Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1636 Delivered

Hokage Building, Hokage Office.


Gently putting down the scroll in his hand, Minakame let out a long breath.

It seems that Fengying really wanted to come to peace talk about Xiumeng with all sincerity, and all the content of the follow-up Xiumeng was discussed so quickly.

Now, there is really no worries.

And after taking a big breath, such a thought flashed through Namikaze Minato's heart.

About an hour ago, after the news of the death of the world in Yanyin Village came, after he handed over everything to Chiba, he went to the Been where the Fourth Kazekage was located, and straight to the point, he planned to leave the rest of the world today. All the options for repairing the alliance below have been negotiated to sign the alliance repairing treaty, and complete the peace talks with the country of winds to repair the alliance once and for all.

After all, this concludes the armistice agreement and the alliance regulations, rather than the peace treaty that is the previous treaty of the armistice agreement, which means that in this war, the kingdom of fire and the kingdom of wind are officially armistice, and they have become an alliance, unanimously Externally, if anyone provokes any of the two countries, the two countries will work together to respond to the provocation.

This is very different from the war alliance concluded during the war. After all, the war alliance is only an alliance in war, and the regulations are relatively loose, and it is easy to appear in the situation of obedience and inconsistency. Obviously there is a situation where the positive is obeying the negative.

However, this alliance has many regulations, and there are many in-depth development cooperation, whether it is for the country of fire or the country of wind, it is of great benefit, whether it is in terms of credit or interests On the one hand, both the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Wind are firmly bound together, and it is impossible to have a situation where the positive is obeying the negative.

Moreover, the situation of Kazekage's personal peace talks this time has already shown that the country of wind, at least Yanyin Village, can no longer support the war, so the armistice agreement and alliance regulations were signed so sincerely and even eagerly. Of course, The land of fire, or the generous conditions given by Konoha is also one of the reasons, but in comparison, this time, the urgent desire for alliance from the land of wind is more powerful.

However, in any case, it is a good start for the first country to conclude an armistice agreement and alliance regulations with the Nation of Fire. Next, when the documents are sent to the Daimyo of the Nation of Fire, After the announcement, both Yanyin and Yunyin, or Kirigashi who did not actually participate in the battle, but has been making small moves, should also wake up.

Although Sand Hidden in the Country of Wind has suffered heavy losses and is less of a threat to Konoha's rear, Konoha has also dispatched a considerable force to guard against it. There will be a large number of elites transferred back to the front line or to the village. For Yanyin and Yunyin, this is definitely not a good thing.

How much can also cause a certain deterrent to both parties.

In addition, the first country has passed the peace talks to repair the alliance, then their domestic public opinion, or the peaceful will of ordinary people will be intensified to the maximum extent. At that time, can Yunyin and Yanyin suppress the domestic sentiment Hidden dangers are still unknown, which can greatly increase the willingness of the two parties to negotiate peace and repair the alliance.

The Nation of Wind Alliance can be said to be a bumper harvest.

The so-called generous conditions paid by Konoha are actually much more rewarding than what they paid, especially now that Yanyin is still going deep into the hinterland of Konoha to make troubles through peace talks, these are definitely worth it.

Moreover, the generous conditions given to the Kingdom of the Wind were unanimously agreed by Konoha's top management. Even Chiba, who has always played cards unreasonably, gave 100% agreement, and even advocated deepening cooperation with the Kingdom of the Wind to make the alliance more sturdy.

Next, let's see how Chiba handles it?

And after heaving a sigh of relief, Namikaze Minato unconsciously locked his eyes on the scroll next to the scroll of the Nation of Wind Alliance Regulations.

This scroll is the scroll of the treatment method that Chiba sent over when I was discussing with Kazekage, and it is a report of the first cut and second play of the documents retrieved from the important document room.

Of course, it shouldn't be regarded as cutting first and playing later. Qianye already had the power to retrieve documents under his instruction, which is also Qianye's respect for herself.

He had read it just now, and he didn't have any doubts or disapproval of the contents.

However, unexpectedly, at the end, Qianye actually improved the plan according to the current situation, making the originally dangerous plan so simple.

Even, the village doesn't have to pay much, and there is no possibility of the peace talks and repair alliance collapsing.

With Qianye alone, he is really worth a thousand troops.

Now, a considerable number of high-level people have already convinced him, and even the third-generation Hokage-sama can't help comparing him with the second-generation master.

It seems that I am more relaxed than the third Hokage-sama.

Sometimes, I feel like I am dispensable as a Hokage!

And after this glance, Minato Namikaze couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and there was a smile mixed with relief and bitterness at the corner of his mouth.

"Fourth Hokage-sama, this is urgently sent by Chiba-sama, please have a look."

At this moment, an Anbe ninja suddenly appeared in front of his desk at Namakaze Minato's emotional stall, raised his hand and handed over three scrolls.


In response, Namikaze Minato reached out to take it, and after a reply, he waved his hand to signal Anbe Ninja to back down.

Is it a success?

But in his heart, there was no thought that Chiba would fail.


To this, the Anbu ninja simply responded, and disappeared into Hokage's office in a flash.

Three scrolls, it should be a success.

While watching the Anbe ninja leave, Minato Namikaze looked back at the three scrolls and thought for a while.

Then, without being wordy, he directly opened one of them.

This is...the application document.


Is it a photocopy?

This child is really cautious, and he always doesn't cause trouble for others.

After a cursory glance, Namikaze Minato smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and without looking any further, he directly ignited the scroll and threw it into the trash can for destroying documents.

Since it is a photocopy version, there is no need to keep it.


Is this the lost forbidden technique?

Afterwards, he picked up another scroll, but it was a camouflaged scroll with a very small corner torn off at the seal.

"Come on!"

In response, Namikaze Minato greeted him.

In an instant, a ninja in a black fox mask flashed behind him, knelt down on one knee, and put up his hands.

And Namikaze Minato didn't say much, and directly handed over the forbidden scroll to the ninja.

The ninja didn't have any extra words, and after taking the scroll, he disappeared into the Hokage office.

Well, this should be...

After the ninja disappeared, Minato Namikaze took a deep breath, and solemnly opened the third scroll.

This is!

But when he opened the scroll, his pupils shrank suddenly, and a look of surprise slowly appeared on his face!

The child!

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