Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1652 That's it...

So this is ah……

Looking at the scrolls in his hand one by one, Chiba shook the pillows on his back and nodded silently.

On the scroll brought by Anbu Ninja, there are detailed reports on all departments five days after he was unconscious, as well as all the information held by Konoha of the Sand Hidden Mission and the Rock Hidden Mission.

In the end, I attached an order about the report written by Namikaze Minato himself, asking him to take good care of his health, and after making sure that he was fine, he went to the Hokage office to report.

According to the above information, Chiba is also convinced that the current situation is finally successful.

Finally, the peace talk about the alliance can come to an end.

And according to the latest news, Yanshan, the ambassador of Yanyin, has been successfully sent back to Yanyin Village by Uchiha Fugaku and Konoha's original escort Anbu, and now Uchiha Fugaku and the original escort Anbe team have begun their return journey.

At this time, Chiba also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Please, help me return these to Hokage-sama, I will report in person tomorrow."

After heaving a sigh of relief, Chiba handed the scroll in his hand to Anbu Ninja who was waiting by the side, and said.

"Yes, I understand."

Regarding this, after taking the scroll, Anbu Ninja didn't say much, and left the ward directly.


Watching Anbu Ninja leave, Chiba took a slight breath and let it out slowly, the last trace of tension on his face finally eased.

Now, he can finally rest completely and well.

It is estimated that next, Namakaze Minato will give him a big vacation, and he will use this vacation time to raise the forbidden technique to the level that can be used in battle. The biggest goal before the chaos was completed. You can free up more time to do other training and polish your strength composition.

He can even think about some new tactics. After all, he has mastered a lot of ninjutsu now, and his physical fitness has also reached a new level. Many of the previous tactical routines may not be applicable to the present.

It seems that some tactics that could not be implemented due to the limitation of its own strength before can be carried out.


Speaking of physical fitness, why do I feel that my body is lighter than before?

Moreover, what is this sense of strength contained in the muscles that can be felt?

Is this a change in my body too?

Then, thinking of this, Qianye suddenly became aware of the new changes in his body. Apart from making him feel refreshed, he also noticed that his body seemed refreshed at this time. Even, with every movement of the body, Chiba could feel the power contained in the muscles that he had never had before.

Just from the usual movements of the body, Chiba can feel that his physical fitness has improved tremendously, especially in terms of strength.

As for the speed, judging from this light feeling, I am afraid that it has also improved. As for the extent of the increase, it still needs to be measured.

It seems that this drowsiness is really not a bad thing.

The reason may be that my body has undergone a transformation, and the lethargy during this period is a sign of transformation.

At this time, Qianye was also sure that this physical change of his was definitely going in a good direction, and even the reason for this drowsiness might be some kind of transformation in his body.

After all, the change that can be directly felt this time can only be described as transformation.

"Then, it's decided, let's go there."

And at this moment, when such a series of thoughts flashed through Qianye's mind, a voice of decision sounded from his right hand.

One, very familiar to Chiba, almost has the voice of absolute command.

"Hey? Are you really going? Teacher Kushina?"

Afterwards, Xue Nai's stunned voices came one after another.

"Yeah! Look at you, there are only a few clothes on your body, and they are the clothes of the Hyuga clan. You are a girl anyway!"

But at this time, hearing Xue Nai's astonished words, the red-haired beauty sitting next to Xue Nai said as a matter of course.


Regarding this, Xue Nai seemed to have some concerns, and hesitated to speak.

"You said Qianye, look at this kid who is alive and kicking, there is no need to worry at all."

However, although Xue Nai was hesitant to speak, the red-haired beauty quickly sensed her thoughts, and said this directly, and looked at Qianye by the way, and said, "Really? Qianye!"


Seeing the brilliance of "Don't you dare to try" flashing in Jiu Xinnai's eyes, Qianye's body almost froze, and the cold was blowing from his back, and he nodded hurriedly, which proved it like a chicken pecking at rice What Kushina said was true.

"You heard me."

After getting an affirmative answer, Kushina turned around and said to Xue Nai.

"Really, then... let's go then."

And hearing this sentence, Xue Nai said so.

I... I'd better go.

Hearing Qianye's voice, if I don't go, Qianye will definitely be beaten.

However, such a thought flashed through Xue Nai's mind.

"Then let's go."

In this regard, knowing that Chiba had woken up, she dropped everything and rushed over, and now that she was sure that Chiba was really all right, Kushina immediately pulled up Xue Nai, and the two beauties, one big and one small, went straight to Go outside.


And at this time, Hirohiko, who had finished peeling an apple for Chiba, gently put the apple on the plate, with a sympathetic expression on his face, he patted Chiba's shoulder.

In response to this, Qianye turned her head, looked at this close friend who was in trouble, lightly patted the back of his hand on her shoulder, and nodded heavily.

"Hiroko, come here too and help us carry our bags."

Then, Kushina's voice came.

In an instant, Hirohiko's poker face shattered, and he froze on the spot, with an expression of wanting to cry, but in an instant, it filled the shattered poker face.


At this time, Qianye's hand patted his shoulder with strong sympathy.

come on……

you can!

At the same time, Qianye's eyes were full of positive energy, conveying such an expression full of positive energy to this close friend.

It's over... It's over...

Going shopping with Mr. Jiushinai and carrying bags?

This...is this a nightmare!

But at this time, looking at Chiba's eyes full of positive energy, Hirohiko's eyes were full of despair.

How do you feel, I was in a coma for five days, is it really a thing to be thankful for?

At the same time, Chiba nodded to Hirohiko full of positive energy, then turned around and continued to lean on the pillow, took the apple that Hirohiko had peeled, took a bite, and thought happily and leisurely. with.

"What are you still dawdling about! Hirohiko!"

At this time, Kushina's impatient voice sounded.

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