Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1672 Give up? escape?

"Then, I'm going back, goodbye, Teacher Chiba."

Saluting deeply to the teacher in front of him, Itachi raised his head, his face had returned to the usual lack of emotion, he was no longer confused, and his eyes were full of brilliance.

Then, after saying goodbye, he took a firm and confident step, and gradually disappeared into Qianye's eyes.

Do nothing, nothing.

Doing it may not necessarily lead to the desired ending...

I don't know if it's right or wrong to do so.

Seeing that small figure disappear into his sight, Qianye's lips were slightly pursed, and his brows were also slightly furrowed.

He didn't know if he should encourage Itachi like this.

To end the war and make the world peaceful forever?

This kind of thing has been entangled with human civilization for thousands of years since the birth of civilization.

During this period, how many civilizations were destroyed by wars, and how many civilizations grew because of wars.

The history of mankind is the history of wars, and the change of civilizations almost always starts with the beginning of wars.

Even in the original work of Hokage, it didn't say that there was eternal peace in the end.

Undoubtedly, Qianye encouraged his only disciple to do something that he had never seen someone accomplish in his two lifetimes.

And Qianye also knew the fate of his disciple in the original book, and what he did now was undoubtedly leading his disciple to the fate that belonged to this disciple.

However, if he doesn't say these things, what else can he say, watching his disciples have dark thoughts that he may not be able to control?

In any case, Itachi is also a member of the Uchiha clan, and there is also the possibility of extremes.

His deep love for Sasuke is actually a manifestation of Uchiha's character.

It's just that Itachi is a real Hokage aptitude, who can see the world from the perspective of Hokage, that is, a true benevolent superior. His vision is high enough to allow him not to stick to the weakness of a clan's character.

To be honest, if there is no problem with the Uchiha clan, Itachi is very likely to be a strong candidate for the fifth generation of Naruto.

Judging from the evaluation of him by the third Hokage, the third Hokage actually likes Itachi very much.

And Itachi's ability, wisdom, overall view, etc., are also very in line with Hokage's standards.

However, in the present case, if Namikaze Minato can be saved, and with Namikaze Minato's current policy towards the Uchiha clan, then this problem will not exist.

Itachi doesn't need to be a double agent, even if Uchiha Fugaku still has some worries about Namikaze Minato, if he arranges Itachi to be a spy, then there is no problem.

Namikaze Minato is sincerely trying to win over the Uchiha clan, and let this unstable factor become a powerful arm of the new Hokage to deal with some old forces left over from the third generation.

If Itachi is a spy, the information he can get is Namikaze Minato's kindness and promotion.

This will instead bring the Uchiha clan the greatest sense of security, and will instead promote the relationship between the two parties.

As long as there is no problem between Hokage and the Uchiha clan, then Itachi will not have to bear that cruel fate.

That is to say, in the Nine-Tails Rebellion, as long as Namikaze Minato and Itachi's tragic fate can be saved, the night of genocide will not happen.

"Night of the Nine Tails, absolutely...absolutely cannot fail!"

At this time, Qianye also gradually suppressed the entanglement in his heart between wrong and right, slowly clenched his hands, and murmured.

At this moment, Qianye felt that the burden on her shoulders was getting heavier and heavier.

And then, after uttering such a more determined sentence, Qianye didn't stay at the door for too long, but walked back to the house directly, and started to get busy.

But this time, from the perspective of others, what Chiba said to Itachi, whether right or wrong, was actually just something he had been implementing all along.

Maybe Qianye himself didn't realize that what he is doing now is actually just implementing the awareness of "If you don't do it, you will have nothing, if you do it, you may not get the desired ending".

It's just that Qianye did it more thoroughly, almost to the point of "Even if the ending after doing it is the same as not doing it, you have to keep doing it until you succeed".

This can be seen from the third Ninja World War.

He has not changed the fate of Obito, Rin, and Kakashi at all, even if he is desperate to the point of death, or even dead.

If it were an ordinary person, they might have already given up and even found various reasons for their giving up, or they could just use the argument that "the world is wrong" to shift the responsibility to the world, and then do whatever they want for themselves. Find a legitimate and humane excuse.

However, Chiba did not do this, although he had good reasons to resent the world and fear the future, and then used the way of venting the evil side of human nature to revenge and escape from the world.

He continued to stand up almost instinctively, insisting on what he wanted to do, even if the future was dangerous and the hope was slim, he still tried his best and tried his best to move forward firmly towards his original goal without giving in. There is no escape.

In fact, this explanation, or answer, to Itachi this time is just a true portrayal of Chiba himself.

Since you want it, do it.

If you fail, get up.

After getting up, if you still want it, then continue to do it.

give up?



To some people, probably most people, how does that seem possible? Unreasonable at all? After putting in so much effort and sacrifice, there is still no change. At this time, it should be blackened anyway. If you want to destroy the world, how can you get up again and realize the so-called change?

Chiba's behavior, perhaps to ordinary people, is indeed unreasonable, even stupid.

However, these unreasonable and stupid things are only aimed at ordinary people.

The reason why human beings can survive to this day and have such a brilliant civilization is definitely not just because of the thoughts of ordinary people who are used to avoiding and giving up, but because of the sacrifices and ideas of those capable people with great perseverance and great ability throughout the ages. accomplished under leadership.

Just like geniuses and lunatics, in the eyes of ordinary people, there is only a thin line between them.

Some people just do things that ordinary people would never do, or would never think about, or even think unreasonable.

And Chiba is just one of them.

It may be unreasonable, it may be stupid, but Chiba is like this, if he has identified his goal, he will not easily admit defeat.

Even if, standing in front of him is a wall called Despair!

And what he was thinking now was nothing more than smashing the huge wall in front of him.

Just crush the obstacles that stand in front of him!

Qianye is just doing a very simple thing, he is just going to the future he wants, and this road to the future he wants, like everyone's life path, has various obstacles.

He is just like everyone else, at a certain period of time, he eliminates a certain obstacle that hinders him.

It's just that his obstacle, compared to ordinary people, is a huge wall that is so big that it almost reaches into the sky.

no difference.

But now, through Itachi's incident, Chiba's belief in breaking this wall has become stronger and more urgent.

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