Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1527 Visiting


The last positive fist of the three thousand cardinal number hit the wooden stake heavily, announcing that today's gymnastics training was completed.

And the bright but not too warm sun also rose above the head. At this time, it was already noon.


After that, there was a sound of stomach growling, which sounded from the back of the Japanese-style log cabin.


I didn't eat breakfast, I really couldn't stand it!

Chiba, who slowly retracted her fist, heard her stomach growling, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

At this point, he was extremely hungry.

Because he was worried about Jiu Xinnai's situation, he ran out without having time to eat in the morning. After he came back, he continued to practice gymnastics non-stop. In the exhaustion of his physical strength, his solitude was already empty.


Let's cook!

And after feeling the hunger in her belly, Qianye didn't care about thinking about anything, and went directly to the house, ready to cook.

"Boom boom boom!"

However, as soon as he stepped into the kitchen door, there was a knock on the front door.

"Chiba, are you there?"

Then, there was a rather familiar voice.


Hearing this voice, Qianye was startled for a moment, then said with a little surprise: "Yes, come in!"


Then, there was the sound of a Japanese-style door being opened.

"not yet eat?"

Asma, who stepped into the cabin, walked in and found Chiba in the kitchen, blinked, and said in a slightly surprised voice.


To this, Chiba responded casually.

I am very familiar with Asma, and when we get along, the relationship between the two is quite casual.

Moreover, Asma is also the only friend in Chiba who has been a guest at home, and the distance between each other has been shortened by a considerable distance.

At this time, Chiba didn't feel any restraint.

Of course, Asma didn't have any reservations.

"Oh, then I came just in time."

Seeing Qianye's appearance of cooking, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Asma's mouth, and after biting the toothpick in his mouth, he raised his right hand from behind during these words.

With the sound of clattering bags rubbing against each other, a large bag full of various foods was handed over to Chiba.

At the same time, a unique smell of meat slowly permeated.

"This is?"

As the nostrils twitched, Qianye turned around in an instant, and blurted out that sound.

As the hunger rolled in her belly, the moment Qianye turned around, her eyes were almost fixed on the bag full of food.

"The old man asked me to bring some fresh fruits and vegetables, and..."

In this regard, Asma had a rather meaningful smile on the corner of her mouth, and said.

"Konoha Special Barbecue!"

However, before he could finish his sentence, Qianye interrupted him.

"Well, that's right. When I came here, I happened to come across the last one, so I bought it. Anyway, the old man asked me to bring you something."

This is what Asma said.

However, looking at Qianye's completely attracted gaze, the meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth has completely changed into a helpless smile.

This guy is really a foodie!

If there is any weakness in him, it must be meat!

And in his mind, such a thought flashed through.


However, upon hearing this sentence, Qianye was slightly taken aback, raised his head, but said with a little embarrassment, "This... don't worry about it, the kindness of the Third Hokage-sama..."

"Don't say you accept the old man's kindness, but you don't accept my kindness!"

Regarding this, it seemed as if she knew what Qianye was going to say, before Qianye finished speaking, or even the first half of the sentence, Asma interrupted his words, opening her eyes as if she wanted to put it away. Accept it, or the look that even friends can't do.


Looking at Asma's appearance, Qianye didn't know what to say for a moment, but said, "Why, did you think of sending me fruits and vegetables?"

Obviously, Chiba wanted to break the topic.

"Exactly, you haven't eaten yet, so eat here."

However, just as he was speaking, the second half of Asma's words came over. During these words, Asma even put aside the vegetables and fruits in the bag, and then took out a bag from it. Konoha's special barbecue in a takeaway box, and immediately, the tempting meat aroma spread out.

Chiba who almost finished speaking swallowed her saliva.


However, although Qianye's stomach means that he can't wait to pounce on it and eat it, but Qianye is not a glutton after all, and he doesn't care about anything when he sees eating, so he still holds back.

"Hey...why are you being so polite to me?"

And Chiba's actions undoubtedly made Asma a little dumbfounded, only to hear him say: "Let's eat together, I want to eat it myself, half of this is what I want to take back, who will give you all. "

"All right……"

Looking at Asma who was not polite, just sat down and picked up a piece of barbecue and gnawed it up, Chiba also knew that if she refused any further, she would really hurt her feelings, so she stopped being polite immediately, and after saying that, she Sitting down in front of Asma, she also picked up a piece of meat and chewed it.

Very good!


Seeing Qianye eating the meat, although Asma's face remained unchanged, the other hand placed under the table clenched her fist violently and made a movement to achieve her goal.

"The old man has become obsessed with farming recently. These are all his achievements. I can't finish them at home, so let me bring them to you."

However, although she was excited, Asma's performance was still quite calm, and she explained the source of the fruits and vegetables to Chiba casually.

Hooked on farming?

This... the third Hokage has really begun to live a retired life!

And hearing this sentence, Qianye swallowed the fat barbecue in his hand wholeheartedly, and a slightly smiling thought flashed through his mind.

However, this also shows that there is peace inside and outside the village.

Otherwise, even after retiring, the Third Hokage wouldn't be so comfortable.

It seems that everything is going well, Konoha has not had any major incidents recently, and everything is even on the right track.

There is no news of any spies. It is estimated that the peace talks and alliance negotiations between the Land of Earth and the Land of Wind are coming soon.

Although the alliance with the Nation of Winds has already been established, I am afraid that the actions of the Nation of Winds may not be at ease and rely on the alliance agreement during the war.

Then, there was such a thought in his mind.

"I see, go back and thank the third Hokage-sama for me."

But although all kinds of thoughts flashed in his heart, Qianye stretched out to the second piece of meat and the third piece of meat without hesitation, and thanked him in his mouth.


In this regard, Asma looked at Chiba who let go of eating meat, and a smile slowly formed on the corner of her mouth.

eat it!

eat more!

We'll talk when you're done eating!

And in his heart, joy has blossomed.

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