Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1622 Admit defeat

The only thing left is to sign a treaty, is this the way?

With a sound of "Puff", as if all the strength in his body was drained, Yanshan sat down on this chair, his whole body was like a deflated ball, limp, his eyes were loose, but his face was pale and haggard.

In just one night, Yan Shan was already physically and mentally exhausted, and stubble appeared under his jaw, making him even more haggard.

All night, he was under great pressure and tension, as well as feeling helpless, and he couldn't think of anything to do.

Konoha now has an absolute advantage, absolute dominance.

Before he knew it, he had lost all his advantages and was only passive.

Now, there is no other option but to agree to a treaty.

Unless he loses his mind and desperately insists on carrying out some sabotage plan, which will eventually lead to greater losses.

Moreover, this treaty is actually not that harsh, and it is already better than their best plan. In fact, in a sense, it is quite advantageous.

That's right, this night, after thinking about it and tossing all night, he came to the conclusion that there was no other way to admit defeat, give up the plan to turn defeat into victory, and honestly agree to the generous terms proposed by Konoha.

Just do it...

Just do it, it's the only way now.

Now, let's report the matter to the Third Tsuchikage-sama.

Mission, failed.

And thinking of this, Yanshan, who was exhausted physically and mentally and looked haggard, seemed to lose all his energy and energy at once, picked up the pen and paper next to him like a walking dead, and began to write on the letterhead.

Although he is not reconciled, even though it will disappoint everyone who gave him high hopes, Yanshan knows that he has to do this, and doing so is the best choice for the village.

This is due to his lack of strength, and he bears the infamy of his life, which is also his own fault.

He couldn't let the village suffer more losses.

Rather than struggling to the death and turning into a worse situation, it is better for him to take all the blame, admit defeat, and accept Konoha's generous terms.

Even, accepting Konoha's favorable conditions is a small calculation of Konoha, at least it can get some psychological balance.

Such a favorable condition can be said to be far lower than the normal peace treaty. Konoha offered such a generous condition. I am afraid that they did not expect them to agree to it. The normal peace treaty and compensation conditions are much more than this generous condition. many.

This promise of this generous contract, in a sense, is also a small profit.

Even if it is signed, Konoha will not be too happy, and may even regret why such a generous condition was thrown out, which can be regarded as a little disgusting Konoha.

Even, if possible, if this treaty was proposed by Taki Chiba, Konoha would definitely complain because of regret, and it would also be able to hit Taki Chiba a little.

In fact, if you think about it this way, agreeing to the treaty is not a disadvantage.

Yes, don't suffer!

That's it!

This is good, and it can be easy!

The war is also over!

As long as you work hard to recover after the war, you are not afraid of not being able to compete with Konoha!

Moreover, everyone in the village has lost too many relatives and friends. It is time for the war to end.

In this way, everyone will be happy too!

I will also be... happy!

Will definitely be happy!

While writing, one thought after another appeared in Yanshan's heart, making him feel that it was a good thing to agree to the contract in this way.

As his thinking gradually changed, his writing also changed from being neutral and simply reporting the situation to agreeing to agree to a favorable truce.


At this time, on the other side, in the basement of the Hokage Building, the No. 2 secret meeting hall.

"How is it? Has Yan Yin made any moves?"

Another night passed, Chiba rubbed her temples, looked at the Anbu ninja in front of her, and asked.


Obviously I went to bed early yesterday, and I have slept for more than ten hours now, why my head still hurts, and I still get sleepy easily.

Could it be the reason for the body change again?

Have symptoms of drowsiness?

This is not acceptable!

At least, the symptoms cannot be further deepened now, and now is the most critical time.

Hurry up, Iwagakure!

While speaking, Qianye's heart was filled with a touch of anxiety.

In the past few days, to be honest, he has been troubled by more and more severe lethargy symptoms. Basically, he either stays sleepy every day, or sleeps for more than ten hours. Even, now that he can get up, it is still the person in front of him. Because of Anbu Ninja waking him up, he is even afraid to sleep now. After all, the current situation has reached the most critical time, and he can't delay his business because of sleeping.

"It seems that the ambassador of the Land of Earth is drafting a new report, which should be sent to the Land of Earth."

Regarding this, Anbu Ninja thought for a while and said.

This is the latest situation received, and it is also thanks to the Chiba-sama who is now in front of him who thought of using Yunyin to invade the reception desks of Gapai Yanyin and Sand Yin Missions. Because of the increase in manpower and the increase in the scope of protection, They can check every move of the envoys of both sides, and they don't have to worry about not respecting the envoys of both sides.

After all, now is the period of martial law, even if Yan Yin and Sha Yin have any complaints, it is impossible to explode, let alone make use of it.

During the period of the peace talks, they were invaded, not to mention Konoha, even if they were Yanyin and Sandyin, if this matter fell on their heads, they might do the same, or even do it better than them. Not necessarily too much.

But with just such a measure, they can be said to be sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, and all the initiative is in their hands. It can be said that the two envoys can no longer make any waves.

To be honest, Anbu Ninja is really convinced of the young man in front of him at this moment. Although he is much older than the young man in front of him, he has sincere respect and admiration, and is willing to be driven by him.

"Is that so... Where's Sha Yin?"

Regarding this, Chiba nodded and asked again. Sand Yin is actually an unstable factor, but compared to Yan Yin, it is much more stable, and the armistice agreement has been signed, so there is no need to be too wary. However, if Shayin wants to make trouble, it is very necessary to pay attention to Yanyin's schemes.

Yanyin, have you given up?

Or, it seems to be giving up, but in fact, you will still struggle?

And in his mind, such a thought flashed through.

"At present, the Fourth Kazekage seems to be very active in wanting to have another meeting, but they were all suppressed by Hokage-sama politely. However, after being rejected, they did not do anything special, nor did they convey any news. It seems that I just want to end the alliance repair stage quickly."

In this regard, Anbu Ninja said truthfully.

Sand Yin is really very peaceful, which makes him, Anbu, have a lot of good feelings.

"Well, the current situation is true."

Hearing this, Chiba nodded, feeling that Sa Yin's behavior was quite normal.

"However, it's time, please inform the Fourth Hokage-sama, the stage of repairing the alliance with Sand Yin can be ended."

However, after this nod, Chiba let Hokage follow Sagakushi's intentions, quickly understand the stage of alliance repair, officially announce the truce of Sagakushi Konoha, and establish an in-depth ally relationship.


In response, Anbu Ninja hurriedly nodded.


Next, Chiba didn't ask any more questions, but let Anbu Ninja do the work.

The Anbu ninja didn't say much, and disappeared in place in a flash.


Now, the peace talks between Yan Yin and Sha Yin may be resolved at the same time.

Looking at the place where the Anbu ninja disappeared, Chiba let out a long breath, and the thought of being relieved flashed through his mind.




What the hell is going on here?

And at this time, at the stall where Chiba was relieved, somewhere in Konoha Village, the misty eyes of a Konoha ninja slowly recovered, and then, when he noticed the lower part of his body, his eyes But he stared suddenly, but he couldn't say anything when he opened his mouth.

Even, in the widened eyes, there is already horror and astonishment!

The whole face was distorted with fear!

But at this moment, he slowly raised his hands that caught his eyes, which were already full of...


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