Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1639 Resignation

"Lord Fengying, you are..."

Looking at Luo Sha who came in, Minakaze Minato, who made a welcoming gesture, was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help but speak.

At this moment, in front of him, the Fourth Kazekage of Sand Hidden Village was wearing the same clothes as when he came, with a bamboo hat and a white cloth mask, and his five guards were following behind him, looking solemn And special.

Obviously, Namikaze Minato did not expect that the fourth Kazekage would meet him in this attire.

"Your Excellency Hokage, I'm here to say goodbye. The peace alliance has ended, and we have reunited and formed a closer alliance. There are many things in the village that I have to deal with, so I have to leave."

Regarding this, Luo Sha bowed slightly and said very politely.

Their purpose of coming to Konoha has been achieved, and they have even obtained unimaginably favorable regulations, especially the alliance treaty of in-depth cooperation after the armistice, which can almost make Sand Yin's post-war recovery ten years earlier, or even more, and there is no It is necessary to stay.

Moreover, what Luo Sha said is also true. As Kazekage, he has been away from the village for more than half a month. No matter what, he must go back. There are still many things in the village that need him to rectify. Now he has ceased fighting with Konoha Moreover, the alliance already has a very stable war environment, and some reforms that are too late or have no time to implement must go back and implement. Although Shayin Village cannot be said to be full of devastation, internal and external problems can be regarded as internal and external troubles. Now the foreign troubles have been relatively stable. , then, he must also start to solve internal worries.

Now, the village is jointly managed by Mr. Ebizo and Grandma Chiyo, but after a long time, if he is not around for too long, those corrupt high-level officials are deeply rooted after all, and each has its own power. To suppress it, it is still necessary for him, Fengying, to suppress and eradicate it.

Also, have to go back.

"Is that so... Originally I was thinking of staying with you for a few more days, and I planned to have a good chat with Your Excellency Fengying once the matter at hand is over."

Namikaze Minato felt sorry for this.

To be honest, he is about the same age as the Fourth Kazekage Rasa in front of him, and his experience is relatively similar. They were both ordered in the face of danger. , became Kazekage.

As for him, the third generation of Hokage had to retire due to physical reasons. As soon as he came up, he had to face the increasingly complicated situation of the Three Wars, because he became the undercurrent after the internal rebellion of the Hyuga clan in the village after Hokage. surge. If one is not careful, losing the position of Hokage is not a big deal. If there is civil strife in the village, Konoha may lose the entire Three Wars.

Although he and this Fengkage both had the willingness to break the peace treaty and even the armistice agreement in this peace talk, the conversation went smoothly, and the conversation was very speculative in disguise. However, in several talks He could see that this young Kazekage was thoughtful, well-organized in what he said and did, and always unique. With more contact, he can get to know Kazekage, pave the way for future cooperation with Sayin, and also be able to guard against Sayin. At the same time, he also feels that he can learn something from this Kazekage.

However, what Kazekage said is also very reasonable. It is impossible for Kage to leave his village for a long time. He has been away from the village for half a month in Konoha, and he can't keep him from staying.

"This is really... my honor, alas, but... I can only say thank you Hokage-dono."

In this regard, Luo Sha was slightly taken aback when he heard Namikaze Minato's words, but then he gave a wry smile and thanked him, which of course was also a word of rejection.

It turned out that this Hokage was exactly what I thought.

Originally, I wanted to get in touch with this Hokage who became Hokage at a young age and has a famous golden glitter in the entire ninja world. Unexpectedly, the other party is also as I thought.

This Namikaze Minato, at the beginning of his tenure as Hokage, faced a tricky war situation, but he was well organized. Even the peace talks and alliance repairs in the past half a month did not have any flaws. I am afraid that the eyes of the third Hokage did not miss it. Getting in touch with each other more and talking more can be regarded as being able to facilitate the cooperation with Konoha, and by the way, through this Hokage's character, you can more or less grasp Konoha's style of doing things, and guard against Konoha if necessary.

did not expect……

While speaking, Luo Sha had such a regretful thought in his heart.

"Then, please send someone to send you all the way out of the border of the country of fire. I'm busy with other things, so I'm afraid I won't be able to see you off."

Regarding this, Namikaze Minato didn't hold back much, but just said.

"Then there is work."

For Namikaze Minato's words, Luo Sha did not refuse, but also expressed understanding: "During this time, I have been taken care of by Lord Hokage. Since the affairs are busy, the affairs of your village must be the first. You and I are allies. Ask for those vain gifts."


In response, Namikaze Minato smiled slightly, nodded and said.

"Then, I will take my leave."

Afterwards, Luo Sha didn't intend to stay any longer, and said goodbye straightforwardly, and after being greeted with a smile from Namikaze Minato, she turned around and left with a group of guards.

"Choose the best guards and escort Kazekage out of the Fire Country."

And when Luo Sha left, the footsteps gradually faded away, Namikaze Minato gave an order, and then, behind him, a breath left quietly.

"Also, keep this peace treaty in the safest place, and keep it separate from the agreement with the Land of Winds."

Afterwards, Namakaze Minato took out the scroll in his arms, and gently moved it to the side.

Just as he was putting it down, a pair of hands held out from behind him appropriately, and after taking the scroll, it disappeared instantly, as if leaving Hokage's office.


Anyway, after Fengying left, many people were liberated, which was considered a good thing, and he was able to take a little breather.

On Yanyin's side, since the peace talks regulations have been signed, they should not stay any longer. You have to find someone to "escort" them away!

Also, there has never been any movement from Yunyin's side, and I don't know what they think. I am afraid that before Yanyin formally signed the armistice agreement, it is impossible for them to have the intention to negotiate a peace alliance.


Yun Yin, Yun Yin, has always been the most difficult thing to deal with!

And after finishing all this, Namikaze Minato frowned slightly, and his face slowly became dignified.

"Fourth Hokage-sama!~Fourth Hokage-sama!"

However, just when he was having a headache, the door of Hokage's office was suddenly pushed open, and an Anbu ninja rushed in, shouting out of order.

"What's wrong?"

In response, Namikaze Minato frowned, his face changed slightly, and he asked as calmly as possible.

"Master Chiba...Master Qianye fainted!"

When this sound sounded, Anbu Ninja also said in a hurry, and the two voices almost overlapped.


When the Anbe ninja's voice and his own words ended at the same time, when he heard the content of the words, Namikaze Minato's expression changed drastically, and he blurted out an exclamation.

"Take me there!"

But when the next sentence came, it was already in the corridor outside the office!

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