Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1600 People's hearts? Rhythm?

"Then, it's getting late, and please rest early, Your Excellency Ambassador. Tomorrow, you should be ready."

Seeing Yan Shan and the others walking into the courtyard, Chiba stopped outside the outer wall door and spoke.

"Really? Before you know it, it's already this time. I'm really grateful to Your Excellency Chiba today."

In this regard, Yanshan also paused, turned around, glanced at the night sky here, bowed slightly to Qianye, and said.

"Then, let's take my leave."

Hearing this, Qianye smiled slightly, then turned and left.


After watching Chiba leave, Yanshan said with a smile, then turned and walked into the house.

This Taki Chiba is really...

It took us around for a day without knowing it, and I didn't realize that it was a day at all.

As he turned around, the smile on Yanshan's face slowly disappeared, replaced by a dignified and somewhat terrifying expression.

"How did this day pass... I don't even feel it."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that a day has passed."

"I thought it was time for dinner, so why not just have dinner."

"Why do you only know how to eat?"

But at this time, behind him, came the whispers of four guards who didn't understand why.

"This Taki Chiba is a peerless powerhouse who controls rhythm and heart."

At the same time, Lan Tu, who had been silent at the side, couldn't help sighing at this moment.

"Control the rhythm... and people's hearts?"

And hearing the words of this respected elder, Yanshan's heart almost tightened, and his face became even uglier, and this muttered word came out even more.

"Well... The people we have to deal with are far more terrifying than we imagined. Think carefully about the journey."

However, Lantu didn't see Yanshan's scary face because of his ugly face at this time, but walked on the edge of Yanshan on his own, saying so.

this way?

Hearing this sound, Yan Shan was slightly taken aback, then subconsciously followed the elder's words, and began to recall this day.

Now that I think about it, this day didn’t really go by so quickly, and it wasn’t an easy task to visit half of Konoha Village.

However, along the way, he didn't feel tired at all, or the feeling of time passing. In retrospect, the itinerary was also packed, and even a series of construction sites in Muye Village were very annoying. .

According to common sense, this journey will definitely make people feel tired. This tiredness is not a physical tiredness, but a kind of psychological tiredness.

A crowded itinerary and the process of constantly repeating walking movements will undoubtedly cause mental fatigue.

Even if the body is not tired, the mind will be tired and will feel tired.

Like now, I can't feel the passage of time, and I don't feel tired. Even the tiredness of Konoha's exhaustion all the way has disappeared without a trace.

Getting along with Taki Chiba along the way, if he hadn't reminded himself of the horror of the young man in front of him every now and then, Yanshan would really feel like a spring breeze.

"Did you feel it? This child is terrible."

Stepping into the house, Lan Tubai asked with trembling eyebrows.

"But, how...how did he do it?"

At this time, Yanshan had already thought back on today, and indeed saw some clues, but he still didn't understand, this Taki Chiba didn't know any illusions, and he didn't do anything suspicious, so how could he do it? So that people don't care about the passage of time, and even don't feel tired, just walk through the day like this.

How can this kind of thing be done by ordinary means?

As for illusion, this Taki Chiba is obviously not good at it. Although illusion is the three major powers of ninjas, compared with body and ninjutsu, this power is not easy to learn. It takes talent.

Based on the information they have, it is known that Taki Chiba has no talent in illusion. Although illusion is not his weakness, he cannot learn illusion.

Therefore, there is no possibility of using illusion.

Moreover, even if Taki Chiba has learned illusion, it is impossible to use illusion under the eyes of Lord Lantu beside him.

He didn't understand what method this Taki Chiba used to achieve such an effect.


But when he heard Yanshan's question, Lantu sighed for a long time, and then said: "That's why I said that he is a peerless powerhouse who controls the rhythm and heart. The reason why you don't feel any fatigue and time Elapsed, is to enter his rhythm, he took advantage of every psychological change in you at that time, let you enter his rhythm."

It seems that compared with this Taki Chiba, the talent in our village is still far behind!


Perhaps, we are engaged in a war that cannot be won at all!

A dying struggle with no chance of winning!

While speaking, Lan Tu's heart was full of gloom.

As a friend who has been with the three generations of Tsuchikage Onoki for decades, Lantu now only feels a chill down his spine. Thinking back to the many difficulties along the way, those words of Taki Chiba who were about to lose everyone's attention quickly attracted him. With all the attention paid to the local conditions and customs, and the rebuilt foundations that are far larger than the previous Muye Village, Lan Tu can almost imagine an unprecedentedly prosperous Muye Village.

A Konoha village that is far more prosperous than Yanyin, Yunyin, Sandyin and even Wuyin combined.

And this Muye Village, which is unprecedentedly prosperous and has a grand blueprint, is like a shadow monster that hangs over his head at this time, almost wanting to choose someone to devour, making him feel uncontrollable chills behind him, and even, it has already leaked out. cold sweat.

Every psychological change?

into his rhythm...

Could it be that this Taki Chiba controlled us... for a day!

At this time, hearing the words of the respected old man beside him, every word that Taki Chiba said today, and every opportunity to say these words flashed through Iwayama's mind.

Then, he suddenly realized that such a thought flashed through him.

After that, he shuddered suddenly.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a kind of fear.


is a horror.

Faintly, he seemed to feel that behind him, or in front of what he was about to face, stood a huge black shadow, that black shadow with the outline of a boy, that one was enough to make him feel like an ant The crushed huge shadow palm has already enveloped his head, and from the five fingers of the palm, there are traces of shadow hanging down like silk threads, binding his hands, feet and head.

You are like a marionette on a string!

At this moment, Yanshan stopped in his tracks.

Behind her, she was covered in cold sweat!

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