Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 171 Stability

"Master Hokage, everything has settled down. It has been confirmed that the enemy has all left the village. Now the village is in a safe state. This matter has been completely kept secret from the villagers." After ordering the wounded Anbu to go for treatment, Immediately another Anbu appeared in Hokage's office.

Hearing this, Sandai Hokage nodded and said, "Take care to follow the retreating intruders."

"Yes!" This Anbu ninja looked much better than the previous one, and didn't seem to have suffered any injuries.

"You were in Kushina to rescue the troops, what happened when you came back suddenly this time?" Third Hokage asked.

This Anbu ninja belongs to the Anbu troops led by Namikaze Minato to rescue Kushina after Kushina was taken away, led by Namikaze Minato.

It was really because of the sudden return of Kushina's rescue team that the large wave of invading ninjas withdrew. Otherwise, the battle would probably be delayed for a while, and the losses would be even greater, and by dawn, the villagers would definitely discover the battle , when the time comes, the situation will become chaotic, it is impossible to be like this now.

And this army is dedicated to rescuing Kushina, and the third Hokage who got all the news already knew that Kushina hadn't left the village, and the group of cloud ninjas who kidnapped Kushina turned back. The capture plan" is also completely false, and the "three safest escape routes" after "capturing Nine-Tails Jinchuriki" above are naturally also false. The Yunin who was killed by Yukina and Hirohiko was also deliberately done by Yunin, and even the third Hokage suspected that during this period of time, the sudden increase in task commissions was planned by Yunyin.

The purpose is to weaken Konoha's defense force and take advantage of the situation to invade.

Therefore, the Kushinai rescue force should have been following the three escape routes to know where the border is, and even crossed the Frost Kingdom and entered the Thunder Kingdom for a secret rescue. It is impossible to rush back before dawn.

Something must have happened to this.

"Hokage-sama, all of this is the order of the commander-in-chief Minato Namikaze. After searching for a while, the commander-in-chief noticed something was wrong, and found out that the "Nine-Tails Capture Plan" was a fake plan, and then ordered everyone to return to the village. And After returning to the village, the captain learned of the news that Master Kushina was found, and together with Master Huoma and Master Zhenshu, rushed to rescue Master Kushina." Anbu Ninja truthfully reported that he had been on the way all the way. Following behind Minato Namikaze, as his liaison officer, he could see every move of Minato Namikaze.

When reporting at this time, I had to marvel at Namikaze Minato's judgment, and even deeply admired his decisiveness.

In the situation at that time, Nine-Tails Jinchuriki was taken away by Kumo Shinobi, which was basically a problem between countries, and the nature of the task was already an S-level task. Moreover, Nine-Tails Jinchuriki is a deterrent force for the country and Ninja Village, how serious this matter is, and what kind of pressure he is carrying as the general manager.

If you fail, you may be the sinner of the village!

If it were me, I am afraid that even if I noticed something happened at that time, I would not be able to boldly order all the staff to return. At most, I would send a small team to report back.

However, Namikaze Minato is very sure to let everyone go back.

They've been tricked!

Namikaze Minato's bold decision can be said to be the greatest contribution. They all returned, which caused great pressure on the large number of ninjas who invaded at that time. The leader of the invading ninjas even ordered to retreat directly, reducing a lot of losses. .

After all, the strength of this wave of ninjas should not be underestimated due to the situation at the time. In addition, the news of the attack in the village came, and the people participating in the battle were somewhat impatient. many.

After hearing Anbu Ninja's narration, Sandai Hokage nodded silently, and he also felt Namikaze Minato's judgment and determination.

This kid Minato is getting better and better, Zirai has also taught him an amazing disciple! perhaps……

The Third Hokage closed his eyes slightly, then nodded, and said: "Okay, next, the village will enter a second-level alert state, and everyone who comes and goes will be checked and confirmed. Your rescue plan team will be turned into a spy. I suspect that the village There are still enemies."

"Yes! Hokage-sama!"

After responding, Anbu disappeared in a flash.

After Anbu Ninja left, Sandai Hokage sighed, with a slightly worried look on his face.

I wonder what happened to Kushina and Chiba? Why haven't you reported back yet!

Just now when he sent away the wounded Anbu, he ordered another Anbu to investigate the situation of Chiba and Kushina. He also knew about Tsunade's hemophobia. The situation was urgent, so he subconsciously thought of Tsunade. Her medical skills, but she forgot the hemphobia in her body.

"Alas..." Third Hokage walked a few steps, intending to go to the hospital to check the situation, but now he can't.

The village has just been attacked, everything has just ended, and the dust has not yet settled. As Hokage, he must take command from the center. Now he needs to stabilize the situation and rule out all possibilities of "being attacked after the war" to ensure real security.

Therefore, at this time, he could only press his anxious and worried mood to deal with affairs, but when he was free for a while, he became a little restless and worried about this matter.

"Hokage-sama! Kushina-sama has recovered from his injury, Chiba is also undergoing surgery, and everything is going smoothly!"

And at this moment, an Anbu ninja flashed to report.

"Kushina has recovered?" Third Hokage said happily, "Chiba is also undergoing surgery?"

"Yes, Chiba's operation was directed by Tsunade-sama, and Ms. Yuriko performed the operation." Anbu reported.


The Third Hokage let out a long sigh, Yuriko is also a very good medical ninja, and with Tsunade by her side, there should be no problem... It is fortunate that I can come up with such a compromise.

"Very well, you can step back, and come and tell me if there is any situation." Said the Third Hokage.

"Yes!" Anbu left in response.

At this moment, the door of Hokage's office was pushed open, and a ninja who was about the same age as the third Hokage walked in.

"Hi Zhan, that's why I said, you can't let Kushina be free like this, this incident is the best proof, you are too naive." The ninja said casually.

The Third Hokage glanced at him and said, "Danzo..."

This ninja is Danzo!

"Kushinna, as an important Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, should be placed under our management and under strict protection. Such a thing must never happen again." Danzo looked at Sandai Hokage, and his words could not be denied.

"Danzo... the matter has just ended now, and we should settle this matter now." Sandai Hokage said: "The matter of Kushina will be discussed later."

"Nichizane...don't be so naive." Danzo said, staring at Sandai Hokage without any ups and downs.

And at this time, two more people entered from outside the door, about the same age as the Third Hokage.

"Xiaochun, Menyan? You..." Third Hokage's eyes widened slightly, obviously very surprised.

And the two ninjas who walked in at this time, a man and a woman, were Konoha's advisers, and like himself, they were also disciples of the Second Hokage and his teammates.

Go to bed Koharu and Mitomonyan!

"Nichizane, such a serious matter happened, Nine-Tails Jinchuriki was almost taken away, I think we should listen to Danzo's plan carefully." Zhuanju Xiaochun said.

The Third Hokage looked at the three of them and frowned.

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