Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1620 Mentality, how is it?

"How about the defense of the rest of the village?"

The sound of rain was pattering, looking at the growing rain curtain, Qianye rubbed his aching temples, from last night to now, one night plus one day, he didn't close his eyes, plus this paragraph Although he often does inhuman training, his physical strength is extraordinary, and his energy seems to be much stronger than ordinary people. At this time, he also feels a little overwhelmed and his head hurts.

"Because additional manpower was sent to protect the envoys of the two parties, the already tense manpower became even more tense. Now the number of places that the village's defense cannot take care of has doubled, and even half of the village's secret sentries have been withdrawn. Except for relatively important In many places, the mode of no sentry has been implemented. The defense of most areas has adopted the mobile patrol mode, and the specific responsibility is the defense force. However, the defense of most unimportant areas has been abandoned. In terms of manpower scheduling, But it is much simpler, although it cannot make up for the shortage of manpower, but in terms of efficiency, it is much higher."

In response to this, Anbe Ninja, who was holding an umbrella for him beside Chiba, quickly suppressed the excited thoughts in his heart, and opened his mouth to report the current defense of the village in detail.

"What about the mentality? What about the mentality of the defense force and the intelligence department? Are there any hidden dangers in mentality?"

Hearing this, Chiba asked again.

"Because of the news that the forbidden room was stolen, many people were indeed affected. However, most people's mentality is quite peaceful, and there is no possibility of causing riots or panic."

Regarding this, Anbu Ninja spoke truthfully.

"Really... Even if the news is blocked, it still spreads uncontrollably..."

And hearing this sentence, Chiba groaned.

"Yes! Now we are considering the possibility of spies in the ninja group, or the possibility of someone betraying information."

Hearing Qianye's murmur, Anbu Ninja said hastily.

The previous four generations of Hokage-sama and Chiba-sama in front of him strictly ordered the news of the theft of the Forbidden Art Room to be spread out, but in just a few hours, most of the ninjas almost knew the news, and it was really lucky that no panic was caused.

At this time, if the ninja group in the village has panic, then in this kind of high-intensity and high-density defense work, the chain reaction of this panic may cause the village's tight defense to completely collapse. The consequences at that time were unimaginable.

And the leak of this news was obviously passed on by an insider or an unruly guy. At this critical moment, these unstable factors must be eliminated.

"No, there's no need. The village's defense agencies don't have traitors or restless guys."

In this regard, Qianye denied Anbu Ninja's plan and said.


But hearing Chiba's denial, Anbu Ninja was taken aback, and asked almost subconsciously: "Then why..."

"Because of the highly coordinated operations between the intelligence system and the defense department, the intelligence system and the defense department have cross-operations, and many posts are connected together. If the intelligence system knows it, the relevant posts in the defense department will also know it. Similarly, the defense department I know, the intelligence system will also know the same post, and because high-density information exchange is required between posts, it is unknowingly passed on, this is inevitable, don't worry, Minato-sensei... No, The Fourth Hokage-sama has already anticipated such a situation, as long as it does not cause too much panic, just turn a blind eye."

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Qianye's words, and only heard what Qianye said.

It seems that things are still unexpectedly smooth!

Originally, I thought that it would cause a certain amount of panic, and even the panic would spread, causing the mentality at the village level to fall, causing the overall collapse of the defense, and the peace talks about repairing the alliance collapsed without touching it.

Now it seems that our previous hesitation, prudence, and worries are a bit redundant and ridiculous.

With Golden Flash turning the tide of battle and becoming Hokage by itself, Konoha's trust in Hokage has reached a certain unwavering height, which is probably a rare height in Konoha's history.

Come to think of it, the first generation of Hokage who founded Konoha back then had no more trust than that.

However, this kind of thing doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't cause a mental breakdown, it's fine.

Although the loopholes in defense have inevitably increased a lot, but according to the previous missions out of the village, because the spies were arrested, the four major ninja villages should have evacuated the spies. A blanket search was carried out, and no suspicious personnel were found. The increase in vulnerabilities does not necessarily increase the risk.

Besides, now Nara Shikahisa and the others have returned to the village, there is no need to worry about Namikaze Minato, with such a think tank by my side, plus the think tank, the situation should be stable, I just need to do my own thing .

However, I don't know who is in command of the defense force. This command ability and control of mobile patrols are not like Kenshin Watanabe.

Could it be that Watanabe Kenshin finally got the hang of it?

Following these words, a series of thoughts flashed through Qianye's mind.

"Highly coordinated operations?"

Hearing the words of the young man in front of him, Anbu Ninja was taken aback for a moment, then, he seemed to suddenly think of something, and his eyes lit up: "So that's the case! Yes, because of the high degree of coordinated operations, the interaction of information is more in-depth, and it is inevitable that it will spread. go out!"

Very good!

It turns out that our nerves are sensitive. If this is the case, it would be really great. If we want to investigate the traitor, we need quite a lot of manpower. Now, there are not so many manpower!

Fortunately, there was no panic.

However, with Minato-sama and Chiba-sama around, it might be difficult to cause panic! Although it is said that the possibility of causing panic must be considered, but now that I think about it, panic is a bit unlikely.

At least, Anbu didn't have the slightest doubt about Chiba-sama.


It's our nervousness.

That's right, now that Master Minato and Master Chiba are in charge, and Master Shikaku has returned, even if it causes panic, in the hands of the three of them, they can quickly stop it and put everything in order.

We don't need to worry!

Just do your own thing!

And in his mind, such a thought flashed through.

"Don't worry, this situation won't last long."

Listening to Anbu Ninja's words, Chiba took a slight breath, and after inhaling the rain-like air into his lungs, he said so.

It seems to be speaking to the Anbu ninja behind him, and it seems to be speaking to himself.

"Yes! During this period, we will not relax!"

In response, Anbu Ninja straightened his back involuntarily and responded solemnly.

In terms of morale, don't worry too much!

can do it!

It will definitely work!

Hearing Anbu Ninja's response, Chiba couldn't help but have such a thought in his mind, but a cold light slowly appeared in his eyes looking at the rain curtain.

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