Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1545 Agreed

An hour later, at the mission office, a staff lounge that is forbidden to enter.

"So that's the case. Indeed, with your identity and reputation now, it's the most appropriate way to do this. It can also provide us with effective concealment. I think this plan is very feasible."

After listening to Chiba's explanation about this mission and Chiba's plan, Shikuhisa Nara suddenly flashed a sharp light in his eyes, looked at Chiba, and said.

Unexpectedly, the envoys were about to arrive in Konoha, and the preliminary negotiations for the peace repair alliance were about to start.

And it happened to be stuck at this point in time, I am afraid that the judgment of the Fourth Hokage-sama is very correct.

This task is also very necessary.

Moreover, Chiba was found in no time. This mission is probably far more important than we thought.

The number of people and personnel are optional.

There are no restrictions other than one dark part or less.

Coupled with the nature of this mission...

Alas, I didn't expect that I wanted to take a rest for a while, but I didn't expect to have a S-level mission after a day of rest!

While speaking, such a helpless and dignified thought flashed through his mind.

In the past hour, Chiba had already informed Nara Shikahisa of the mission and some details of the mission, as well as his own plan, so this sentence came from Nara Shikahisa.

"Really, then, it's settled like this. The time of the task is set at seven o'clock tomorrow morning, is that okay?"

Regarding this, Chiba glanced at the five files in his hand and said so.

Thanks to the Zhuludie trio who often team up with different people for missions, it really saved a lot of trouble.

Now, the remaining five people have been confirmed, as long as they are notified, the task can be carried out smoothly tomorrow.

And now it seems that it is still early, I can still practice some chakra changes of the fire attribute.

It's still very smooth!

And in his mind, there was such a thought.

In the hour just now, in addition to his explanation of this mission and the plan he used in this mission to the three, Shikahisa Nara, Kaiichi Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi also helped him in these files, We found the five most reliable jounin who have been teamed up with absolutely guaranteed strength, including excellent captains and perception ninjas.

Saved Chiba a lot of things.

"Of course, Hai Yi, Ding Zuo, do you have any other comments?"

To this, Shikahisa Nara readily agreed, and turned around to ask his two old partners for their opinions.

"Well... I have no opinion."

Hearing this, Qiudao Dingzuo, who has a broad heart and a fat body, doesn't have any objections.

"I think we should discuss some details, especially the details after the team. After all, we are going to two places, one is the country of wind, and the other is the country of earth. The customs and customs of the two countries are different. If you have passed through one of the countries, I think you should talk about it carefully, so that it is convenient for lurking and spying on intelligence."

In this regard, Yamanaka Kaiichi said.

Sure enough, Haiichi Yamanaka is that delicate type!

What he said made sense.

However, these ninjas should have been to two countries, and two of them seem to have corresponding infiltration experience.

So, in other words, the inexperienced person is me, right?

And upon hearing Haiichi Yamanaka's words, such an embarrassing thought flashed across Chiba's mind.


Thinking of this, the corner of Chiba's mouth twitched slightly, and said, "Well, do you all have experience in this area? Experience in sneaking into these two countries, or understanding of the corresponding customs?"



Too bad, I didn't consider that Chiba had no experience in this field, it was too straightforward!

Hearing Qianye's slightly embarrassing words, Yamanaka Kai was slightly startled. Then, subconsciously, he wanted to say something to relieve Chiba's embarrassment. After all, when they selected the other five people, they had already considered whether they had experience in sneaking into these two countries, or whether they knew the history of these two countries. In terms of customs and customs, almost all of them have experience or knowledge in this area. Here, it seems that only Chiba has not stayed in these two countries.

It's just that he is not good at words, although his heart is full of kindness, but at this moment, he can't say anything, his lips are pursed, and his expression is tense.

"Hmm...Speaking of it, I don't seem to have been there exactly. Lujiu, you seem to have a mission to infiltrate the Land of Wind, Haiyi, you have also supported the intelligence of the Land of Earth as a perception ninja. Department, tell me."

But at this time, Qiu Dao Ding Zuo, who had a wide heart and a fat body, opened his mouth to speak.

"Really? That's right, Ding Zuo, you seem to seldom participate in transnational missions. It just so happens that Haiyi and I will tell you about the customs and taboos of the two countries."

In this regard, Nara Shikahisa responded in a timely manner and said.

Immediately, the two got grateful eyes from Kaiichi Yamanaka.

These three people really cooperate with each other tacitly!

However, I also really, let people feel embarrassed, and I have to let them ease the embarrassment for me, really...

But upon hearing these words and seeing the appearance of the three of them, Qianye smiled knowingly, and then, such an embarrassing thought flashed through her mind.

"Then Mr. Lu Jiu and Mr. Haiyi, please tell me."

However, if I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Qianye still asked very simply, sweeping away the embarrassment just now.

And Chiba's straightforwardness and straightforwardness also made Yamanaka Haiyi let go of some concerns in his heart because of the embarrassment caused just now. After Chiba's words fell, he told him about the situation in the land of land he knew. After a while, and patiently answered Chiba's questions about these.

Next, after Chiba had digested the content of the Land of the Land, Nara Shikahisa stepped in at the right time and explained to Chiba what to pay attention to after entering the Land of Winds, as well as the customs of the Land of Winds , After that, he patiently answered Chiba's question.

And after Qianye finished digesting everything, and had a basic plan in his mind to sneak into the two countries, another hour had passed, and after checking the time, the few people didn't say anything more, and disbanded , Go back and have a good rest, waiting for tomorrow's assembly.

After the disbandment, Chiba did not go back directly. First, she handed over the files of the five selected people to Miss Ninja, and asked the full-time staff of the mission system to notify the few people to gather tomorrow morning before returning to the Japanese-style log cabin.

"Master Chiba, you are finally back, the four generations of Hokage want me to give you something!"

And when he returned to the Japanese-style cabin, before he had walked a few steps, he was stopped by Anbu who suddenly appeared.

And, a scroll was handed over.


I almost forgot, I still need to look at the treaty of peace and repair alliance!

Seeing the scroll and Anbu, Chiba almost slapped his head and forgot about it.

It seems that I don't want to practice today!

Then, he completely dismissed the idea of ​​changing the nature of the fire attribute.

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