Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1695 Ask yourself


Under the boat in the hut filled with heat, in the boiling hot water, Kakashi leaned back gently and leaned against the tub.

This guy Qianye, really, is becoming more and more cunning, and he has fallen for him without a trace.

It is estimated that Asma, Leitong and Xuanjian should all be angry at this time.

At this time, in the hot water, Kakashi, who had unloaded all his fatigue, couldn't help showing a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Unexpectedly, Chiba would be lazy and play tricks.


It was as if he had discovered a new continent, but he never expected that a cultivator like him would sometimes think about being lazy.

It's really hard to imagine that the "son of the traitor" back then has become so popular now.

After the smile overflowed, Kakashi couldn't help recalling the first time he saw Chiba in his mind. At that time, he rescued Yukina who was still the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, and Chiba was injured all over.


All of this is what he deserves. It is his dedication to everyone that has gained so much love and welcome.

He is such a person, a guy who is worth everyone to pay for.

Then, thinking about the lake surface when he saw Chiba for the first time, Kakashi had such a thought in his heart.

I always feel that I admire this guy a little bit!

Then, after such a thought, the smile on the corner of Kakashi's mouth slowly added a bit of bitterness.

At this time, in his heart, the question that had faded away because he was far away from Qianye, or he no longer wanted to explore the answer, resurfaced in his heart.

Why, having lost so much, also experienced the cruelty of war, and faced the darkness of this world, Chiba can still face the pain with a positive attitude, with optimism and unremitting efforts, to face the pain.

As if, he was going to break through these darkness.

He wants to crush these pains!

"That guy is really... very strong!"

Then, thinking of this, Kakashi couldn't help but took a slight breath, sighed and murmured.

Is it really okay for me to go on like this?

Then, after the sigh, suddenly, or rather, by accident, such a question flashed in his mind.

At the same time, all kinds of things since entering Anbu flashed through my mind. Every day is a task, a task, and everything is task-centered. I basically don’t give myself any free time. Something related to the task to fill up the spare time.

I don’t communicate with people, and I’m even afraid of communicating. I close myself in my home and work, don’t think about it, and I’m afraid to think about things other than work.

Like this, is it really good?

Is this what you want?

Compared with Qianye, did he avoid too much, did he seem too fragile!

And a series of images flashed in his mind, and Kakashi couldn't help asking himself.

He has already realized that his behavior during this period is clearly evasion, fear, avoiding the sun, shivering in the dark, afraid of establishing contact with others, and afraid of losing this contact.

Compared with Chiba, he is indeed a bit fragile.

"What should I do?"

But as his thoughts scattered and he asked himself, Kakashi slowly closed his eyes, sighed faintly and murmured.


Then, amidst the soft sound of water, Kakashi gently slid into the hot water, and slowly dived down with all his confusion and doubts.


"In the end, I still can't hide it from you, kid!"

At this time, on the other side, Chiba and Hirohiko, who were about to chat, were picking up their teacups and preparing to drink tea, but there was a sudden sound behind them, so frightened that they almost dropped the teacups in their hands.

"Jiu... Teacher Jiushina? You... When did you..."

Then, after a while, Chiba and Hirohiko turned their heads stiffly, and looked at the red-haired woman who appeared behind them at some point.

"Well, let's start with Hirohiko saying you're lazy."

In this regard, Kushina did not let the two panicked teenagers finish their questions, and answered in advance.


Hearing this, Chiba and Hirohiko were both stunned. After looking at each other, they couldn't help swallowing.

"Don't worry, you've done a good job, especially you Chiba."

In this regard, looking at the silence of his two beloved disciples, Jiu Xinnai couldn't help laughing, touched the heads of the two, and said.

"Yes...thank you, Teacher Kushina..."

And hearing this sound, feeling the warmth of the top of the head instead of severe pain, Chiba and Hirohiko glanced at each other again, and replied cautiously.

"Just, Chiba, and Hirohiko, I want to ask you, what do you think of Kakashi's reaction?"

Listening to the disciple's answer, Kushina didn't get entangled in the question of Chiba's guessing her intentions before, but directly asked about Kakashi's situation.

As for Chiba and Hirohiko, when they heard Kushina's "just" at the beginning, they subconsciously shivered, and then they felt relieved when they heard the words of the inquiry later.

"I think there is still hope."

Then, after thinking for a while, Qianye hid the cautious look on her face, pondered for a while, and said.

"Well, Kakashi obviously blended in later, and seeing him, I'm quite happy."

Hirohiko also added.


And hearing the words of the two, Jiu Xinnai was obviously overjoyed, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"However, Mr. Kushina, I think that Kakashi was deeply injured. Just this time, it is impossible to get rid of it once and for all. This is a necessary process. We must integrate into his life. If possible, I hope Kakashi can participate more in the tasks of the engineering team. In this way, it is definitely good for Kakashi, we have started today, and we need to continue."

In this regard, Qianye did not report good news or bad news, but said truthfully.

"I know this. As long as you make a good start, you will get twice the result with half the effort. As long as you can untie Kakashi's knot, even if the process is difficult, it will be worth it."

Hearing this, Jiu Xinnai wasn't disappointed at all, and obviously thought about it.

"Well! Kakashi is our friend, and we can't ignore it."

At this time, Hirohiko also spoke.

"Then, I won't say much else. Now the kitchen needs manpower. Today's most important task has not been completed. You guys, you can't rest yet."

Hearing what Hirohiko said, Kushina looked at Chiba and then at Hirohiko, patted the shoulders of the two of them lightly, then stood up and said.

"Well, let's go, Teacher Kushina."

After hearing their teacher's words, Hirohiko and Chiba didn't hesitate, stood up directly, and followed their teacher to the kitchen.

There is no fireworks show, no temple fair, so this dinner can't be ambiguous!

There was a tacit understanding. After standing up, such a thought flashed through the hearts of Hirohiko and Chiba.

These two children, and Xue Nai, can be their teachers...

That's great!

At the same time, such a happy thought flashed across the heart of Jiu Xinnai who was walking in front, already filled with warmth.

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