to see this man who eclipsed all the geniuses of an era. Only Kakashi, who is now Hokage Minato-sama, and the sharingan sharing hero, can be compared. He was even feared by the enemy village as a "little monster", and even the enemy village had to sincerely praise him as "the bright light of Konoha after the golden flash". He is also the youngest assistant agent in Konoha's history. The first assistant with real power, the first assistant agent with real power, super genius.

Of course, this meeting was based on curiosity on the one hand, and some dissatisfaction on the other.

But how could any genius, or a talent with extraordinary qualities, not have some arrogance? How could he be convinced for no reason in the face of this celebrity who had almost overwhelmed an era?

And now, when I actually saw this super genius, this child who is called a hero, Konoha Hikaru, to be honest, although Chise Hibiki was surprised and gave Chiba face, but in fact, his inner thoughts, never From now until now it has been:

Is this the child?

This child is the hero who saved the village?

It seems that there is nothing special about it!

Yes, Chise Hibiki, actually felt that Chiba was not very good, and even completely practiced with those earth-shattering deeds.

It looks very ordinary.

It seems to be similar to other children, even Xue Nai and Hirohiko are more agile than him.

If there is anything outstanding, Chise Hibiki can tell from his standing posture that the kid's basic physical skills are really solid, and he must have gone through a lot of hard training.

It's just that, this physical skill, as long as you work hard, you are not lazy, and it is not impossible to reach this level.

Chise Hibiki, I really don't see anything special about Chiba.

After Chiba said this sentence, Chise Hibiki answered Chiba decently, but she was slightly aware of the difference in this child.

However, as an assistant agent, if you don't have this literacy, then what are you doing as an assistant agent?

During these words, Chise Hibiki still felt in his heart that it was impossible for such a child to do such an earth-shattering deed.

In other words, he was still somewhat dissatisfied with the so-called hero in front of him.

"Since it's treating Xue Nai's eyes, then please go ahead. Hirohiko, put away Xue Nai's medicine first, I have something to tell you."

However, although he was a little unconvinced, Chise Hibiki was not the kind of unreasonable person to make trouble after all, otherwise he would not be valued by Namikaze Minato. As Chiba's successor, he even gave Chiba a lot of convenience at the moment.

Hibiki Chise didn't have any reason to embarrass her or ask Chiba to prove her reasons.

Nor is it necessary.

"Yes, I understand."

And hearing this, Hirohiko simply responded.

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