(Great addition for Yiqi!)

"Can't you ask one by one?" Kakashi's tone was quite helpless, and said: "You just woke up now, so don't worry about these things, and rest at ease."

However, before he finished speaking, Qianye's voice came again: "Well, can you help me up first? It's so uncomfortable to lie and talk like this, and I can't see anyone."

Kakashi glanced at Chiba lying on the bed with his eyeballs rolling around, and exchanged glances with Shiga Taketake and Kiuchi Taketo, sighed a long time, and said, "You don't intend to listen to people's words carefully anymore. right."

But having said that, Kakashi, Kiuchi Kento and Shiga Taketake helped Chiba up, put a pillow on him, and let him talk on the head of the bed.

Chiba's whole body was covered with thick plaster, and he looked quite bloated. After being straightened, he was straightened like a mummy made out of a coffin. The only thing better than the mummy was his head, which didn't suffer any injuries. , but not many bandages.

And Qianye, who was righting upright, frowned when he saw the three of them, and almost burst out laughing.

How badly the bandages were wrapped around these two!

At this time, Shiga Taketake and Kiuchi Kento looked like mummies with loose bandages, and even looked a little messy and bloated, especially the bandages on the top of their heads. Stacked together, tied from the chin, and tied a bow on the top of the head, it looks like COS Sakura!

Seeing Chiba's expression, Shiga Taketake and Kiuchi Taketo narrowed their eyes at the same time, then looked at Kakashi, Shiga Taketake said: "Kakashi..."

"What's wrong?" Kakashi didn't seem to notice, and was at a loss.

As for Kiuchi Taketo, he had walked silently to the side wall, supported the wall with one hand, and lowered his head facing the wall. A black shadow shrouded half of his body, with a back view of "life without love".

Qianye clearly read the three words "humiliating" from the back.

This is what Obito and Kakashi bandaged them before, and the hospital was understaffed, so they couldn't take care of them at all, so Kakashi and Obito did the changing of the bandages and dressings...


Seeing the expressions of Taketo Kiuchi and Taketake Shiga, Chiba coughed lightly, suppressed her smile, and asked Kakashi, "How long have I been in a coma?"

"Three days." Kakashi said with a sigh.

Chiba frowned, and said, "Where are Hirohiko and Xue Nai? Are they okay? Are the injuries still not healed?"

"They're fine, but they still need to be hospitalized for a while." Kakashi was also covered in bandages at this time, but because Lin bandaged it herself, he looked much better. As for things like changing dressings and bandages, it was done by Shiga Taketake and Kiuchi Taketo, and the skills of these two people were obviously similar to Lin's. It was also changed according to Lin's dressing method.

"Look at your appearance...the forbidden surgery room and the hospital were attacked?" Chiba asked again.

"Yeah." Kakashi nodded, and said: "But it was blocked anyway, Xue Ying was seriously injured, and now he is in the double ward a few rooms away from him, and he woke up yesterday with Hirohiko. Obito is over there Look, now the hospital is short of manpower, so we stayed."

Have they been taking care of us?

Chiba looked at Kakashi who was half-closed, Taketo Kiuchi who continued to maintain the "humiliating" posture, and Takeshi Shiga who walked up to Taketo Kiuchi and patted him on the shoulder.

Qianye saw a feeling of "relief" from their actions, and estimated that before she woke up, one of their hearts was hanging.

"Where is Xue Nai?" Chiba thought of something and asked, "Isn't she in the same ward as Hirohiko?"

Do you want to tell him about Xue Nai's blood transfusion?

Kakashi came up with such an idea, but said on his mouth: "Xue Nai has changed to another ward, and she is fine now, resting."

Kakashi subconsciously concealed the part about the blood transfusion. Although he didn't know why he concealed it, he always felt that the matter of blood transfusion should only be discussed with Xue Nai's consent.

Change wards?

Chiba was slightly taken aback.

Okay, why change wards?

However, this thought just passed by, Qianye didn't think much about it, and after the thought passed, Qianye asked again: "Can you tell me what happened in the village?"

Kakashi looked at Chiba, sighed slightly, showing an expression of "I really want to know", and said: "When the forbidden surgery room and the hospital were attacked, the village was attacked by a group of unknown ninjas. I was dragged there. Later, Teacher Minato led the team back, and the unknown ninjas retreated. Because of the attack of these unknown ninjas, neither the forbidden surgery room nor the hospital received support. However, as I told you just now, we blocked it. Yes. And the Anbu ninjas sent to support you have been killed by a group of Yanyin. However, Yanyin was also beheaded by Minato-sensei who received the news."

Speaking of this, Kakashi couldn't help thinking: If Chiba hadn't seen the clues and made arrangements for both the forbidden surgery room and the hospital, the consequences would have been disastrous! The forbidden surgery room will not ask Master Shinsuke to guard it. Although there is protection, it is estimated that it will not be able to stop Xueying, Shiga and Kento from being injured into such a ninja. According to Shiga, the ninja killed two people almost instantly. A ninja of the Hyuga clan who is an elite middle-class ninja. If Master Shinsuke hadn't been in charge, the forbidden surgery room would have fallen. As for the hospital, the intruder ninja could sneak in so easily and pretend to be Miss Yuriko. If we weren't there, Hirohiko and Xue Nai would be gone too!

It can be said that Chiba contributed a lot this time.

At this time, Qianye was also surprised when he heard the words.

And so much has happened! No wonder the support has been delayed!

Iwagakure... Cloud Ninja... The Land of Earth and the Land of Thunder, and the unknown ninja troops... who can hold back Konoha's guard troops and Anbu, should also be the ninja troops of the Great Ninja Village.

It's just that I don't know if it's the Thunder Country's backer, another plan of the Earth Country, or the participation of a third country.

I don't know if this is Yeyuebi's trick, or Yan Yin used Yeyuebi...

A series of thoughts passed through Chiba's mind, and finally converged into one.

It is certain that the balance and peace treaty between the great powers have begun to break, and the third Ninja World War is coming.

At this moment, Kakashi also asked: "How did you find Mr. Kushina? When Minato-sensei rescued you and Mr. Kushina, you were also seriously injured. You should have found the one who kidnapped Kushina." Teacher Xinnai's people."

Hearing Kakashi's question, Shiga Taketake and Kiuchi Kento also looked over, obviously curious.

"Actually, I didn't discover the trail of Mr. Kushina, but the Anbu ninja who was guarding one place." Chiba said: "I just followed that Anbe ninja."

At that time, after Chiba left from the telegraph pole, he was thinking about the fourth possibility, which was "one person takes Kushina away, and two people attack the forbidden surgery room and the hospital respectively". At that time, he thought it was impossible, because if one person took Jiushina away, the person who took Jiushina away didn't have to turn back at all.

But after thinking about it later, this is also very possible. First, they left one person to block the path that Xue Nai and Hirohiko took after that. It should be the escape route on the false information they made. If one person followed this path at that time , is very likely to be found by Konoha's pursuit force who got false information. After all, taking a person with you will slow down the itinerary. So, simply turn back together, wait for the pursuit and rescue troops to set off, and follow them, so that the pursuit troops will be in front and he will be behind, and he will definitely not be able to find him.

Nine-tailed Jinzhuli is so important, these pursuit and rescue troops will definitely not turn back halfway, he can even follow the road to his own country, which will be much more convenient at that time.

Second, they might have acted according to one of the previous "three possibilities", but something happened and they had to transfer Kushina away first, which became the fourth possibility.

At that time, what Chiba arranged for herself was to guard against the possibility that this person would take Nine-Tails Jinchuriki away first.

As for how he found Ye Yuebi, in fact, he thought of two possible routes, one is the route they took before, that is, the escape route that Xue Nai and Hirohiko took when they were separated, and now the chasing troops have already attacked , it is better to go this way.

There is another one, that is Chiba's own hometown. When he rescued Xue Nai, the route that Iwagakushi Kamichi took. Since that Iwagakushi Kamichi came to kidnap Xue Nai at that time, he must have made a careful plan. , following this route may be a shortcut to leave Muye Village, and it is not impossible for my cabin to be inaccessible and on the edge of the village.

As for why these cloud ninjas knew, Qianye didn't think about it, but felt that there was such a possibility, so he had to confirm and stop it.

At that time, he separated the shadow clone, and went to the area of ​​the house by himself, and the shadow clone was the escape route of those cloud ninjas before going there.

As for the route that Yun Ren took before, Chiba learned from Hirohiko's narrative.

In the end, before walking a few steps, he found Anbu sent a message with a psychic beast, and then chased after his cabin. Chiba quickly confirmed that the route that Yanyin used before was the one that kidnapped Jiu. Shinnai's cloud ninja escape route.

Therefore, he took the first step and went to ambush first.

Of course, the shadow clone that went to another route was not released. It was not until he completely exhausted the chakra that the shadow clone was released. Take the second ration pill and open the wound door.

Kakashi, who heard Chiba's words, nodded slightly, exhaled, and said: "However, now that the dust has settled, the village has stabilized, and the defense forces and Anbu who fought the unknown ninja have also been treated. And they have all returned to the village in secret, according to the orders of the Third Hokage, we must keep this matter a secret."

Afraid of causing panic? The third Hokage should have already started pre-war preparations...

Qianye thought in her heart, nodded, and said, "I know, do the others know too?"

"Some staff, including the hospital, already knew about the secrecy order," Kakashi said.

This order was passed on through Anbu, and all those who knew it had already received the order. Kakashi had received the news three days ago from his teacher, Nami Feng Shui, at the door.

At this moment, Shiga Taketake looked at Chiba with a faint sadness in his eyes.

Sure enough, Qianye is very thoughtful... He is treating himself as insurance, and I can't compare to him.

Kiuchi Taketo on the side also asked himself.

If it were me, would I go to ambush after knowing that Anbu had gone after him? Do I have the courage to face an invading ninja who can hide from so many great ninjas in the village?

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