Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1615 sure, uncertain

Deployment of troops... Deployment of troops...

The number of people...the number of people...the number of people!



I couldn't wait to open the window, and took the small scroll from Ninja Taka's feet. With a "bang", the small scroll returned to its original size due to the sound of being opened. Yanshan couldn't wait to check the information about Konoha's forces on it.

And on this scroll, basically is all the information about Konoha's forces in the Land of Earth, including some information about the Konoha ninja group accumulated before the war, and Yanshan quickly found the information he wanted.


That's it!

No wonder! No wonder!

No wonder it has always been impregnable. It turns out that this impregnable is just an illusion!

Konoha's troops on the front line are basically a little more than half of Konoha's ninja group. Under this kind of vigilance, Konoha will at most leave an elite troop of about 20 people. No, it is conservatively estimated. Only about thirty people.

It is impossible to ambush elite troops everywhere!

It's really well arranged!

It shocked us for more than ten days!

If I hadn't mobilized this almost confidential information, I'm afraid I would have been kept in the dark!

And after seeing this information, Yanshan has already confirmed that Konoha's current airtightness and invulnerability are just an illusion of airtightness and invulnerability!

At the same time, that day also flashed through his mind. When he walked back and forth unconsciously in two relatively important areas because he was a little anxious about Konoha's military information, the black-clothed figures he saw belonged to Konoha's elite The sight of black-clad figures of troops.

Use the secret sentry to monitor our position, split the remaining elite troops, cooperate with the secret sentry, and constantly move in important areas, posing a false image of elite ambushes one by one...

It's amazing!

He is indeed a master of psychological warfare!


Not just psychological warfare, it should be said that he is indeed a master of rhythm and human heart control!

Our probing behavior was also a specially arranged disorderly probing. Unexpectedly, we were pulled into his rhythm, looked at what he wanted us to see, and left behind the impregnable soup he wanted to keep in our minds. impression.

Such a layout is really unheard of.

Moreover, his scheduling ability can achieve such a perfect effect under such a tight hand.

It is simply impossible for humans to do it!

No wonder, no wonder Master Lantu was so worried about me before, and asked me many times what I planned to do!

I only know a little about the horror of this Taki Chiba!

And thinking of this, Yanshan couldn't help closing his eyes, and with a puff, he almost sat down on the bed behind the window sill.

On the forehead, at some point, cold sweat was already seeping out.

He can't do this kind of thing.

Don't even dare to think about it!

Such a risky deployment, if not careful, may lead to overall chaos or paralysis of the defense work.

To be honest, if any of the commanders in their village knew about these actions, I am afraid that these commanders would jump up in shock, and then curse and mess around!

If it were any one or any few of them, not to mention successfully deterring the enemy for more than ten days, they would probably be in chaos within two days.

At this moment, Yanshan finally understood that his third generation of Tukage whispered to himself "Why doesn't Taki Chiba grow among the rocks" before leaving, the Lord Huangtu patted his shoulder and said to him solemnly: One Taki Chiba is enough to be worth one hundred thousand elites."

"No! I have to ask Lord Lantu about this matter! You must ask Lord Lantu!"

Then, after sitting for a long time, Yan Shan suddenly stood up again, opened the door without saying a word, and knocked on the door of the next room.

Originally thought that this was a rare opportunity, but after confirming his inference, Yanshan was not sure.

Not sure if my sabotage plan is feasible.

Not sure if he can defeat this Taki Chiba.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

"Master Lantu, are you there?"

But after knocking on the door, Yanshan didn't get a response from Lantu, couldn't help it, knocked a few more times, and said.

"come in."

Following these words, after waiting for another minute, the permission of the respected elder came from inside the door.


To this, Yan Shan hastily responded, pushed the door open and entered.

But after entering the door, what greeted his eyes was Lan Tu's slightly hunched back, and the wisp of white air that belonged to Qingcha floating in front of him.

"Yanshan, what's the matter?"

With the sound of the door closing, Lantu opened his mouth without turning his head. Looking at it, it seemed that there was something attracting him from the rain curtain outside.

"It's about the latest information. It has been confirmed that Konoha's current defense is tight and impenetrable. It is actually a false image. It is conservatively estimated that Konoha only has 30 elite troops to dispatch. It is we who carry out the sabotage. Good time to act."

Regarding this, Yanshan spoke truthfully, and took a few steps forward, standing quite respectfully behind Lantu, as if asking a teacher's student.

"Really... so, what are you going to do?"

However, Yanshan asked sincerely, and Lantu's answer was the same as before, asking him what he wanted to do.

"I... I... Alas, I'm ashamed, I don't know what to do now? There is such a little guy who can use thirty elites to create an impenetrable defense, so that we can't act rashly. Monster, I'm a little unsure..."

In this regard, Yanshan pursed his lips, a bit ashamed appeared on his face, but he still summoned up his courage and spoke.

"So, you're here to ask me what I think?"

After hearing this sentence, Lan Tu still didn't turn around, but asked plainly.


Hearing this sentence, Yanshan took a deep breath and said.

Then, there was a silence.

"Are you... scared?"

And when Yan Shan couldn't bear it and was about to speak, Lan Tu spoke.


Hearing this sentence, Yanshan was startled suddenly.

"So, do you still need to think about it?"

During this moment of silence, Lan Tu seemed to have sensed something, and spoke again.

Still...do I need to think about it?

What are you thinking about?

Hearing this, Yan Shan was startled again, but a series of questions passed through his mind.



However, this time, he didn't have doubts for long. After the doubts turned around, his eyes lit up.

"I see, I will cancel the mission, thank you, Master Lantu!"

Then, the sentence in his mouth blurted out.

The other party is a master at controlling people's hearts and rhythms!

As the commander, I'm scared, then, what kind of sabotage plan is being carried out!

I am no longer qualified to carry out sabotage plans!

At least, the current me is no longer qualified!

But in his heart, there was a sudden.

"No! It's not good!"

But at this moment, just when Yanshan suddenly realized and made up his mind to cancel the plan, there was suddenly the sound of hurried footsteps outside the door, and at the same time, there was a burst of shouting with obvious panic, followed by Come.

"It's not good, Captain, Master Lantu, something happened! Something... something happened!"

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