Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1670 Response

This is really, I asked down.

Seeing the question in front of her eyes finally uttered in one breath, she seemed finally happy, and Zhuo Zhuo looked at her child, but Qianye couldn't even raise the bitterness at the corner of her mouth.

How could it be possible for him to answer such a question that no one in ancient and modern China and foreign countries can clearly explain.

What the boy in front of me said is not wrong at all. War is a very painful thing. Every battle may represent loss. Parents lose children, children lose parents, companions lose companions, brothers lose brothers, sisters lose sisters... …even individuals may lose precious hands and feet, eyes, ears, mouth and nose that cannot be regenerated. The occurrence of war itself represents loss.

Also, no one is really a winner.

Take the current ninja war as an example, Konoha should be the final winner, but is Konoha really the winner?

Hard to say.

Although Konoha can get a large amount of compensation for this ninja war, the protracted war, protracted consumption, and huge financial losses suffered by Konoha cannot be made up for by these compensations. In the previous life, it was still this world. The war was fought for supplies and money. Chiba had been an assistant for a while, and Konoha's financial expenditure in this war was almost half of Konoha's financial expenditure in the past five years.

This is also one of the reasons why, until now, Konoha is actively seeking peace talks to repair the alliance, and one of the reasons why the war should be ceased as soon as possible.

Although such a large financial expenditure, with Konoha's prosperity, it will be a matter of time to earn it back, because there is still a relatively abundant other half of the finances that can be used for subsequent development and post-war recovery, but if it continues, Konoha's finances may It will run out, or it will be unable to support subsequent development and post-war recovery. At that time, even if Konoha has a large amount of compensation, it will suffer permanent damage, and the development of the village will even stagnate and retreat.

Konoha is still the loser.

Moreover, in addition to money, personnel, no one knows what will happen during the war. No matter how powerful a person is, there is a great chance of falling in the war. The entire third ninja world war until now, even if Konoha The strategy of protecting the genius boy ninja was adopted to protect the seeds, but the loss of personnel was still heavy.

Yes, it was a heavy loss.

The village has spent more than ten or twenty years cultivating elites. The casualties in this war are at least four digits. These elites are also carefully selected, and there are many geniuses among them. It has a very bright future, and it died on the battlefield before it could use all its light and heat. Moreover, it may take another ten or twenty years to cultivate one. Even, the cultivation cycle is not the most difficult part. The most tricky thing is that you may not be able to find so many of this kind of outstanding ones.

Konoha is also rich in such talents and geniuses, but when it comes to training, I still feel that there are really too few such people.

Not to mention those ordinary ninjas who can also support the village as an effective combat force.

After all, the elite are a minority, and it is these ordinary ninjas who really support the village and deal with the mission entrusted by the village.

The losses of these ordinary ninjas and the losses of the elites are essentially losses without the saying that whoever loses the most loses.

In addition to these objective loss factors, emotionally, as a ninja village, as a ninja village where basically every family has a ninja industry, losing no matter which ninja means that some parents may lose Children, some children have lost their parents, some have lost their brothers and sisters, some have lost their true love, some have lost their best friends and relatives... Even those who are in high positions and powerful in war will lose and suffer.

Let's just talk about Qianye. As a time traveler, even when he crossed into this world, he had no relatives, his parents died, and he was not even popular. However, he still lost many friends and people who cared about him.

Nao, Taketo, Shiga, Captain Morino, Kanno and the others, Rin...

Did they really win?

Losing relatives and friends who will never come back, and engraving eternal pain in your heart?

Can a peace treaty, an armistice agreement, a letter of alliance, and a large sum of compensation eliminate these pains?

Can those who have been lost be resurrected?

If you win, is it the winner?

Perhaps, there is a popular theory in the world that winners and losers mean that if you win, you get everything.

However, Chiba, who has experienced the war, does not think that winning is the winner, winning is just a stop loss.

If you lose, you just pay a higher price.

Where is the winner?

From the beginning of the war, the entire human race is a loser, a loser!

However, even so, even if they all become losers and losers, whether it is in the previous life or in this Hokage world, the war will never end.

In the previous life, although Chiba was born in a peaceful age and lived in a powerful and peaceful country, in other parts of the world, the world war has only ended for decades, and when the entire international situation is biased toward peace, there are still some The country keeps provoking wars, flaunts human rights and humanity, and keeps earning blood-stained money, so that the war will never be interrupted.

At this time, Qianye, who has experience in two lifetimes, can't answer at this time.

If you have to answer, I am afraid there is only one answer.

Humans, perhaps, are just so stupid and barbaric.

Yes, Qianye wants to answer, all he can say is this, the facts are there, even if they are all losers, human beings will continue to start wars, continue to bleed and cause pain, it is not stupid, it is not Barbarism, what is it?

Even after experiencing the warmth of this life, the end-of-life love of this life, and the greatness of human nature, Qianye still can only draw such a conclusion.

However, if you answer this way, what kind of blow will this kind-hearted child in front of you, who is only four or five years old, precocious but has not yet fully developed his worldview, suffer?

And since he asked, but asked himself, the child in front of him naturally trusts him very much, and maybe he is already his last line of defense.

If he answered in this way, what kind of despair would the child in front of him experience?

How could he have the heart to treat his disciple like this?

"Itachi, sorry, I don't know how to answer this question."

After hesitating again and again, Qianye sighed and said so.

He really didn't know how to answer this question that has been unsolved since the birth of human beings.

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