Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1598 What time is it?

"Master Chiba? Master Chiba? Master Chiba?"

The sweet calling sound floated gently into the sleeping consciousness, and in this dark consciousness, a bright light slowly opened.

Then, as if the darkness was not covered with traces of tailoring, the light suddenly split, dividing the dark cloth into two halves, spreading into a stone ceiling illuminated by flickering yellow brilliance.

"When is it..."

With a little confusion, in the eyes that opened suddenly, a pair of pupils turned slowly, and then there was a lazy and tired voice.

"It's already eight o'clock in the morning."

In this regard, that sweet voice sounded again.

"It's about this time..."

Qianye slowly sat up from the floor under the conference table, and after rubbing her hair, she muttered to herself in a daze that hadn't woken up yet.

"No! I still have to wash up. Today's task is also very important... and you must also pay attention to your appearance... um... um... it's time to wash up... it's time to wash up... um..."

Then, after talking to himself, more confused words spit out from Qianye's mouth, and even though he said so, he showed no sign of getting up at all, and even moved back little by little. lie down.

It's clear that he has to go back to sleep for a few minutes, or... a few hours.

"Lord Chiba! You can't sleep anymore!"

And at this time, just when Chiba was about to shrink back into the bed again, one hand, with a huge force, lifted him up from the bed in an instant, grabbing his ear and tense next to his ear. called out.

It seemed that she cared more about Qianye's sleep than Qianye's.

"What! What! What happened!"

And this sudden, Qianye was also frightened suddenly, with her ears buzzing, she suddenly opened her sleepy eyes, this was picked up too suddenly, and that sound was too abrupt, although the voice It was sweet, but it almost exploded in the ears, but Chiba couldn't hear any sweetness, all he heard was urgency, at this moment Chiba's face had become tense, almost subconsciously frightened into panic.

"No...no, nothing happened..."

Hearing Qianye's sound, and the instigator who picked up Qianye suddenly realized his gaffe, and when he let go of his hand, he backed up several times abruptly, and his speech became hesitant, as if he had made a mistake. What a big mistake.


But the instigator realized his gaffe, scared himself and let go and backed away. Chiba also made it to the floor with one buttock.

"Who are you?"

At this time, he was completely awakened, and he suddenly looked back, but saw the instigator huddled in the corner with a very strange face, so he asked immediately.

"Mei... Miyu, I... my name is Miyu!"

But after hearing Qianye's words and noticing Qianye's gaze, the petite body of the instigator seemed to have shrunk a little to the corner of the wall again, with a stronger sense of trembling, as if she had been completely shivering from the fright of her own actions just now up.

"Uh... Thank you, thank you, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to get up."

In this regard, Qianye looked around, and the conversation about time just now appeared in his mind. After realizing something, he stood up abruptly, and smiled at the petite figure in the corner, thanking him.

Then, as he spoke, he was about to go out.

"Wait... wait a minute!"

But at this moment, seeing Qianye's friendly smile and her attitude of not caring about what she did, Meiyu, who was huddled in the corner, was stunned for a moment, and then she seemed to be shocked again when she saw Qianye turning around and about to leave What, he stood up abruptly, and shouted out from his mouth with a nervous sound.

"What's wrong?"

In this regard, Facing the tense voice of a woman behind her, Chiba turned around and asked in amazement.

"Wash... wash..."

But at this time, it seemed that he was too nervous, the instigator named Meiyu could only utter these few words, and pointed anxiously at the shelf behind Chiba.

"Huh? This is?"

Seeing the actions of Meiyu, a girl who was about the same age as him, Chiba quickly reacted, and looked towards his right rear, only to see a wash stand with a mirror standing silently in the corner behind him. The water seemed to be still steaming.

There is even a relatively standard Konoha uniform hanging on it.

do not care!

Let's wash up first!

However, Qianye didn't think too much, just picked up the towel and started to wash.

And after tidying up, Qianye didn't care about those behind him who hesitated to speak, who wanted to go forward but dared not go forward, and left directly through the secret door.

The rest left this lingering young girl alone in this dark secret meeting hall, at a loss for what to do.

Oh no! Oh no!

Don't be late!

Hopefully, these guys, the journey is tiring enough, and they will sleep longer!

Chiba, who got out of the Hokage building, flew all the way, and flew directly towards the courtyard where the people from the land of land were entertained, and such an anxious thought flashed in her mind.

And about ten minutes later, Chiba stopped at the door of the outer wall of the courtyard of the Land of Earth and his party.

"Lord Chiba!"

Seeing Qianye coming at such a fast speed, the two guarding ninjas bowed to Qianye slightly in surprise.

"Well, good morning."

After tidying up the messy uniform due to rushing on the road, Chiba nodded absent-mindedly, and then, as if thinking of something suddenly, she asked the two guards: "Ambassador of the Land of Earth, are you still inside?" ?”

"Yes, the ambassador did not go out."

To this, the guard naturally answered truthfully.

"Well... so, what time did the ambassador rest yesterday?"

Hearing this, Qianye nodded slightly and asked again.

"After you left, they turned off the lights and went to sleep. Specifically, because of Hokage-sama's order, we need to give the ambassador enough space for self-defense and cannot be investigated."

Regarding this, the guard said again.

"Last night, was there anything unusual?"

Hearing this sound, Chiba asked again.

"It was very quiet last night."

In this regard, the guard thought for a while and said.

"Okay, I see, thank you!"

Hearing this sentence, Chiba nodded, and then thanked him.

Then, he took a slight breath, walked into the courtyard, and walked straight away.

"Boom boom boom!"

Afterwards, he knocked on the gate of the courtyard that received the envoys.

Fortunately, they arrived in time before they went out.

They rested early yesterday. I'm afraid they have recovered enough energy now, and I must also cheer up. This ambassador is not an easy master to deal with.

So, start the second step!

And in his mind, such a thought turned.

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