Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1699 Is there anything I need?

"Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven... nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine... ten thousand!"

With the sound of a dull fist hitting the stake, Qianye frowned slowly and sighed.

It seems that ordinary physical training, even the highest standard weight-bearing props for the wearer, is useless at all.

It feels like I haven't been exercised at all.

After sighing, Qianye gently shook his hand, but a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Although he only punched 10,000 straight punches just now, he can still clearly feel that this kind of training is just a warm-up effect for his body, and has no effect of exercise.

That is to say, because he got up too early this morning, he trained on a whim, which once again proved that his current physical fitness cannot be improved by physical training alone.

Doing physical training is useless, and it is also a waste of time.

At the same time, this also made Chiba realize a bigger problem.

That is, his current physical fitness should have been stuck at a bottleneck, and exercise alone, or in other words, this level of exercise, can no longer be improved.

That is to say, his physical fitness may always maintain the current situation, and his most basic strength composition, the eight-door mode, is based on the eight-door dunjia, and the degree of opening the eight-door dunjia depends on his physical fitness. as the basis.

If his current physical fitness cannot afford a higher level of door opening, it is very likely that his strength will be permanently restricted because he cannot open a higher door in the eight-door mode.

Although, in the Nine-Tails Rebellion, his strength will definitely fall into a bottleneck, but in any case, no matter whether his fate changes or not, he will face the last enemy after all.

After all, now that Obito has become his pawn, in the end, he may face the second boss in the ninja world, Madara Uchiha, and even the final boss, Kaguya Otsutsuki, all by himself.

Now with this strength, it is impossible to face such an opponent.

Even, if fate changes, then maybe the ending he knows now will also change. Naruto and Sasuke may have different fates because he saved Namikaze Minato and Kushina, and Naruto may not even be able to become The son of prophecy, Sasuke may not have to bear the hatred of the family, that is to say, the two who ended Kaguya Otsuki may become the existence that cannot stop Kaguya Otsutsuki.

And when the time comes, the burden of facing Otsutsuki Kaguya will fall on him.

After all, if Otsutsuki Kaguya cannot stop it, then there is no need to do anything else, the world will be destroyed, or in other words, the entire ninja world will be destroyed, and no one will exist at all.


It seems that even after the Nine-Tails Rebellion, I still have to worry about my cultivation!

Thinking of this, Qianye couldn't help sighing, and rubbed her temples with a headache.

However, although he felt a headache, Qianye was not overly worried. Now that the eight-door mode has not recovered, it does not mean that his physical fitness cannot support higher-level doors. Moreover, as long as the eight-door mode can be restored now, he can cope with nine Tail chaos, it should not be impossible.

The most important thing right now is the night of the Nine Tails, everything else can be put aside.

Coupled with knowing that his strength will be stuck in the bottleneck, Chiba is also mentally prepared. From the time travel to the present, in terms of strength, he has also overcome countless difficulties. In his perception, these difficulties are not really difficulties, but similar to daily problems.

"Good morning, Chiba."

But at this time, his further thinking about restoring the Eight Gates mode was interrupted. He only heard a yawning greeting, and Kakashi in plain clothes came over.

"Good morning, Kakashi."

To this, Chiba responded with a greeting.

Greeting the new year together yesterday, Kakashi naturally lived here, and at this time, Hirohiko and Yukina seemed to be still asleep, when he woke up about an hour ago, seeing the appearance of Hirohiko and Yukina, I probably won't wake up until noon today.

This guy really is still that crazy cultivator in his bones. This early in the morning, the first thing he did when he woke up was training.

And Kakashi was woken up by the sound of Chiba's training. Seeing Chiba at this moment, he couldn't help but look at the newly erected wooden stake that had been smashed out of some depressions in the house, and his heart flashed. Such a thought.

By the way, this big wooden stake was erected by Kushina. It already existed when they came to this house. Chiba saw it and practiced it.

"I still have a task, I have to make preparations, so I will leave first."

After flashing such a thought, Kakashi didn't say much, but just said goodbye. He only had one day off in rotation, and he had a task for today.

"Oh, well, be careful on the road."

Regarding this, Chiba hurriedly said.

"This time it's a mission out of the village. Is there anything you need me to pay attention to?"

However, what Kakashi said next surprised Chiba, and Kakashi offered to help him.

"There is nothing specific. If possible, pay more attention to Yun Yin's movements, and Yan Yin."

However, Chiba was only surprised for a moment. He didn't refuse Kakashi's offer of help, but spoke directly.

"Really... I know, and I will try my best to help you pay attention to the things about Uchiha Nobuhiko. There are many people in Anbu who have tracked down his seniors."

In this regard, Kakashi nodded, did not stay long, left such a sentence, and hurried away.

"Well, thank you."

And watching Kakashi's leaving back, Chiba also confided softly.

Regarding Uchiha Nobuhiko's wanted arrest, let's let it go now.

And in his heart, he suppressed the matter that he and Kakashi mentioned yesterday.

Even if he has the mission autonomy, he can completely take Uchiha Nobuhiko's arrest on himself, and investigate and arrest Uchiha Nobuhiko by himself. He is now an independent ninja, with the same authority as Sannin, Oshemaru, Jiraiya, and Tsunade. Although this authority is not completely free, he still has to obey the dispatch of the village in case of emergency, but like In the current situation, he can completely choose the task based on his own wishes, and the arrest of Renren is also a matter of special importance to the village. Chiba's request is completely reasonable, and Namikaze Minato will not refuse even if he objects.

It's just that there are still many things to do for him now, and he can't get involved in the matter of Uchiha Nobuhiko.

Still need to wait for a while.

A long time.

Moreover, since Kakashi is willing to help now, putting this matter aside will not have any impact.

So, let's start a new training plan for Nine-Tails Night!

After deciding to let it go, Qianye took a slight breath, so he made a decision!

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