Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1642 learned

"So, Qianye narrowly escaped this time and returned to the village after half a year. In fact, he didn't really escape from death. There are hidden dangers inside his body that you can't understand, and even Qianye himself doesn't understand it. Know what's going on with the unknown change, don't you?"

After hearing this and seeing him, he was obviously taken aback and hesitated, but in the end, you explained to him the problems about his body that Chiba had been hiding all along, and he basically understood. Chiba's physical condition.

"It's...it's like this, this... this Qianye insisted on keeping us a secret, so we didn't reveal the slightest bit of information. This is Qianye's wish. As doctors, we must respect the wishes of patients."

In this regard, after hearing the young Hokage explain his understanding, these six old men, who were usually noisy and often noisy, said in unison at this time, and the tone and words were all meant to shirk responsibility.

Even, at this time, these six old scholars were gathered in front of Minato Namikaze, which made the ward, which was originally quite large, very crowded in the place where Minato Namikaze was located.

"So, the reason why Qianye fainted now is because of his body?"

And looking at the six people who seemed to be getting closer, the corner of Namikaze Minato's mouth slightly twitched, and he asked.

These old gentlemen are probably worried that concealing Chiba's physical problems will affect their budget for next year...

At this moment, such a thought flashed through his mind unconsciously.

"This, can't just say that it has a direct relationship..."

"Well, in fact, syncope is divided into two types: physical and psychological. It cannot be diagnosed here that it is because of Chiba's physical problems that caused this syncope."

"That's right, it's also possible that Qianye was under tremendous pressure, and the pressure that was overwhelming was suddenly released, and his mood changed drastically, and then his spirit was not able to withstand this huge pressure. Changes, so because of the body's self-protection mechanism, he passed out."

"Yes, after all, when the extremes of emotions reach the level that the body can't bear, people's instinct will indeed be to actively lose will, which is a manifestation of syncope, just like when our emotions reach the extreme, whether it is joy or sadness , there will be a sense of catharsis."

"That's right, that's the way it is. When our emotions are too extreme to vent, our body will produce some self-protection measures, such as crying. This is an effective way to vent emotions, so there is a lot of grief. The phenomenon of crying and crying with joy, of course, the more serious ones are fainting, vomiting blood and so on."

And when they heard this question from Namikaze Minato, the six old scholars immediately exploded. You yelled, and I yelled, and then they said it. They gave Namakaze Minato science in various ways, and then proved that Chiba fainted. This matter has nothing to do with my concealment of his physical problems.

"Okay, okay, you guys talk slowly, you say one sentence to another, I don't even know what you are talking about!"

In this regard, the wry smile and twitching of the mouth that Namikaze Minato had held back before could not be tolerated at this time. In the continuous dialogue between the six mouths and the latter's speech, the former was still talking, and the original voice had changed at this time. When there were six voices, he hastily interrupted their speech with a headache and bitterness on his face.


And when they heard Namikaze Minato's voice, which was already slightly raised in decibels, the six old men immediately fell silent, straightened their backs, and almost bowed and apologized to Namikaze Minato.

However, the voice in their mouths stopped, but the words in their eyes did not stop, except for looking at Namikaze Minato pitifully, their peripheral vision collided fiercely, and their eyes had scolded each other away .

What a joke! What did you say, what are you doing to make Hokage-sama angry? What if there is no budget? The budget for next year has not been allocated yet!

And most of the scolding from the corner of their eyes conveyed this idea.


After so many years, these old gentlemen really haven't changed at all!

At this time, looking at their appearance, Namikaze Minato's anxious mood for Chiba was diluted a little, and the appearance of these old people who used to treat him when he was a child flashed unconsciously in his mind .

"Don't worry, I won't intervene in the budget matter as long as it follows the procedures. Now, tell me about Chiba's situation. Is it life-threatening? Can it be cured?"

Then, thinking of this, Namikaze Minato stopped talking nonsense, and directly pointed out the topic, dispelling the concerns of these six old scholars.

Regarding the research budget of these six people, it was impossible for him to cut it, not to mention previous years, this year, these six old scholars have also produced quite powerful medical results, and it is even more important for Konoha's medical department and even the medical ninja department. All of them are conveying more and more advanced medical knowledge and medical methods. Although these six old scholars do not show their talents, they are low-key on weekdays. I am afraid that only the Konoha Hospital and the medical team know their contributions. If they are released, no one may release them. It's a matter of course, but their contribution is obvious to all, even if he is Hokage, he can't change their budget without authorization.

Of course, the unrealistic budget amounts of these old pedants are impossible to agree to.

Moreover, to be honest, the reason why he can speak so calmly now is because these six old scholars are taking care of Chiba. It can be said that these six people are the most powerful doctors representing the Konoha Hospital system. Konoha Medical has the most comprehensive combination of physicians.

If they can't find the reason and can't cure it, then even if the medical ninja troops come, it may not have much effect.


After hearing Namikaze Minato's words and knowing that their budget would not be cut or cancelled, the six of them looked at each other in blank dismay.

"What's wrong? The problem is so serious?"

Seeing the reactions of the six people, Minato Namikaze's expression froze immediately, and he couldn't hold back the sound.

"No! It's not serious, but the situation in Chiba still needs to be observed."

"Yes, it still needs to be observed. The conclusion that can be drawn now is that the violent behavior of Chiba's body cells has begun to decay. It is gradually calming down, and the cause of his coma has not yet been diagnosed."

Regarding this, the six people hurriedly opened their mouths.

"That means, Qianye is not in danger? Just wait until he wakes up by himself?"

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato asked again.

"It can't be said that. Although the abnormal and even dangerous violent behavior of the cells tends to stop and has continued to a state of relaxation, it is also possible that the cells will continue to decay like this..."

However, as soon as he said this, he was immediately rejected.

"What's the meaning?"

Regarding this, Namikaze Minato's face became a little ugly, and he said.

"In other words, Chiba may have died of physical exhaustion."

Hearing this, the six of you look at me and I look at you, the second time, they said in unison.

Having said this, Namikaze Minato's face turned pale...possibility!

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