Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1659 Change

"Xue Nai! Sorry, I didn't pay attention to the time!"

Hurriedly running back to the Japanese-style cabin from the exit of the underground laboratory, Chiba pushed open the back door, and blurted out as soon as he entered the room.

The dim sunlight poured in from the open door, and instantly dyed the place where the sunlight reached the back door of the first floor of the small wooden house with a golden color.

"It's okay, in fact, you can leave early tomorrow morning."

At this time, in the living room on the first floor of this Japanese-style wooden house, a girl in white clothes was sitting beside the golden low table, which was also casted by the sunlight from the window. At this moment, Chiba seemed a little anxious. He turned his head, smiled slightly at him, and said so.

Beside her was a pile of packed luggage, which seemed to be moving out for a while.

"No, it will be too late tomorrow morning."

In this regard, Chiba, who walked to Xue Nai's side, stared at the pile of luggage and thought about how to bring it to minimize the round trip, said.

This is because the peace talks and repairing the alliance have also ended, the village is thriving, and the ninja engineering team has also restarted. As one of the important persons in charge there, Xue Nai must go there to preside over the affairs tomorrow.

Like Hirohiko, it has already passed early this morning.

Xue Nai was originally going to leave this morning, but the defense force needed to hand over, so it was delayed until now.

By the way, Chiba finally understood why the defense force was efficient and made no mistakes in the entire peace talks and repair alliance.

It's all thanks to Xue Nai, because Xue Nai is in full command, so everything is so orderly.

To be honest, when he knew about this incident, Qianye only had a wry smile in his heart. He should have guessed that the defense force was so extraordinary, and the commander was working so hard, it must be Xue Nai behind the scenes.

Only Xue Nai can make the way of taking turns patrolling without any mistakes.

And this time, because of her perfect performance in the defense force, Xue Nai was officially promoted by Namikaze Minato as the only deputy commander of the defense force, and it was a newly created position.

The defense force is one of the most important departments in the village. In order to facilitate management, there is actually no deputy commander. There are only assistants or assistants under the commander-level commander, and there are only three assistants.

In fact, the positions that Xue Nai held before, as well as the current special adviser, were actually set up by Kenshin Watanabe as the commander of the army. However, because of the characteristics of the commander-in-chief of the defense force, this private establishment also has absolute authority in the defense force. It's just the effectiveness of the position. Of course, in the village system, this kind of private position does not enjoy any treatment of the corresponding level of the village.

Xue Nai's authority is also limited to the defense force.

However, the position of Deputy Commander established by Hokage not only has the second-in-command level of authority in the defense force, but also does not require Kenshin Watanabe to authorize many things. Xue Nai can make decisions and give the power to implement them, even In the system of the village, it also belongs to the rank of troop commander and enjoys the status and benefits of troop commander.

Now, if Chiba is in the name of treating Xue Nai's eyes, unless there are some particularly rare drugs that require permission from Hokage's handwritten order, or sensitive drugs with special significance, Chiba can apply for them.

This is also part of the treatment at the army commander level, and the village will give these army commanders the best medical resources.

Of course, Xue Nai became the deputy commander. What Chiba is most happy about is not the treatment, but that Xue Nai has now been recognized by the village and is already an indispensable figure in the village. What about her, even her current status is on an equal footing with the patriarch of the Hyuga clan.

Even if the caged bird on her body was not sealed by Chiba, the patriarch of the Hyuga clan can't use the caged bird to do anything to her. If the caged bird is really used, then the patriarch of the Hyuga clan may be labeled as "suspicious", or even Touching a certain untouchable nerve in the village will bring disadvantages to the Hyuga clan instead.

You, the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, are threatening the life of the deputy commander of the defense department, one of the most important departments in the village?

Even if the Hyuga clan's status is distinguished and special, the village can't tolerate it. As for the punishment, it depends on the situation.

That is to say, now that Chiba's seal is invalid, and Yukina's caged bird is restored, what should Hinata Hizuru do or not, the caged bird cannot be used against Yukina.

This deputy commander is Xue Nai's most powerful life-saving talisman.

Moreover, the top and bottom of the defense force, even the commander Kenshin Watanabe, favored her very much. If she really touched her, I am afraid that the entire defense force would not agree. The Hyuga clan is noble, but politically, they have no Any privilege, if there is a quarrel with the official department of the village, only the Hyuga clan will suffer.

"It's okay, just leave it to Hongyan."

And hearing Qianye's words, Xue Nai had a smile on the corner of her mouth, but she didn't look anxious, she just said.

"You can't let Hirohiko handle everything alone."

Regarding this, Qianye also smiled, he already had a way to bring the big and small bags over at once.

And here, I have to mention that Hirohiko has officially become the vice president of the Ninja Engineering Team. In the team, the right to speak is rising in a straight line, instead of being the assistant to the secretary of the general manager, who basically only has to do things and has no right to speak.

Coupled with the identity of Xue Nai's deputy commander, it can be said that although they are not the chief person in charge, as long as they agree, they can influence most of the ninja engineering team's movements.

If I had to describe it, it would be a tripartite confrontation.

Of course, according to Namikaze Minato, the main person in charge is still the main one.


Seemingly aware of something, Xue Nai put down the teacup in her hand, picked up the bamboo pole beside her, and stood up.

At the same time, Qianye also cleverly carried all the luggage on her back, stretched out her hand to Xue Nai, and said in her mouth: "Then, let's go, and pack up when we go."


Hearing this, Xue Nai also stretched out her hand, and gently pressed it on Chiba's arm. Feeling Xue Nai's smooth skin, Chiba curled up her fingers and held the outstretched hand.

Then, without saying much, the two walked out in a natural and tacit understanding.

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