Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1602 Whose?


In the secret meeting hall No. 2, Qianye sat down on the back chair of the conference table with a "poof", and let out a long breath.

so tired...

But in his mind, there was only one thought.

Today, for him, can be said to be the most testing day for him since he traveled to the world of Naruto, and it is also the most difficult day.

It is necessary to observe the facial expressions of the group of people in the land of land at any time without any trace, calculate their psychological state, and infer that when they start to lose their attention, they must come up with effective words to attract their attention.

To be honest, it was the first time Chiba felt so tired.

However, tired after tired, today's effect should still be good.

Successfully delayed for a day.

Moreover, since that rocky mountain is going to deal with us, I'm afraid it should be aware of it, and today is enough to put a huge pressure on them.

However, since it was Yanyin, the person chosen by the old fox of the third generation of Tsuchikage, and at this time, to carry out the task of turning the tide, this Yanshan was overwhelmed by this pressure, and thus did things of his own accord. It is not possible.

However, it was enough to keep them quiet for a while.

Taking advantage of this time, the deployment can be further stabilized. In just one or two days, with Konoha Ninja's efficiency, although the deployment is done, it is only a preliminary deployment. There are still big loopholes in many places that can be finely manipulated.

Since the risk is so great, it is always good for us to be more on the safe side.

Anyway, when this plan is implemented, it will take as little as a week or as much as half a month to see the outcome, and it will not give them the most favorable chance for a protracted war.

After that, a series of thoughts flashed through Qianye's mind.

Then, after these thoughts flashed by, Qianye took a deep breath, cheered up his spirits, struck while the iron was hot, and began to write.

Afterwards, through the special transfer ninja, a letter of order was issued from his hands, and distributed to all departments including Konoha's intelligence system, defense department, mission department, etc., which were related to the preliminary negotiations of the peace repair alliance.

And as the letters of order were sent, first from the mission office, then the defense department, and then the intelligence system, the personnel began to make fine-tuning again and again, and gradually made some obvious loopholes bigger. And it became smaller, smaller and smaller, a defense network that relied on a relatively small number of manpower was formed in a letter of order from Chiba.


And about four hours later, between nine and ten in the evening. Defense Forces Office.

"Hirohiko, you've worked hard."

Putting down the last letter of order from the person in charge of this operation, Xue Nai let out a long breath, rubbed her tight temples, and said to Hirohiko who was always on guard behind her Thank you.

"No, it's nothing. I'm not at ease if you're here alone."

Regarding this, Hirohiko shook his head, looked at the empty defense force office, and said.

Because of the frequent transfers these days, Watanabe Kenshin is already very busy at this time, and the defense force has to carry out strict defense during martial law in the village, and also arranges patrols within a certain range outside the village to ensure safety. The headquarters of this defense force no longer has any personnel.

Even Watanabe Kenshin went to patrol with the general staff in person.

It is precisely because of this that Kenshin Watanabe asked Xue Nai to come here to issue orders, carry out the dispatch of the defense department, and complete the orders of the top person in charge.

Facts have proved that although Kenshin Watanabe has already noticed the bottleneck of his ability, he is indeed very suitable as a commander. He has done a very good job in covering the top with Ren Xian's ability.

Now, when orders are flying in like snowflakes, Xue Nai can be said to be orderly, the transfer of personnel is not chaotic at all, and it is quiet and terrifying. The transfer of a post, except for other people in this post, knows , Maybe there is another post three to five meters away from the side, and I don’t know that the next post has changed.


Regarding this, Xue Nai had nothing to refute, and said honestly.

"Can you tell from these orders, who is our secret person in charge?"

Hearing this, Hirohiko's poker face, which was tense due to vigilance, relaxed a little, looked at the order letter that Xue Nai put down and the mountain of order letters on the consultant's desk, and asked.

He read these orders to Xue Nai, and the contents of the orders gave him a sense of familiarity.

"Does it need to be said? This kind of delicate and meticulous plan is naturally written by Chiba."

Regarding this, Xue Nai said it as a matter of course.

"That guy, did he really participate in the incredible mission again? No wonder he couldn't go home."

Hearing that, Hirohiko was not too surprised, he himself had a similar deduction, but he was not as sure as Xue Nai.

"As long as he stays behind the scenes, there's nothing wrong with it. I'm afraid he'll want to stand at the forefront of the storm on such a sensitive matter."

But hearing this sentence, Xue Nai sighed, she knew that Qianye was highly valued, which was a good thing.

But from a personal point of view, he actually doesn't want Chiba to take on big responsibilities. She only hopes that Chiba can be an ordinary ninja, or even be a ninja for the rest of her life. She can accept D-level and C-level tasks, and it's best to be safe.

Moreover, she has been with Qianye for so long, and she is also deeply touched by Qianye's reckless character.

To be honest, Xue Nai is still quite worried now.

"Don't worry, Qianye must have his plan, and he won't put himself to death in vain. Besides, hasn't he saved himself from danger every time?"

And Hirohiko obviously sensed Xue Nai's thoughts, and comforted him.

"Well... But this time, we finally have the opportunity to help him in a place that Chiba doesn't know, so we don't have to worry about being protected by him."

Hearing this, Xue Nai nodded, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and said.

"Of course, this guy's protection is really uncomfortable sometimes."

In this regard, Hongyan Poker's face flashed a trace of bitterness, and he said.

"Then, it's time for us to have dinner, and take care of yourself."

And hearing Hirohiko's words, Xue Nai also smiled wryly, and then said.

"Well, just now the aunt in the canteen of the Ministry of Defense said that she left us a meal, let's go there."

Hearing this, Hirohiko handed Xue Nai's bamboo pole in his hand, and said.


After taking the bamboo pole, Xue Nai also stood up.

So, the two left together and walked towards the canteen of the Ministry of Defense.


"So, it's over, the war."

At the same time, in the reception room of the Hokage Building, Namikaze Minato and Luo Sha stood up at the same time, and exchanged the documents signed by each of them.

Hands, tightly held together.

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